Ready to throw in the towel
Ok guys, help me out, I must be doing something wrong here. I’ve been a member of this wonderful site since February 2006. Within the first month, I saw gains. Not much, but they were gains none the less. But then they just stopped. I’ve been doing PE 5 days a week for the past 6 months without any gains period. And I don’t feel my general penile health has improved at all either; my penis hasn’t gotten any harder when erect, my stamina hasn’t increased, etc. I’m about ready to give up, but now I’m presented with the new problem of recoil. I’m worried that if I do stop my exercises, I will end up with less then what I started with. Any suggestions/comments would be very much appreciated.
Note: I started with the newbie routine, and over a period of two months I gradually increased the duration and repetitions of manual stretching and jelqing. About 3 months ago, I added a Captain’s Wench to my program, which gave me the added bonus of hanging and clamping. My current routine is as follows: 100 manual stretches, 400 wet jelqs, 100 dry jelqs, 10 minutes of hanging at 10 pounds, and 20 minutes of clamping. The order usually goes manual stretching, wet jelqs, hanging, clamping, and dry jelqs.
The reaper cannot claim you if the reaper cannot catch you.