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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE gym bag


PE gym bag

This may seem kind of irrelevant to some guys here, but when you start to develop a bunch of supplies it is nice to stay organized.
I have a Nike bag filled with PE gear. I have the pump, three clamps, cloth tape measure, wooden ruler, Vaseline, heating pad with clay based technology that is microwavable, self adhering ace bandage tape, and a role of duct tape for emergency donut removal if necessary.
I keep everything organized in this bag, and I carry it down stairs to the computer if I need to do stealth PE and I bring it with me when I leave the house.

For me now being that I have a cock that I like to feel and man handle, it is easier for me to get hard any time I want, and this helps for stealth PE, which I contribute to staying plump.
I always allow ten hours of rest from when I go to sleep and wake up the next day to do it all over again. I do consider the PE gym bag a great way to take PE seriously though, and I wouldn’t know what to do without it. I even put miscellaneous items in it to, like my cell phone, keys, and wallet if I am in a hurry. So organization can be important.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Good idea — a lot of my stuff is scattered between my desk drawer, home office closet, and bathroom. I do keep my pump and cylinders in an old briefcase. A dedicated PE GYM BAG makes a lot of sense.

Originally Posted by sta-kool

Good idea — a lot of my stuff is scattered between my desk drawer, home office closet, and bathroom. I do keep my pump and cylinders in an old briefcase. A dedicated PE GYM BAG makes a lot of sense.

It really does help. It keeps things discreet too. I guard that bag carefully and walk around with it everywhere I go around my house because I really don’t want my parents going through it. They look at that bag like the Nike symbol is a question mark instead.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

All I have thus far is a rice sock,cloth measuring tape and a ruler scattered around my room. I feel insecure about my lack of equipment :(

This is actually a great idea. I’m always searching for things all around my room. Going to sort myself out with a little PE bag from now on.

I’ve had a PE gym bag for a while now. I have my 2 pumps, 3 airclamps, Unique heat heating glove, clay hot/cold pack, spare KY jelly, and my tongkat ali. I don’t take it with me when I leave, but I know its the one thing I would never want anyone to find.

Originally Posted by GreenLights

All I have thus far is a rice sock,cloth measuring tape and a ruler scattered around my room. I feel insecure about my lack of equipment :(

Don’t fret GreenLights. Just stay with those green lights and stay away from the red ones. Don’t give up.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Heheh Green for go all the way to first place.

Just gotta get me some more equipment so I can become a respec-tah-ble PE-ist :D Who would’ve thought materialism could spread to penis enlargement.


Great idea clubber

Originally Posted by GreenLights
All I have thus far is a rice sock,cloth measuring tape and a ruler scattered around my room. I feel insecure about my lack of equipment :(

Dont feel bad Green I’m tryna build my equipment up also, you have more materials then me.

Start: 05/26/09 6.375" x 5.125" Goal: 8" x 6"

Current: 08/30/09 6.750" x 5.500"

My PE gear consists of a bottle of lotion that I keep behind my computer monitor.

I really want a pump, a hangar, and a good ADS but I cant afford them right now.

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

I now keep it all in a black box in my wardrobe after thinking I’d lost some PE equipment. Your right being organized is important and when I open the box I get a motivation boost seeing the PE equipement. And as far as I know noone has gone through, nothings been mentioned so its all good

Current routine - LG Hanger, 1 to 1.5hrs a day.

17-04-2017 to 19-06-2017 - 60hrs of hanging.

I have small case hidden with all my gear in it. I just cleared it out yesterday funny enough.

Bib Starter
3 Pe weights
Metal ruler
Tape measure
Rice sock
Palmers Cocoa Butter
2 clamps

Yesterday it was full with the above + old worn autoextender sleeves plus a number of caps, vac hanger + red sleeves and loads of tape.

I have a locked brief case next to my computer with a pump, baby oil, clamp, steel cock ring, rubber cock ring and some water based lube.

Originally Posted by Clubber
…It keeps things discreet too…

Originally Posted by Clubber
…I guard that bag carefully and walk around with it everywhere I go around my house because I really don’t want my parents going through it. They look at that bag like the Nike symbol is a question mark instead.

So you were trained by former FSB pros? ;)

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

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