Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Passing it on

In a way pe is a normal way of life. If you remember being a little boy a I do then you remember playing with your penis, tugging on it because it was there. Later on in life I’m sure we can all agree on kegeling before or during sexual activity even when it was beyond our control. The only difference between guys who pe seriously and guy who have never heard pe is that when we have sex we know a little more of what we can expect from our own performance.

I am actually much happier now that I have learned so much about pe and harnessing my own sexual energy. Where as before I would masturbate as much as boredom allowed now I can transfer that energy into other areas of life with more concentration. Before I got back into pe I was lucky if I got even 70-80% EQ just once a week, now it’s 100% with just one thought. Even though pe and pe research takes a couple hours altogether out of my day each day, I wouldn’t trade that feeling I get of being a porn star with my wife for anything in this world.

Any father that tells their son they need a big dick to be happy and lets his son in on PE for that reason is doing it for the wrong reasons.

Letting your son know PE exists and it works and its not true that you are stuck with what you’re born with doesn’t project insecurity, it is merely information. What your son does with that information is up to him and him alone. If in pasing on your PE knowledge to him he gets more open with you, that’s a good thing. It may happen. It may not. That’s a totally different scenario than the first one I mentioned, and a lot more healthy way to approach it with your son.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Westla’s point of fathers inadvertently passing on their insecurity of their penis size to their children seems to be the number one argument in not telling your son about PE. From my stand point I can see that; yes there is the chance of doing that, but it seems a very small percentage. I would think with a heavier influence on the health of your penis and body as a whole the ideas behind fitness and PE is to not make your child seem inadequate or weak but to press the idea that being in shape and in control of your body is a good thing and you should start at an early age and maintain it over your lifetime. I could be wrong but it is my understanding of certain Eastern Philosophies, as well as others, that maintaining a healthy body is showing respect towards your parents and elders, and that maintaining a healthy life style is important and will reward you. I think if you were to go to your son and say “Do these PE exercises because you have a little dick and women only care about men with big dicks” then yes of course your son will have lots of mental trauma and he will be fucked in the head as well as probably hurt himself doing PE or be too afraid to do it. But if you come off with an easy approach like Modesto did or something as simple as “Hey son, these are some exercises you can do to stretch this part of your anatomy, and these exercises here ( jelqs ) will help your blood flow and increase the healthy state of your penis. These are things that I have learned and tried in my life. I am offering this advice to you hoping that you will make the decision on your own to whether or not you want to do them and if you have any more questions you can come and ask me any time you want.” In this way you don’t mention that your dick is or was small, you don’t say that it is a must to do, and you certainly don’t press upon him the idea that he is inadequate.

WestLA does make a good point. Guys need to be careful not to pass on their insecurity to their sons. It has to be done very deliberately and conscientiously not to pass on any insecurity. I definitely think it can be done without passing on insecurity, as some of the guys on here have proven.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

A guy on another thread went about it this way. He was straight to the point. He asked his 19 year old sexually active son what would he think if he could be an inch longer than he was, would he be interested and he said hell ya. That was it. In his own words…”I actually asked him what would you do if 20 years from now your dad said hey, I knew how to make your weeney bigger 20 years ago but I never told you would you wish I had or had not told you.” He said “let me in on it” and a very open conversation about exercising the junk ensued . We talked about ED in older folks and general pecker health and he ate it up. He wanted to know the website and other things. Probably actually the best sex talk we have ever had and I think since I was straight to the point there wasnt even time to get akward, says he gonna log on and check it out tonight. I am glad we had the conversation. I did wait for positive results so I could say ” it actually works”.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Is the guy a member on this site as well? Does he know about this one? So many questions I would ask this guy haha. That is one way to go about it, don’t beat the bush. Just charge it down. I bet that kid is going to be a lot more open with his dad from now on though.

Originally Posted by PatientlyGrowin
Is the guy a member on this site as well? Does he know about this one? So many questions I would ask this guy haha. That is one way to go about it, don’t beat the bush. Just charge it down. I bet that kid is going to be a lot more open with his dad from now on though.

I’m not sure if he’s on Thunders. I’ll ask and try to get him to join if there are any openings left. Yeah, I bet he’s going to be more open with his dad for sure. Well his dad knew he was sexually active, so they had to have some kind of openness before he let him in on PE.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

TLC had a program on John Falcon Profile of a man living with the largest penis. Below is the location of documentation. It was interesting what he had to say on the program about his size and his reactions to others thoughts.

Humor & Whimsy

Originally Posted by goforit
TLC had a program on John Falcon Profile of a man living with the largest penis. Below is the location of documentation. It was interesting what he had to say on the program about his size and his reactions to others thoughts.

Humor & Whimsy

I saw that on TV. I’m not trying for 13 inches! hahaha!

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Originally Posted by PatientlyGrowin
I would think with a heavier influence on the health of your penis and body as a whole the ideas behind fitness and PE is to not make your child seem inadequate or weak but to press the idea that being in shape and in control of your body is a good thing and you should start at an early age and maintain it over your lifetime. I could be wrong but it is my understanding of certain Eastern Philosophies, as well as others, that maintaining a healthy body is showing respect towards your parents and elders, and that maintaining a healthy life style is important and will reward you. I think if you were to go to your son and say “Do these PE exercises because you have a little dick and women only care about men with big dicks” then yes of course your son will have lots of mental trauma and he will be fucked in the head as well as probably hurt himself doing PE or be too afraid to do it. But if you come off with an easy approach like Modesto did or something as simple as “Hey son, these are some exercises you can do to stretch this part of your anatomy, and these exercises here ( jelqs ) will help your blood flow and increase the healthy state of your penis. These are things that I have learned and tried in my life. I am offering this advice to you hoping that you will make the decision on your own to whether or not you want to do them and if you have any more questions you can come and ask me any time you want.” In this way you don’t mention that your dick is or was small, you don’t say that it is a must to do, and you certainly don’t press upon him the idea that he is inadequate.

I agree it’s all in the approach you take with letting your son in on it, or any other guy for that matter. If it’s done with no shame, and not like it’s a big deal, and that you do it too, then that should eliminate some of the stigma of it.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

I think another thing to look at is how society has changed so much since most of us were our sons’ ages. With the internet, facebook, etc. things are LOT different and they’re exposed to a lot more at a younger age, even with parental supervision. Letting your son in on PE probably isn’t going to be as big a deal for him as it is for you due to the things they’ve been exposed to already. I don’t know if any of the guys that let their sons in on PE want to chime in on that. I think that to them, it’s going to be less of a big deal as long as you set it up properly that it’s a health thing that you do and not that they have size issues but it does increase your size as well.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

If you Pass PE on to your son, do you expect him to pass it on to his? I do…

Thinking about what was passed to me and what will pass from me to the youth, really makes you think about some of the bullshit differently..

Originally Posted by PatientlyGrowin
If you Pass PE on to your son, do you expect him to pass it on to his? I do…
Thinking about what was passed to me and what will pass from me to the youth, really makes you think about some of the bullshit differently..

I wouldn’t be surprised if that happened down the road.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Raising your son to be responsible is key when/if you decide to let him in on PE. For example, we were raised around guns (my father was an avid hunter and cop) and we grew up to respect their power. We also lifted weights with our dad and uncles. We grew up with their guidance in doing so, which prevented a lot of mistakes and potential injuries. We grew up around it, so we respected it and the knowledge of the people training us.

I”m not saying let your son in on PE young, old, or at all. I’ve seen guys be successful doing it all ways. The key is to teach your son to respect PE for what it is and what it can do, both good and bad, whatever age you decide to let him in on it. You have to know your son, his maturity level (to know how much you’re going to let him in on at one time), and his willingness to listen to you as his parent or guide into PE before you let him in on it.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Got the opening I needed! Last night me, my wife, son and daughter were sitting in the family room and my son started making fun of my older brother who just got dumped. He said, “maybe he got dumped because of his small penis.” I asked him what made him say that and he said, “Well he’s fat and old and when you have that, you have a small penis.”

I laughed and said “Well, fat doesn’t mean you have a small penis, but it makes it look smaller.” Keep in mind - I’m overweight…

My wife chimed in and said, “Uh, that’s not true.” He was surprised to hear my wife say that, so he said, “What do you mean? There’s nothing you can do about a small penis.”

I told there are ways to grow it and my wife just smiled and said, “Yep… like you can do things to make it bigger”

He was confused and said, “This is too much to think about - wouldn’t that be dangerous or too hard to do?”

Then of course our daughter chimes in, “TMI!!!!!!!”

That ended it there since she was in the room, but the door is open now.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!


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