I agree to an small extent, average is average.But also disagree. It’s pretty hard to argue, with no facts to back it up other then speculations and guessing. And it depends if you are talking of 30 year olds, married couples, long term relationships etc. I’m talking about short relationships. Because chances are the guys that sleep with 30 or more women, they aren’t hanging around very long after they get what they want. They are too busy “playing the field”.
From my experience, the 20 somethings that go out every Friday and Saturday night looking to “score”. These guys are going to be better hung then average. It might be 0.5 inch more, it might be more or less I don’t know. It’s pretty hard to be an alpha male of a group of friends when they all know you are packing 5 inches. The alpha males are the most cockiest, most outgoing, confident and the biggest assholes. And these are the guys that the girls will gravitate towards in a club situation. Not always, but more then average. Even excluding alpha males and talking about people who go by themselves looking to meet someone it’s alot easier to psych yourself up to “go on the prowl” when you are more confident about your size, rather then if you are insecure about it. In my opinion these guys will rack up more “conquests” over a period of time then the Joe the Plumber. There will be exceptions, there will be well hung guys who have the charisma of a tennie shoe and can’t seal the deal, and there will be small guys who chicks just gravitate towards. But I am trying to talk about in general. Then there is the word of mouth thing, where once word gets around between a group of girl friends, the “big” guy seems to get more attention. And the small guy gets jokes told about him. I’m sure some small guys (2-4 inches) have enough self confidence to shrug it off and continue on his mission. But these guys really bring down the average and only a percentage of them has to give up going to the club, and then the average starts rising. It’s impossible to argue with any certainty though, but that’s my opinion. We have to agree to disagree.
But it’s not about what the girl wants. Chances are she won’t know what the size is, until she’s “given it up” at least once. It’s about how the guy feels about himself. The confidence to go out there and try to get some. These guys that do will be increasing their chances with more women.
Well said CubanB. I am inclined to believe this is mostly true, at least in today’s society and culture. (As I mentioned previously myself also)