Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Passing it on

Good for you Mr. Schlong! The door is open now. The next time you get a chance to speak with your son alone, you can let him in on PE. Sounds like he was interested in learning more about it after your wife chimed in.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

You have to know your son, but also realize that our sons are already used to touching themselves though beating off. If your son is comfortable talking about masturbation in general or grew up being taught that it’s normal then he’s probably going to thing PE is no big deal.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

An account at is an excellent Graduation gift for a son or a Father’s Day gift for your dad. :)

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Originally Posted by higherone
An account at is an excellent Graduation gift for a son or a Father’s Day gift for your dad. :)


If and when I have a son I will be sure to let him in on it.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

I’m not gonna read through every page in this thread, so don’t know if this has been mentioned yet…

As soon as my future son pops out of my future wife’s coochie, i’m gonna rub that hormone cream that makes dicks grow bigger on that little dude’s pecker every day until i’m convinced my kid’s gonna be a freak of nature. Then no need to have the PE discussion LOL !

(ie. that cream that’s only effective if you’re still growing or something??)

Then again you never know with these fucking kids nowadays, if he grows up to be gay gets a sex change and blames it on me, i’ll look like an asshole…

Originally Posted by Lord Harris

If and when I have a son I will be sure to let him in on it.

When the time is right, no doubt!

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

With Father’s Day less than a month away, I was wondering if any more guys on here chose to let their sons in on PE.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

There’s a lot of open mindedness on this thread.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

It’s not my son, but I let another buddy of mine in on PE. He’s going to start up this week!

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

I have a friend right now who is still a virgin. I haven’t talked to him about it but people have told me it is because he feels self conscious about being uncut. I think I am going to drop some info to him on about thunder’s so he can get his mind off of his dick and start focusing on just talking to girls in a sexual manner. Reporting back in a few days on the matter.

Originally Posted by PatientlyGrowin
I have a friend right now who is still a virgin. I haven’t talked to him about it but people have told me it is because he feels self conscious about being uncut. I think I am going to drop some info to him on about thunder’s so he can get his mind off of his dick and start focusing on just talking to girls in a sexual manner. Reporting back in a few days on the matter.

Good luck!

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

He left for a Bonaru ( not sure if that is how it is spelled, but its a big music festival… lots of activities *wink* *wink* so hopefuly he can get lucky ) When he comes back I plan on telling him.

Originally Posted by PatientlyGrowin
He left for a Bonaru ( not sure if that is how it is spelled, but its a big music festival… lots of activities *wink* *wink* so hopefuly he can get lucky ) When he comes back I plan on telling him.

Good luck with that. Anyone planning on letting their son in on PE around Father’s Day?

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Happy Father’s Day to the PE dads out there!

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

What age is a good age to introduce your son to PE if you’ve decided to let him in on it? Would it be when you have “the talk” or before that? Or at 18 or somewhere in between, or would you wait until he’s married or on his own as an adult?

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!


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