Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Passing it on

Originally Posted by PatientlyGrowin
I think what holds every man back is Fear. Fear in anything. Fear sucks a lot, I mean really it is totally a depressing downer emotion. I am not looking to have a bunch of people follow a trend here saying “The only thing to fear is fear itself” lol, but I mean really I think your right. Honestly this may be judgmental a little but what could possibly be your reasoning for not telling your son of PE other than fear? Fear he might injure himself doing it wrong? Fear he may judge you for having insecurities? ( I mean come on don’t most kids early on think their dad is superman? I know I did for a really long time ) Fear he may tell on you? Fear that you might create an unwanted Fear in his head? ( Look at your genetics and the mothers genetics if your packing a small unit and her dad or brothers have small ones it is a chance your son will too right? So it is possible he would get the fear of not trying with the ladies because he is small ) Or fear that your son becomes a porn star/man whore and bangs all the girls in his high school because he did PE and grew a huge cock? I suppose I am biased to telling my son because I have made up my mind because I know that I have anxiety issues with size and I don’t want him to have that ( there is a cure it is called PE and it takes patience son ). But I am certainly not going to fear the results of what would happen, sure something could go wrong but in the long run I see it as a positive thing to pass on, just like fitness, just like eating healthy, just like having a hard work ethic, just like being supportive to those in need, just like teaching him to always try. I mean I really just don’t see what is so bad about telling your son about PE, if you have told your wife about PE and she is cool with it then in theory are you not actually obligated to tell your son because you have told the Mother of that child and she knows now how to make her son into a man that is more appealing to almost everyone woman in the world? Not saying that she would want her son to be a man whore either but I think that everyone woman at least hopes her son is strong and manly right? I mean it is nature after all.

F… fear. Theres really too much of it in the world today, one thing I have learned to do the last couple of years is to not take every god damn thing so seriously.
Within that lies fear, and I believe it’s all ego based. Lets face it we all have the right to live and we are all gonna die so why have all this nonsense fears?
I will do my best to live a life without fear, have had enough of that shit and just laugh at some of those stupid insecure thought patterns one has built up.
The sooner one learns to be fearless the better, and if I can pivot the scale in the right direction for my kid I will do that.

It takes much longer to get rid of excisting fear as opposed to learning to have no fear from the getgo I believe.

The superman father thing is a true classic. Remember a picture of my dad lying on the beach, buff and muscular in his red speedos, with an insane bulge because of his huge balls and big dick.
I know my father was known for being like a manly man and popular with the ladies. And friends of my dad to this day jokes around with how pretty and popular( not in that way) my mum was.

So where is my speedo package? Finally on it’s way not including the big balls dough, they were out of that.

Originally Posted by TheGreatDivider
Higherone makes a good point although I believe our insecurities will be passed down but not by genetic factor, instead by media, entertainment, music, and the erotic. I guarantee by the time our little boys are 13 they would already have memorized lyrics of popular rap or pop songs involving sexual innuendo or intention, seen movies or television shows with sex scenes where a man is belittled for his size or lack or performance, art with depoctions or statues or gargantuan phaluses, and pornography where five foot something 90-100lb 19 year olds are penetrated with massive penises.

Sadly this experience is all to common because it is exactly what draw our attention and “titillates the brain, stimated the immorality”-Alice Cooper, sex,death,and money.
To with hold our children in a Bain attempt or protect would just delay the inevetable and lead to further humilation or addictions later on with least of all being sex. Instead our jobs ABSOLUTELY MUST be to educate and teach so that maybe just maybe they don’t repeat the same mistakes.

You make a very good point yourself TGD.
All too true what you are saying about media and over exposure to these things telling and showing you how things should be.

Yes, very good points guys.

Obviously being a parent takes an EXTREME amount of effort, but I just see more and more recently people not caring that they are parents really. They are just more proud of the fact that they were able to reproduce, and when it comes to parenting it seems that the only thing they do is provide food, shelter, money, and education ( school districts/ college ) for their children ( ALL GOOD THINGS ) but they aren't teaching them. Instead it is always media or the community which is teaching them. I know the saying is it takes a community to raise the youth but if the community is becoming as crazy and wild as ours is now. Then it will certainly be worse in the future for our own children ( you can disagree with this if you want, it is just my speculation ) and I feel that there has to be certain ways for a parent to reconnect with the child in order to enhance the bond between the two. PE being one way to create a very powerful bond between father and son. I do not know how hard it is the be a parent nor do I know what the hardest part of being a parent is, but being a kid I know I struggled a lot with trusting my parents. Not in the sense that they would leave me somewhere or not feed me ( they wouldn’t ) but I just didn’t trust opening up to them and letting them get involved in my life once I started to create one. So instead I opened up to people who I assumed were friends ( which everyone knows they can turn on you in the flip of a coin ) or to other people of the community whether it be a teacher/ counselor/ dean/ boss/ co-worker. Yes I know it is good to have someone to open up to, but I lost sight of what I was really looking for: that connection to the person. They listened and maybe responded ( sometimes good advice that my parents in no way could have provided ) but most of the time they half listened and inserted some generic response that a computer could have told me, and heaven forbid I tell someone about my insecurities of having a small penis because I doubt 100% the chances of them pointing me in the direction of help ( I.E. this place right here or PE if they knew about ) I think PE is one way to break the ice to our sons that you WILL fear things/ have anxiety and that I, as your Father, am the best person to open up to.

My boys evidently saw something on Family Guy (or maybe American Dad) about a guy enlarging his penis by hanging weights. They joked with me about it. I just smiled and said “that’s one way to do it” or something boneheaded like that.

The point being, they already have some idea about PE and probably think it might work. If they want to learn more they can figure it out on their own. The seed’s been planted.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
My boys evidently saw something on Family Guy (or maybe American Dad) about a guy enlarging his penis by hanging weights. They joked with me about it. I just smiled and said “that’s one way to do it” or something boneheaded like that.

The point being, they already have some idea about PE and probably think it might work. If they want to learn more they can figure it out on their own. The seed’s been planted.

Well done Modesto, the seed is indeed planted. If that seed pops though and one of them comes to you with a question or says he is practicing PE, that would be something.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
My boys evidently saw something on Family Guy (or maybe American Dad) about a guy enlarging his penis by hanging weights. They joked with me about it. I just smiled and said “that’s one way to do it” or something boneheaded like that.

The point being, they already have some idea about PE and probably think it might work. If they want to learn more they can figure it out on their own. The seed’s been planted.

NICE! Keep planting the seeds here and there as the opportunities arise. How old are you sons?

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

I think that’s a good way to go about it, casually and matter of factly. I think we sometimes get nervous as fathers that our sons will think we’re weird or judge us, but the reality is PE isn’t that big of a deal when you consider that every guy masturbates.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Originally Posted by higherone
I think that’s a good way to go about it, casually and matter of factly. I think we sometimes get nervous as fathers that our sons will think we’re weird or judge us, but the reality is PE isn’t that big of a deal when you consider that every guy masturbates.

Could not have agreed more. What is weird to talk about today might be normal in some years. Who knows.

Not only that, what you make normal in your house will be normal. For example, talking to your kids about drugs, sex, etc. is normal in some homes and not spoken of at all in others. Some dads never gave their sons “the birds and bees” talk, others did. Some dads told their sons masturbation is a normal part of life that all men do, others didn’t. The same can be said about PE.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Originally Posted by higherone

Some dads told their sons masturbation is a normal part of life that all men do, others didn’t. The same can be said about PE.

Uh, no. PE is not a normal part of life. It’s done by men who cannot accept their natural penis size and who assume everyone has the same problem.

Originally Posted by WestLA-90069
Uh, no. PE is not a normal part of life. It’s done by men who cannot accept their natural penis size and who assume everyone has the same problem.

My friend’s dad smoked weed in the house growing up. He grew up with that being normal. My buddy does PE. His son is going to grow up with it being normal. My friend’s dad didn’t assume everyone needed or wanted to smoke weed, but he did it. My buddy doesn’t assume that his son has a problem with his size, but he did it. Not everyone who lets their son in on PE does it for the reason of insecurity.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Originally Posted by WestLA-90069

Uh, no. PE is not a normal part of life. It’s done by men who cannot accept their natural penis size and who assume everyone has the same problem.

PE has become and is a normal part of my life. Telling me it is not normal is like me accusing a gay man of being abnormal. To him, finding affection from/for another male is normal, certainly he must have a problem? No, of course not. What one person finds normal and abnormal is simply a matter of perspective correct?

Originally Posted by WestLA-90069
Uh, no. PE is not a normal part of life. It’s done by men who cannot accept their natural penis size and who assume everyone has the same problem.

Agree. Is not a normal part of life.

Not sure to understand the “who assume everyone has the same problem” part. Can you explain?

Originally Posted by WestLA-90069
Uh, no. PE is not a normal part of life. It’s done by men who cannot accept their natural penis size and who assume everyone has the same problem.

Agrees with higherone and PatientlyGrowin.

And who are you to set the standard for what’s “normal”?, WestLA, are you a authority of “normal”?
It’s such a vague word in so many ways.

When one speaks, generally, about a “normal part of life” they usually mean to apply it to everyone. The example given was masturbation. Everyone does it and it’s a normal part of life. Doing PE exercises does not fall under that category. That said, I realize now that my error was thinking higherone’s last statement applied to the sentence before it, but he meant it to apply to the whole post.

So I agree if Dad is hanging or jelqing and the son is aware of it, then it would be a normal part of their lives. My disagreement with telling teenagers that they need a big dick to be happy is that it isn’t Dad’s right to make that decision and the kid should be left alone until he indicates the HE has a problem. Otherwise dad is projecting his insecurities onto the son without good reason.


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