Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE In The Winter

PE In The Winter

Okay. Maybe I’m trippin’ but ponder this…

Would you think that getting gains is harder during the cold months of winter? Like in summer, my unit tends to “hang out” more because of the heat. But I’m thinking that during winter, you go outside and your shit’ll creep up into your body, shrinking everything up. As long as you do the work, does it matter if your dick is subjected to different weather conditions? Is getting “shrinkage” a deterrant to growth? Or it doesn’t matter?

Becoming.... Godsize

The act of unit shrinkage on cold days is merely
your brains autonomous function to keep your package
warm. It is an action of the parasympathetic nervous
system. Its that fight or flight thing. I couldn’t see how
warm or cold in the flaccid state would make a difference
to your PE development.

What do I know. This is my first post.
But I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night.

Welcome to the Forums slimpicnz!!!

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Originally posted by slimpicnz
What do I know. This is my first post.
But I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night.

LOL :D Welcome to Thunder’s Place, slimpicnz!

In regards to “shrinkage”, as long as you PE inside and have the heater on, I think you’ll be alright.

Welcome to the board slimpicnz!

I think gains have nothing to do with the post PE session hung dick. It only makes sense to me that gains are produced due to hte stressing of your dick during workout, and possibly during sleep (if gains are produced by increasing cell growth as against the other possibility - stretching existing cells to make them larger - which has nothing to do with sleep).

Ok, I am still looking for an infrared heating device so that I can jelq, stretch while the device is continuously heating my fuckin dick (PE is such a fuckin waste of time). I hate to waste time heating the damn thing using warps and all that crap. Heating pads, microwavable packs are all trash.

Originally posted by rg
PE is such a fuckin waste of time.

I guess that depends on your view of the outcome.

If it’s such a pain, you can always join the Androgel group.

The reason I brought this up is all the talk about “healing in an elongated state”. If it’s cold out, and you’re hung like a skittle, wouldn’t it heal in that shrunken state and slow down gains? It probably wouldn’t… eh, it’s just one of those stupid questions that I had to ask.

Becoming.... Godsize

This can be useful what with winter approaching and all.

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Originally posted by Prickle
The reason I brought this up is all the talk about "healing in an elongated state". If it's cold out, and you're hung like a skittle, wouldn't it heal in that shrunken state and slow down gains?

Not a stupid question.


In this link:

Hey Bib… Fatigue and limiting factor questions

Therein lies the words of the great PE Jedi Bib himself:

>I read an article or research study that described the after failure situation in the collagenous tissues as sort of a crinelation (sp), where the tissues were microscopically folded upon themselves. In normal healing, these damaged tissues bond together, within a collagenous matrix, in effect keeping the overall tissue structure the same length, if not shorter, and after healing, making them stronger. With repeated stresses, these microscopic areas, in the process of healing, are retorn. If the stress is adequate, the stress not only keeps the tissues elongated, but creates new tears. <

There! In the second line:"…if not shorter…"! :eek:

BEWARE of the hibernation!
Wear an ADS or move to a warmer climate.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

What’s with this infrared stuff? Exposing ones dick to enough radiation to heat it up, could be dangerous, no? I’m not a doctor, but something seems odd about this.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

As winter creeps over us, and New York winters are always cruel and angry cold, I’m just gonna continue as usual. Stretch out periodically throughout the day to keep him hangin’ low.

What are ya gonna do, ya know? Unless you’re outside all day freezing your nuts off, I guess there’s no reason to worry.

Becoming.... Godsize

I’ve had gains in winter, and nothing much this summer. Until proven, theories are just discussion. Even though my PE gains have been sporadic, I think I’ve gained during most seasons.

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