Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Passing it on

Originally Posted by Turnau
Originally Posted by higherone
Remember PE originally was an art taught by fathers to their newly pubescent males. They started at 12 years old so. I think it is very smart to PE through puberty, you body is naturally growing and the added intensity will only bring faster, bigger growth.

Higherone, you say PE doesn’t enlarged the prostate, but at 12 years old or during puberty, hormones are booming big time. Doing kegels (or overdoing them), not ejaculating for days/weeks may be not good for prostate at such young age. You never know, so I don’t think kids should do PE. Just my 2 cents.

I never said anything about not ejaculating for days or weeks. I think ejaculating daily is a good thing, especially during puberty. Dr. Oz said it best…the more the better for prostate health! As for kegels or any PE, overdoing it is never a good thing, at any age. And kegeling doesn’t enlarge the prostate, it strengthens the PC muscles.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Break down those barriers about talking about sexual matters and watch your relationship blossom.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Higherone, my prostate feels like is getting enlarged (have to push harder when going to pee) after lots of kegels and not ejaculating for several days, but thanks to this I have gained. I am not trying to open a can of worms here and get into this debate whether or not ejaculating for days will produce gains, but I’m just saying what worked for me.

There is always a chance of getting enlarged prostate from PE in my honest opinion, and 12 years old is way too young to be doing PE.

Originally Posted by Turnau
Higherone, my prostate feels like is getting enlarged (have to push harder when going to pee) after lots of kegels and not ejaculating for several days, but thanks to this I have gained. I am not trying to open a can of worms here and get into this debate whether or not ejaculating for days will produce gains, but I’m just saying what worked for me.

There is always a chance of getting enlarged prostate from PE in my honest opinion, and 12 years old is way too young to be doing PE.

How old are you? I don’t think your prostate enlarging is due to PE. Are you on any medications/steroids? Maybe you’re overdoing the kegels?

I understand people who say 12 is too young to start PE. I feel it’s more a maturity thing than an age thing. You have to know your son and what he’s mature enough to handle.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

I think what holds guys back from letting their sons or fathers or friends in on PE is fear. Fear of being judged. Fear of a negative reaction. Fear of being open, honest, raw and real. Once you take the plunge and are open about PE all that fear is gone and you realize it’s not a big deal to be the true you to the people you care about.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Originally Posted by higherone

I think what holds guys back from letting their sons or fathers or friends in on PE is fear.

I think what holds every man back is Fear. Fear in anything. Fear sucks a lot, I mean really it is totally a depressing downer emotion. I am not looking to have a bunch of people follow a trend here saying “The only thing to fear is fear itself” lol, but I mean really I think your right. Honestly this may be judgmental a little but what could possibly be your reasoning for not telling your son of PE other than fear? Fear he might injure himself doing it wrong? Fear he may judge you for having insecurities? ( I mean come on don’t most kids early on think their dad is superman? I know I did for a really long time ) Fear he may tell on you? Fear that you might create an unwanted Fear in his head? ( Look at your genetics and the mothers genetics if your packing a small unit and her dad or brothers have small ones it is a chance your son will too right? So it is possible he would get the fear of not trying with the ladies because he is small ) Or fear that your son becomes a porn star/man whore and bangs all the girls in his high school because he did PE and grew a huge cock? I suppose I am biased to telling my son because I have made up my mind because I know that I have anxiety issues with size and I don’t want him to have that ( there is a cure it is called PE and it takes patience son ). But I am certainly not going to fear the results of what would happen, sure something could go wrong but in the long run I see it as a positive thing to pass on, just like fitness, just like eating healthy, just like having a hard work ethic, just like being supportive to those in need, just like teaching him to always try. I mean I really just don’t see what is so bad about telling your son about PE, if you have told your wife about PE and she is cool with it then in theory are you not actually obligated to tell your son because you have told the Mother of that child and she knows now how to make her son into a man that is more appealing to almost everyone woman in the world? Not saying that she would want her son to be a man whore either but I think that everyone woman at least hopes her son is strong and manly right? I mean it is nature after all.

I would most definitely have told my son. The way I see it trough my own experiences, he might be a self-confident kid until puberty hits.
My life has NOT at all been the same since I was like 14, and being a late bloomer made it all worse. I have deep scars for life and would never let my own son go trough the same. People can be cruel.

Sorry if I seem a bit bitter and probably am going a bit off topic, need to get some things off my chest.
I am 27 now, and since I was 14 as mentioned the psychological terror has gotten progressively worse.
Despite me having quite average length erected my unit is small flaccid, small balls does not help the picture at all.
I have been called a girl( like seriously) by people I don’t even know, and you that feeling when you walk past people and they laugh,
And you get that paranoid feeling of them laughing at you, well in my case they are actually laughing at me, staring and sometimes even pointing.
After many years of being treated this way my self-confidence has been shattered, and pissed at.

Hope no one else ever has to go through some of the shit I went trough, I won’t go into details because it’s embarrassing and I don’t think you would even believe it all.
Just to mention one example: about a year ago when I was together with my first and only serious girlfriend,( I have had sex with quite a few ladies despite everything)
A guy whom I worked with at a summer job suddenly just blurted out in a serious manner that people were wondering how it was possible for me and my girlfriend to have sex, implying that I was trans-gender or something.
And I know for sure this guy has many friends, both male and female.

I was 26 then, not too long ago. I remember just getting pissed off and couldn’t even give him a response so I just shut up, and then he even had the nerve to ask me why I seemed angry.
God damn, that’s just like the tiny tip of the iceberg. My life has felt like a living hell on earth at times and have escaped in drugs and alcohol in longer periods of my life.
Have gone to shrinks, psychiatrists many times but what did it help when my real problem and insecurities was, barely, hanging between my thighs and I didn’t dear to mention it because of my past experiences.

People on the street quite often look straight at my crotch area when I walk past them and I’m talking people in the age span 14- 60. I fucking hate living in small cities where everybody knows everything, at least they think so.

Sorry for the long post, and add that I work on myself mentally everyday, my physique has always been quite good. I train a lot and know I am an attractive guy on the outside, besides my not good enough penis, hehe.
As I said it sounds unreal at times but this has been my reality, especially the last 5 years where things have gotten quite ugly at times. Sometimes I think it’s a wonder I’m still here breathing as I have played with the thought of suicide many, many times but I could never do such a thing, I love my family too much. Friend is a luxury for me and hope to one day have friends again like I used to. This is no self pity, poor me post it’s all facts and it can only get better from this point on,
I will most definitely do everything in my power to make it so :)

Good post VW, it is always good to get those icky feeling emotions off the chest and share it with those who won’t judge. Lots of the emotions you described I felt going through high school. Admittedly I like many others held back my attempts of trying with the ladies because I feared them seeing my dick and then telling EVERYONE that I was small. Shit I even remember always changing in the swim locker room to go swimming super fucking fast, and getting the hell out of there. I had taken a couple peaks at some other kids because that just happens and some of them were packing serious heat, some seemed like maybe the same size as me, but my flaccid was definitely the smallest of the bunch ( at least in my eyes ) I don’t want my son to be the kid who is constantly pulling his dick out and showing it off to his friends ( though he may become that ) but I would rather him be the kid who is super self confident at an age where it really matters. I don’t think a huge dick relates to how well you perform in every aspect of your life but I think to some extent it does benefit you in certain areas.

Thankfully though Thunders has Passed On its knowledge to me much like a father figure would to a son, I know that I am doing something that will make me happier. Even if my dick doesn’t grow a single percent it at least has done one small thing: Given me my confidence back.

Thanks P.G, appreciate it and felt real good just getting it out there.

Agree 100% on the confidence aspect of it and yeah this place rocks out with many cocks out.
It’s really kinda funny how one can let such a small thing( pun intended) get you and cripple your life to a certain extent.

Won’t let that happen again! :)

Last edited by Vikingwhore : 04-02-2011 at .

Originally Posted by higherone
How old are you? I don’t think your prostate enlarging is due to PE. Are you on any medications/steroids? Maybe you’re overdoing the kegels?

I understand people who say 12 is too young to start PE. I feel it’s more a maturity thing than an age thing. You have to know your son and what he’s mature enough to handle.

I’m in my high 20s. I am not on any medications/steroids. Maybe I did too many kegels, I don’t know, but what I know is that this can happen to a 12 years old boy too, very easy.
I have couple of buddies who have been lifting heavy weights through their puberty and several years later doctor said (they didn’t take any supplements/steroids) they have enlarged their heart. I think they just skipped cardio workout, but PE may as well enlarge the prostate in puberty.
That is why I think 12 is way too soon to do PE.

Also, what if after telling your son about PE he will get so obsessed and be doing it all day, every day? Think about it. Those are young boys who see this world from a different perspective.

Originally Posted by Turnau
I’m in my high 20s. I am not on any medications/steroids. Maybe I did too many kegels, I don’t know, but what I know is that this can happen to a 12 years old boy too, very easy.
I have couple of buddies who have been lifting heavy weights through their puberty and several years later doctor said (they didn’t take any supplements/steroids) they have enlarged their heart. I think they just skipped cardio workout, but PE may as well enlarge the prostate in puberty.
That is why I think 12 is way too soon to do PE.

Also, what if after telling your son about PE he will get so obsessed and be doing it all day, every day? Think about it. Those are young boys who see this world from a different perspective.

Were you diagnosed with an enlarged prostate, or do you have the symptoms?

I think if you’re going to let your son in on PE then you have to guide him to keep it all in perspective and make it part of your life, but not your whole life. A father should do this with his son with sports, video games, girls, etc. If you’re not raising your son, then he’s raising himself or he’s being raised by society/friends/etc.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Originally Posted by Turnau
I’m in my high 20s. I am not on any medications/steroids. Maybe I did too many kegels, I don’t know, but what I know is that this can happen to a 12 years old boy too, very easy.
I have couple of buddies who have been lifting heavy weights through their puberty and several years later doctor said (they didn’t take any supplements/steroids) they have enlarged their heart. I think they just skipped cardio workout, but PE may as well enlarge the prostate in puberty.
That is why I think 12 is way too soon to do PE.

Also, what if after telling your son about PE he will get so obsessed and be doing it all day, every day? Think about it. Those are young boys who see this world from a different perspective.

An enlarged heart from working out and not doing cardio? Cardio is the number one exercise on the heart is it not? Sustained increased heart rate over long periods of time, seems to me the only way to physically make your heart larger? The heart is a muscle anyways I would assume exercising would increase the heart so it pumps more blood. I could understand being born with an enlarged heart is dangerous, but exercising normally and having your heart get bigger without supplements/steroids, How? Secondly Kegels flex the PC muscle not the same as the prostate correct? If your argument is the increased blood flow to the area increases the prostate okay I could validate that, but I still don’t see how it would be such an astronomically dangerous effect that would prevent you from telling him. Third, after doing PE for about a month ( or maybe more depending on your personality ) who here isn’t obsessed with PE? I understand it can have those addictive effects of “Oh crap I just gained a 1/4” I want to go and jelq more right now” and so on, but everyone needs to learn boundaries and when to give it a rest, I think teaching your son this lesson could easily be done through PE.

Vikingwhore and Patientlygrowing, I think it’s important that we don’t pass on our insecurities to our sons. That being said, I think you can let your son in on PE in a way that will pass on the information without passing on the insecurity. The reality is most teenage boys/young adult men do have concerns (and in some cases anxiety/insecurity) with size/sexual performance/etc. I think there are several benefits to letting your son in on PE. They include 1. by sharing something personal with him, it strengthens the father son bond. It opens the door to talk about other things openly. 2. Most young men have concerns (and many have insecurities) about size/performance/etc. By letting him in on it, you’re giving him a chance to do something about it. 3. We want what’s best for our sons. PE knowledge is a good thing, even if your son never gets into PE, he’ll have the knowledge. If he does, then he’ll have you to thank for it. And you as a father will have your son to talk about PE with like you do here on the forums.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

All true higherone. And I would be real careful about it of course.
Passing on the insecurities I would not have done to enemies even, if I could somehow.

I believe there’s a right approach for everything, you just have to figure it out.

Higherone makes a good point although I believe our insecurities will be passed down but not by genetic factor, instead by media, entertainment, music, and the erotic. I guarantee by the time our little boys are 13 they would already have memorized lyrics of popular rap or pop songs involving sexual innuendo or intention, seen movies or television shows with sex scenes where a man is belittled for his size or lack or performance, art with depoctions or statues or gargantuan phaluses, and pornography where five foot something 90-100lb 19 year olds are penetrated with massive penises.

Sadly this experience is all to common because it is exactly what draw our attention and “titillates the brain, stimated the immorality”-Alice Cooper, sex,death,and money.
To with hold our children in a Bain attempt or protect would just delay the inevetable and lead to further humilation or addictions later on with least of all being sex. Instead our jobs ABSOLUTELY MUST be to educate and teach so that maybe just maybe they don’t repeat the same mistakes.


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