The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.
Sparkyx that’s right.
I always thought size queen just meant a women who REALLY loves big dick…and really doesn’t bother with anything less…or at least get off on it.
Yeah, that’s pretty much it. They like ‘em big, the bigger the better. Luckily for me, mine fell in love with me and was willing to work around the small penis. Hence my goal of 7” girth for her.
I think I’m in the “cool, let’s try it and see if it works” category as given by my propensity not to continue as often as I should. In the last case a back injury flareup actually made PE painful so that was my last break.
I fully support the right of women to be size queens. Men have been forcing our desires onto women for nearly all of literate history (some can argue there has yet to exist a society with true gender equality in political and economic spheres, althought I’d like to think we are getting closer). Of course, maybe a part of me wants the chick to dominate me and tell me how she wants it and take it……maybe I’ll keep that to myself :)
6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG
Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL
I say 6.5” is best, until she gives birth. Then you might consider 7” girth because she will loosed up even more. That’s my only drawback when thinking about 7” girth, you have limited sex partners due to your size. Some are scared and those who aren’t are probably not girlfriend material. What do you all think?
I think you are out of your mind.
Either that or you’re sexually inexperienced. I don’t know. I don’t know you.
Considering that the average girth of the erect human penis hovers somewhere between 4.95” & 5” I’ve got to wonder what the hell you are thinking.
At 5.5” in girth you can wear Magnums. It’s a fat dick. At 6.25” you can wear XL Magnums; it’s a very fat dick.
If you go past this size you have an enormously fat dick. Your stated base-line 6.5” dick is one that very few porn stars can claim, let alone normal civilians.
Can women accommodate it? Yeah. Over time a woman can become accustomed to extremely large objects. Will most prefer it? If they really like you or if they have a fetish, sure - on average not so much.
A 7” girth for a human male is a specialty penis. It is highly unusual. Rarely does it occur in nature. Even after a lot of work PEing very few have this size.
‘Bigger is better’ only goes so far in the real world of sex.
My advice: put the porno away for a while and start dating real people.
Oh yeah, and give spell-check a whirl whenever you post; it’s free, takes two seconds and helps with both careless mistakes and/or ignorance of the English language. :leftie:
Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.
After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.
God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:
I think you are out of your mind.Either that or you’re sexually inexperienced. I don’t know. I don’t know you.
Considering that the average girth of the erect human penis hovers somewhere between 4.95” & 5” I’ve got to wonder what the hell you are thinking.
At 5.5” in girth you can wear Magnums. It’s a fat dick. At 6.25” you can wear XL Magnums; it’s a very fat dick.
If you go past this size you have an enormously fat dick. Your stated base-line 6.5” dick is one that very few porn stars can claim, let alone normal civilians.
Can women accommodate it? Yeah. Over time a woman can become accustomed to extremely large objects. Will most prefer it? If they really like you or if they have a fetish, sure - on average not so much.
A 7” girth for a human male is a specialty penis. It is highly unusual. Rarely does it occur in nature. Even after a lot of work PEing very few have this size.
‘Bigger is better’ only goes so far in the real world of sex.
My advice: put the porno away for a while and start dating real people.
Oh yeah, and give spell-check a whirl whenever you post; it’s free, takes two seconds and helps with both careless mistakes and/or ignorance of the English language. :leftie:
Great post Mr. Happy. I’ve watched enough porn(and still do) to safely say that there are VERY few pornstars in the 6.5”+ range. Those 1/4” jumps after that are rare and make a huge difference in size, even if it doesn’t seem significant on paper. Hell, I’ve looked through a ton of the galleries at LPSG just to see what types of sizes these guys are posting, and not very many of those are a true 6.5”+ that a lot of them try to say they are.
On a personal note, I’m all about achieving the 7”+ girth size. I see new pornstar Shorty Mac as the person I should be trying to rival in terms of girth(he has a true 8-9” girth). Yeup, I’m what you would call mentally delusional.
We are from two worlds. I am african-american and you are , not don’t really know. African american women are more accustomed to a bigger penis. They don’t run in fear most of the time when they see a big penis. Maybe my assumption of 7” girth was a stretch but 6.5 isn’t THAT big. With the right amount of lube a woman can easily grow to accommodate the size of a penis. Assuming you’re in a committed relationship. I’m NOT talking about single guys with just a girlfriend. Why do you stress 6” girth so much. I have 6” girth and its not as thick as you make it out to be. I mean for virgins and all it ok but for sexually experienced women its not as good. What I believe is that there are more big penis’ in our race. Me being the black guy and all I am expected to have more so what am I gonna do? Get more. Say what you want but I don’t exactly get surprising reactions when my penis is seen by a girl. It’s not a good feeling when you’re on the football team and everyone just about has a bulge down there except you. Black girls have different perspectives about a big penis. They are game to take on more than they can handle at the time while others might not. I can’t say what other women may or may not like but I can speak from those that I am most experienced with. I’m not saying all of them aare but in general. We are obviously from 2 different sides of the street so you stay on yours and I will stay on mine. You can’t tell me otherwise as I am speaking from experience and from what the girls I hear talk about. To be Frank I think the average talk is bull as I don’t believe in all statistics. You will learn not to rely on them someday. Do you really believe that to obtain stats that those people actually get EVERYONE in the world and measure them and say this is average. It’s just a bunch of numbers gathered from a selected few. No matter how much you believe in them they are just biased. You can take 50 people and measure all of their penis’ and come up with an average and say that’s the world average. As an african-american man I get so tired of girls asking me if my penis is big, if not they don’t wanna talk anymore. I am surrounded by people with big penis’. That’s bull because its only 50 people. Do you purposely pick debates on my comments? Sorry had to post twice my edit time ran out.
sed26, I think some of these guys are just saying things for themselves to read and hear.
This nonsense about girth size and what women can take is absurd.
I’m not going to continue to beat a dead horse though.
I have real world experience with lots of women and they all have enjoyed the large girth and they were turned on just by looking at it.
THAT is the best feeling in the world when a woman tells you how big it is and you see that gleem in her eye.
That my friend is PRICELESS!
Heh priceless is the topic? How about a girl, OK not one.hehehhee. Ok not even two, I mean many, say:
Oh shit, my god, holy fuck, that was the, oh Jesus, holy flying fuck, wow that was, Jesus!
Now that is priceless!
From a 5.5 to a 5.9 girth (this happened in my teenage years when I was still growing naturally and I had sex with many girls who were above my age group). None of them gave me any specific looks before hand, but you can bet your last dollar they would all still do me (and have asked to in the mean time). You guys need to lighten up, for real.
Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.
Nope, the truth is all women prefer a 4.5 inch penis with a 4 inch girth. We actually hate them and want them to feel bad. Hence the true reason we do PE.
Actually, although I’m supposedly now slightly “above average” (yeah right) in length and average to slightly below average in girth now I don’t remember any woman in my life being excited by the appearance or the feel of my little pecker. Getting it wet was simply the reward I got for giving them lots of happiness by other means.
Gotta admit though, when I was that small I got some damn good blowjobs and only got teeth from one woman, err girl - we were kind of young then.
However, only one woman ever said it felt big, and only one ever felt tight (yeah the same one). But she’d been with only one other man and apparently was adapted to his tiny penis which was sadly for him even smaller than mine.
I have learned and decided that yes indeed, bigger is better. 7”+ on length and 6.5-7” in girth may be an impossiblity to me but I’m going for it. Hell, I’m 37, almost 38 years old. I know my wife can take that and if for some reason we don’t end up together forever, I can’t imagine any woman about my age that I may be interested in NOT having the experience behind her to be able to handle that…if I even get there.
Although, one I talk to a lot and would be interested in in the unlikely event that we both were single again did tell me that she would be afraid to have sex with someone like me based on my big feet and big nose (ahh, the myths of penis size). And no we weren’t sparking at the time, just old close friends cutting up a bit.
Hmmm, I wonder if the nose and feet myth are the reason I’ve always hooked up with women that like bigger men?
I say 6.5” is best, until she gives birth. Then you might consider 7” girth because she will loosed up even more.
That’s just incorrect. My wife has given birth to four children, and she has not “loosed up” at all. Before PE I had a girth of 4.7” and I have always been able to give her orgasms.
All I’m going to say is this, if you were born with a natural girth of 5.5” or larger, consider yourself lucky because you are above average in girth. And if any female tells you that you are small/not thick/thin she is fucking with you.
This thread fails. Everyone in here is letting thier insecurites deal with thier posts.
I’m not saying I’m big, as I am quite small, however, in terms of sex with women, if they had a choice to pick you with 4.5 inches of girth, 5 inches of girth, or 5.5-6 inches girth, I’m pretty sure they would take the 5.5+ inch range.
My final answer for this thread is that there is no generalization of what women want. It’s all in their personal preferences. This debate can go on forever. Different women like different sizes so it all depends on what kind of woman we’re talking about. If its an inexperienced woman she might like smaller and if its and experienced woman she might like bigger. But there aren’t any specifications here, so any answer is the right answer. Their are different deciding factors such as are we talking about size queens, scared of sex women, those that are not so size driven, monogamists, even race, or whatever else there is. We obviously are talking about different types of women which is why we can’t compromise.
My final answer for this thread is that there is no generalization of what women want. It’s all in their personal preferences.
This is very true.
Add to this statement that women, as rule, are less interested in the mechanics of sex than men. So size, while important in terms of a basic functionality, is not as important to them overall.
We are from two worlds.
Whenever I read stuff like that the smart-ass in me wants to reply "Yeah, I’m from the real world." However, I do know what you are trying to say, and I feel it’s important to show you respect. In truth, both worlds are real. So I’m going to try to respond thoughtfully to your post and see where that leads us. Maybe we’ll both learn something.
As a forum is about the sharing of ideas and knowledge I’ll share my insight into your post regarding the race issue. For the record I’m a skinny, white Italian American, not that it matters that much.
African American women are more accustomed to a bigger penis. They don’t run in fear most of the time when they see a big penis.
My personal experience with women of color, from the ones I’ve been with and the one’s I’ve observed (I live in New York City) is that they are more vocal about their wants and needs and tend to be more aggressive. Many seem to feel that they are more of a woman if they can handle a big man - in every sense of the word. They also like to talk big. This is not a scientific observation, but an anecdotal one: it’s just been my experience and my observation. From the sound of it your experience is not so different from mine on this point.
Maybe my assumption of 7" girth was a stretch but 6.5 isn’t THAT big.
This is simply not true.
The girth of an average human penis - regardless of race - is between 4.75" & 5." While there has not been any particularly irrefutable study on penis size if you look at the aggregate of many studies (Lifestyles, Durex, etc.), there is a basic pattern that emerges and reveals itself. I’ll refer you to this these links to get you started:
~ Penis circumference
~ Penis circumference percentile
With the right amount of lube a woman can easily grow to accommodate the size of a penis.
I don’t know about ‘easily’ - I think that depends on the woman, but it is true that the vagina is elastic and that over time a woman can stretch to accommodate larger objects. If it couldn’t birth would not be possible.
With regard to sex, some women might like this stretching more than others. I think each woman will have her personal preference as to what is pleasurable and desirable, and different folks have different thresholds for pain.
I have 6" girth and its not as thick as you make it out to be. I mean for virgins and all it ok but for sexually experienced women its not as good.
I’m not sure what you mean.
In objective realm of objects a tube with a 6" circumference is not that big, if we are comparing it to objects in general. However in realm of penises and vaginal openings such a circumference is indeed quite large. For the record you are in the 98th percentile of all human penises with such a girth. You can probably wear XL Magnums - which is the largest commercial production condom on the market. Get to 6.5" or above and you’ll have to buy custom.
The difference between 6" and 6.5" in general is a measly 1/2", but in terms of the penis and vagina it is a very big difference indeed. When I began PE the woman I was with at the time noticed a 1/4" gain without my saying anything.
What I believe is that there are more big penis’ in our race. Me being the black guy and all I am expected to have more so what am I gonna do? Get more.
Sounds like you feel the pressure to measure up to the Mandingo standard.
Say what you want but I don’t exactly get surprising reactions when my penis is seen by a girl.
I’ve been with some women who have huge DD cup breasts. When they took of their shirts I didn’t gasp or freak out.
Often when you’re with someone you have no real idea what their internal reaction is - particularly with regard to sex. There is so much going on in terms of our physiological and emotional responses.
And their is also a desire to play it cool while we get down to business. After all, no one wants to seem inexperienced or naive. Am I wrong?
If you’re looking for a woman to be AMAZED at your cock you could be PEing for a long, long time and never achieve that result.
It’s not a good feeling when you’re on the football team and everyone just about has a bulge down there except you.
It is very common to underestimate yourself in relation to others, particularly on this subject. There’s also the fact that a penis can grow anywhere from 1.5 times it’s size to 5 times it’s size; ‘show-ers’ and ‘grow-ers’.
And some people stuff their jocks. :leftie:
Black girls have different perspectives about a big penis. They are game to take on more than they can handle at the time while others might not. I can’t say what other women may or may not like but I can speak from those that I am most experienced with. I’m not saying all of them are but in general.
Like I said before, on this point our experiences are not so different.
But be aware that by being unimpressed and talking trash about a big dick is a way to assert control and dominance. It does seem like black women learn this early and are unafraid to play this card - but just cause they say it doesn’t make it true.
We are obviously from 2 different sides of the street so you stay on yours and I will stay on mine. You can’t tell me otherwise {…}
Why be in a forum then? If your mind is made up and can’t be changed, what’s the point of discussion?
I can tell you otherwise: I just did. Whether you think it over or not is up to you. :leftie:
To be Frank I think the average talk is bull as I don’t believe in all statistics. You will learn not to rely on them someday. Do you really believe that to obtain stats that those people actually get EVERYONE in the world and measure them and say this is average. It’s just a bunch of numbers gathered from a selected few. No matter how much you believe in them they are just biased. You can take 50 people and measure all of their penis’ and come up with an average and say that’s the world average.
I’d agree that statistics are not infallible, and they certainly can be manipulated. It’s also true that a study of only 50 people is not really of any value. A study of 1,000 is a more reliable cross section. I think Lifestyles was 3,100 I can’t remember.
When you bump the numbers up into the thousands you start to see a more reliable picture.
And there is a lot to be learned from statistics. Used properly they have helped to flesh out our understanding on a wide range of subjects and are a cornerstone of scientific analysis.
As an African-American man I get so tired of girls asking me if my penis is big, if not they don’t wanna talk
That sounds like it sucks. I’m thinking you need to talk to other women. If the ones you’re talking to now are like that they are not worth your time. They’re playing in the shallow end of the pool of personality. To hell with them.
A final thought about penis size and race. I am currently seeing a woman who had many black boyfriends in the 70s and 80’s and participated in many romps in the Studio 54 days of New York. Her experience is that the difference between black and white is basically nil overall. I also have an ex who is a surgeon and in her career as a doctor has seen literally thousands of penises. Her findings agree with my current lady’s: racial differences are mostly about color, not size.
Black men have a slight greater tendency to be ‘showers’ rather than ‘growers’ but even that is not statistically significant as to be definitive.
Perhaps all your guy friends are large. That could just be the luck of the draw.
Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.
After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.
God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:
Good Going, Mr. Happy. Your analysis is commendable. After almost 35 years of marriage, I don’t know how or have time to respond to Rufstuf’s post, post #57. I feel I know my way around the bedroom and I feel I know my wife on every level of her life including the all important physical/sexual level. If you care to dissect that post, I would appreciate your analytical skills. Thanks man.