Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Painful Sex for my Sweetie: Why Do You And I Want To Be Seven Inches in Girth?

I would also add this question. Are you PEing for her, or for yourself? I do it for myself. If my wife complains, I’ll invest in more lub and work on more foreplay. Eventually, she will stretch to accommodate my new size. I have hurt my wife with my length, so I learned not to thrust deeply in missionary. My girth causes teeth issues, and anal is out of the question now, but it is worth it to me.

That’s an interesting post, Hugh. I guess the guy who injected his dick with silicon until it had a 20” girth or whatever was also doing it for himself.

Myself, I use my dick for sex and it has to remain useful for this purpose. Maybe I’m just abnormal.

If it’s about the size of the dick rather than what the dick is used for, does this not qualify as a fetish?

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by sed26
The only time you’d experience teeth is if the girl has a small mouth. I’ve seen larger girth than that get blow-jobs in porn.

Originally Posted by iamaru
I’ve got a flashlight sitting next to my computer, just tried to fit the thing in my mouth. Almost dislocated my jaw, but I could, barley, fit the thing in. I don’t have a big mouth, but still! Measured the thing and its only 6” around! Hold on, brb. Alright, just tried a few others. At 6.75” girth I can get just the first ½” of an ezy-off cooking spray can into my mouth, then it jams into my teeth.

iamaru - What difference have your gains made? Input from the ladies would be great!

The whole thread is worth a look, but especially check out where, starting on page 4, bigblackstick, DW, and I experiment with various household objects to see what we can fit in our mouths!

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Mravg. Wisdom in action. Thanks man. I really have gotten to right at six in girth as far as permanency is concerned. I was just engourged yesterday after that workout. Someone asked who I am p eing for and selfishly its for her and for me. A good friend on this website had made great gains in girth. He says he is wearing his wifes vagina like a glove in sex. I want that. Besides, he say his wifes orgasms have intensified because of his new size. I want that too. In being brutally honest, there is a tremendous boost to my male ego when after a good workout, I get an erection and it is up to six and a quarter in girth. It is sheer pleasure to hold such a pecker in my hand. It is exhilirating. All this has propelled me on to want to be bigger. But mravg is correct. With a new size comes new techniques to assure the comfort and enjoyment of our wives. I sure learned that the hard way yesterday in more than one sense of the word.

Nice link iamaru.

I think it would be a great idea for any straight guy to try something of the circumference they want to be in their own mouth and maybe check out anal insertion if they are the experimental type. Maybe even go out and buy a dildo for a more realistic idea.

The really obvious thing to do would be to get a dick moulding kit and take a mould of your dick as it is now. Then experiment with that. It might make you feel differently about the size you are at now.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I think you should carry on doing your PE, perhaps at a less intense level and explain to your wife this is something you are doing for you. Like other members said she will stretch to accommodate eventually and with a bigger penis you can bring more pleasure and do more sexual positions which is only a good thing.

Bro, 7 inches of girth is unreal. I don’t think very many people want that. At 7in. You can say good bye to oral, anal, heck in vaginal. That’s like a soup can.

How big are soup cans in Cali? I think you’re getting short changed.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by thinktank
Yesterday was an upsetting day in my PE history. I had popped some V to help with controlled erect bends and to get the maximum engourgement. After a good workout, I measured with about an 80% erection and was elated: Six and an eighth midshaft and six and a quarter at my base. I was as horny as a goat and mentioned it to my sweet wife who suggested we have a quickie. “This one’s for you.” Her response aroused me greatly and after lubing up, I had a wonderful time and assumed all was well. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. I could tell that her vaginal walls felt tight around my pecker but I attributed that to no foreplay, romance or good arousal for her. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Cleaning up, she said some words that floored me. “You have got to stop that dick exercise stuff. You hurt me like our honeymoon night. You are too big and I’m bleeding.” Boy did I feel like a heel apologizing to her and comforting her. I was personally baffled. This is not how this is supposed to work I thought to myself. I really want to be seven inches in girth was another thought.

Retracing that time in the sack, I could have been as much as six and a quarter mid shaft and six and a half at my base given a very good viagra erection and good arousal. Our lovemaking wasn’t rough. Thirty five years of marriage has taught me something.

So I present my quandary to you. Why do we think seven inches and greater is the gold standard for really being hung in girth? Are there really women out there who appreciate that kind of girth. For me, in a committed, monogamous relationship I have got to rethink everything about my goals. I have alot of work to do communicating with my wife on this man thing in my head about wanting a bigger dick. Above all, I know that quickies in an engourged state with no foreplay are out.

Any advice for me here? Any thought on why we think seven inches and above in girth is better than six inches? Have we abandoned what is generally best for our wives and partners in pursuit of wanting to be king of the hill?

I have a 7 plus inch girth and most women LOVE it.

Originally Posted by thinktank
Yesterday was an upsetting day in my PE history. I had popped some V to help with controlled erect bends and to get the maximum engourgement. After a good workout, I measured with about an 80% erection and was elated: Six and an eighth midshaft and six and a quarter at my base. I was as horny as a goat and mentioned it to my sweet wife who suggested we have a quickie. “This one’s for you.” Her response aroused me greatly and after lubing up, I had a wonderful time and assumed all was well. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. I could tell that her vaginal walls felt tight around my pecker but I attributed that to no foreplay, romance or good arousal for her. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Cleaning up, she said some words that floored me. “You have got to stop that dick exercise stuff. You hurt me like our honeymoon night. You are too big and I’m bleeding.” Boy did I feel like a heel apologizing to her and comforting her. I was personally baffled. This is not how this is supposed to work I thought to myself. I really want to be seven inches in girth was another thought.

Retracing that time in the sack, I could have been as much as six and a quarter mid shaft and six and a half at my base given a very good viagra erection and good arousal. Our lovemaking wasn’t rough. Thirty five years of marriage has taught me something.

So I present my quandary to you. Why do we think seven inches and greater is the gold standard for really being hung in girth? Are there really women out there who appreciate that kind of girth. For me, in a committed, monogamous relationship I have got to rethink everything about my goals. I have alot of work to do communicating with my wife on this man thing in my head about wanting a bigger dick. Above all, I know that quickies in an engourged state with no foreplay are out.

Any advice for me here? Any thought on why we think seven inches and above in girth is better than six inches? Have we abandoned what is generally best for our wives and partners in pursuit of wanting to be king of the hill?

Look lots of guys put all kinds of things on their “penis wish list”…doesn’t mean they can or will get it. I don’t know of more than one or two guys with that kind of girth…most dream of six inches, and few get there.

Obviously when you find a routine that is producing results, the next step is to see how it effects your gal…especially a wife.

I really suspect if you don’t try and get any bigger, and give her a couple weeks with your current girth, she will adapt to it and enjoy it safely…very much. Just a case of you growing a little too fast for her ability to keep up with you, but she definitely can.

After things settle down, and she can comfortably take your girth again…then if you still want more size, I think it should be a decision that you make together…and if she doesn’t want it, then you should probably get another hobby other than making your dick bigger. I know, how about using it on her more often, make up in frequency what you give up in size!!! :)

By the way…great gains!

I just want big enough girth to wear magunms. 7 inche girth is a circus penis.

"Well, people from Tennessee are generaly good at whatever it is they do even though they usually have no clue what they're doing."


Originally Posted by Dino9X7
She would adjust and you may need some foreplay.

I don’t think that’s always the case. From looking carefully at what has been reported here at Thunder’s as well as at LPSG, I see a fair number of reports of female partners who just can’t accomodate much more than 6”, even given time and all the other techniques that are frequently suggested. Sometimes they say that the female partner can adjust only if she has sex or uses vaginal dialators frequently, and if she skips even a few days or at most a week, intercourse becomes problematic again until she spends several days getting stretched back, so the range of stretch can be really limited and temporary.

It looks to me like there is a significant incidence of women with smaller and/or less flexible vaginas, to whom the conventional wisdom about accomodating girth does not apply. This can result in some pretty difficult situations, several of which are well documented at LPSG, including one guy who had been married for several decades and appears to have triend everything with a fairly accomodating female partner.


Starting, summer '06: 6" EL, 6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG / Currently: Approximately .4" length and .25" girth gains / Stretched ligs .5" - .6", increasing PBFL and flacid hang

Goal: 7.25" BPEL x 5.75" EG, currently over HALF WAY THERE! on length and ACHIEVED GIRTH!

Piercings: 4 Gauge PA (currently not wearing), Two 4 Gauge upper frenums, other non-genital

Originally Posted by FrenumFellow
I don’t think that’s always the case. From looking carefully at what has been reported here at Thunder’s as well as at LPSG, I see a fair number of reports of female partners who just can’t accomodate much more than 6”, even given time and all the other techniques that are frequently suggested. Sometimes they say that the female partner can adjust only if she has sex or uses vaginal dialators frequently, and if she skips even a few days or at most a week, intercourse becomes problematic again until she spends several days getting stretched back, so the range of stretch can be really limited and temporary.

It looks to me like there is a significant incidence of women with smaller and/or less flexible vaginas, to whom the conventional wisdom about accomodating girth does not apply. This can result in some pretty difficult situations, several of which are well documented at LPSG, including one guy who had been married for several decades and appears to have triend everything with a fairly accomodating female partner.


I had a girl I was seeing that could hardly handle my size I had to be so careful and it took a while and after several months she could pretty much take it and after 6 months I could slam her like a jack hammer but still had to watch the really deep thrusts. All the girls I have known have adjusted but most have reported being sore the next day and some have reported a little blood after but that is usually right before a period and the amount of sex and hard sex we had. I totally believe what your saying I’m sure some chicks are just tiny. It’s sort of like blow jobs at 6.5 girth I still get them more than ever because it’s eye candy and a chick that likes to give head will just find a way and a chick that doesn’t will find an excuse.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by large4life
The trick is to have a cone-shaped dick. That way, you can ease it in there gradually.


Cone-shaped (tree-trunk shaped) is what I have. Thus, even though I’ve gained quite a bit of girth on my dick, it’s been mostly on the lower half of my shaft, and blowjobs are still a reality with the Mrs. along with slow/lubed intercourse.

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap


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