Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Punctuated PE Theory

I just did a preliminary experiment with a big Thermos the way MagnumXL did. He may have been able to tolerate hotter water than I was just able to. The problem is that my penis very quickly equilibrated. It was still warm but I doubt it was at the ~42C we are aiming for when trying to manipulate collagen. Otherwise, this seems like a great routine. I am glad to see someone has tried the ice cubes.

This thread was created months before I first came here and, in fact, right around the time I began PE - but I didn’t know it existed until now (10-31-04). I’ve come to similar conclusions regarding “punctuated PE” (I got 0.22” EL in only 3 weeks after coming off a 2-month break).

That might just be the ticket for guys who are looking for serious gains (2”+ EL, 3/4” EG, etc.).

However, I differ with him regarding thinning of the tunica. I believe that PE thickens the tunica - which would make it tougher, more resistant to further growth. And, unlike him, I believe that breaks allow the tunica to thin somewhat, whereas Magnum thinks the tunica thickens during a break.

One argument I would offer in support of my theory is that PE has made my erections like steel. If the tunica were actually thinning, then erectile strength would decrease - almost necessarily, I would say. I believe that the repeated stressors of jelqs, ulis, etc. actually forces the tunica to adapt by growing thicker, tougher.

Another argument I would offer is that after my break, as I had posted, my flaccid unit felt very gummy, like rubber. It pulled out so easily and was so damn pliable. If anything, these properties would demonstrate that the tunica thinned, however slightly. But a stringy, gummy cock sure doesn’t suggest a thickening of the tunica.

Originally Posted by wadzilla
This thread was created months before I first came here and, in fact, right around the time I began PE - but I didn’t know it existed until now (10-31-04). I’ve come to similar conclusions regarding “punctuated PE” (I got 0.22” EL in only 3 weeks after coming off a 2-month break).

That might just be the ticket for guys who are looking for serious gains (2”+ EL, 3/4” EG, etc.).

However, I differ with him regarding thinning of the tunica. I believe that PE thickens the tunica - which would make it tougher, more resistant to further growth. And, unlike him, I believe that breaks allow the tunica to thin somewhat, whereas Magnum thinks the tunica thickens during a break.

One argument I would offer in support of my theory is that PE has made my erections like steel. If the tunica were actually thinning, then erectile strength would decrease - almost necessarily, I would say. I believe that the repeated stressors of jelqs, ulis, etc. actually forces the tunica to adapt by growing thicker, tougher.

Another argument I would offer is that after my break, as I had posted, my flaccid unit felt very gummy, like rubber. It pulled out so easily and was so damn pliable. If anything, these properties would demonstrate that the tunica thinned, however slightly. But a stringy, gummy cock sure doesn’t suggest a thickening of the tunica.

I wish he was here so we could figure out how he came to his conclusions.

Concerning the thinning of the tunica, I am on the fence on that one. I have gained a little girth during my break but there are a lot of reasons why that might have happened.

I see what you mean with erectile strength, however, we just don’t know by what % he meant.

I have lost my flaccid gains during my break. What I mean by that is that my smallest flaccid got smaller. This supports your point of view.

Like you though, Mag didn’t talk out of his ass. He had some good reasons for his beliefs. I wonder what they were?

Decision Time

Okay - regardless of what happens to the tunica during a rest period, it does sound like something beneficial can happen if you are at a plateau. And I am. I haven’t seen this thread before, but I have been going back and forth on the issue and this has helped convince me to try a rest period.

My question is, what do you folks think is an acceptable maintenance routine during the rest period for stretching?

What about continued jelqing for girth? Is it okay to continue this and just forgo stretching?

Many thanks!

I am not sure either?

There were some good arguments both ways about the thickening or thinning of the tunica albugenia during a rest or working period. I really don’t know for sure. But I still think that punctuating our PE with extended rest periods works. As for me, I have stopped serious PE. Got what I need. I am cut and have a typical dry, keratinized glans. Now I am spending my time enhansing penile sensitivity by keeping my glans covered with shaft skin. It works. Now my glans is soft, moist, and somewhat lustrous. I am enjoying my enlarged penis now more than ever. Love all the delicious new sensations I am experiencing. Man do I envy uncut guys. Yes, it is not as sleek and “pretty” uncut, but man does it excel in pleasure. MXL

With all this talk about the tunica, it’s easy to forget about that trabeculae, the criss-crossing bands of connective tissue inside the corpora cavernosa. They consist of collagen, elastin, and smooth muscle. I think it’s likely that changes in the consistency of the penis are more directly related to changes in the composition of the trabeculae than of the tunica itself. After all, the tunica is just the covering.

It makes sense to me that the tunica would thin immediately in response to PE, as it is being stretched. I agree that it probably becomes more resistant to further stretching (i.e., stronger) as it thins, because more collagen fibers are recruited to resist further expansion.

However, the tunica probably recover after a while, and thickness is probably restored to normal. It may even become thicker than normal.

Intuitively, breaks should work well to restore penile composition to normal levels. They thus allow one to achieve newbie-like gains over and over. Anecdotal evidence provided on this site suggests that taking regular breaks will help you to gain faster than working out continuously. Until I learn something to the contrary, that will be my plan.

Originally Posted by Wanabe7
My question is, what do you folks think is an acceptable maintenance routine during the rest period for stretching?

What about continued jelqing for girth? Is it okay to continue this and just forgo stretching?

Many thanks!

Nothing! Even slight maintnance work can keep those tissues strong - and resistent. When I took my break I did nothing at all. There was only a very minimal loss, which I quickly regained - and then a pleasant new gain.

I’m aware of those tissues within the CC (they’re mentioned in that PE article I posted long ago). But they are not the limiting factor. And the tunica is not “just a covering” - it is very strong material, as it needs to be to give shape and hardness to those erected spongy tissues. I believe that the tunica & ligs are the limiting factors. That septum is like a piano wire and the tunica can be like kevlar.

And while stretching exclusively may cause (short term) thinning, those tissues are undergoing stressors and therefore adapt by gaining strength and density (as a defense mechanism) - as the entire body does [hypertrophy, callouses, suntans - all of these are the body’s defense response to stresses]. I also believe that the impaction exercises (jelqs, ulis, clamping, etc.) facilitate this strengthening even more so.

Punctuated PE might be indeed be the ticket for making substantial gains, or might even be the only ticket for making huge gains.

I can remember being shocked during that first year of PE I did to get a really fast gain right after a month off. I didn’t believe it, actually …but this makes sense now.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

This is a great thread. Thanks guys. Maybe someone here will find a way to keep the penis at a high enough temp to really “deplastify” the hard tissues while going through a routine. At one point, I was stretching (hanging) about 3 lbs+ while using a warm hot pad along the length of the penis, but I started to chicken out when I contemplated potential nerve damage by either over-lengthening with respect to nerves or causing nreve damage by overheating.

Any ideas?



Another gem from my favorite’s thread list.

An interesting aspect of PE gains that is illuminated in this thread is: they appear to come in a punctuated (non-linear) manner regardless of whether one is training constantly or in a punctuated manner. I’ve used both constant and punctuated PE training programs and when doing punctuated training, my gains have always kept pace with my projected gains from previous constant training programs. Here’s a graph of those gains:

xeno’s 1 yr. gains

Pretty good reason to go with a punctuated training program, me thinks. I know that all of my future PE training will be punctuated (not to mention my current training :) ). I hope others will consider similar paths…there are a lot more fun things to do than non-productive PE training…IMO.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Good bump, xeno. Interesting read. :up:

Glad you liked it Nine. Lot of smart guys layin’ down some real good info in this one.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Once again, great bump xeno. I really liked the graph you made showing your progress throughout the year. Makes me might want to try something like that. :)

LM, I’d encourage you to check out all of my favorites…xeno lifts his skirt up…

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

If the tunica thins out from PE, then it would be the only thing in the body that responds to stress by becoming less robust.

"Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength."

- Eric Hoffer


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