Originally Posted by BigWally
You guys should look at the “Importance of Penis Size Relative to Other Attributes” from this:
hxxps://calcsd.info/preferences.htmlThis is on par with what I have experienced. A larger than average penis is fine, but not very important and especially not if we are talking long time relationships.
Penis size is (on average) as important to women (on average) as if you enjoy cooking or the color of your eyes.
My guess is that this apply to the “average penis”.. ie. if you are within average bounds most women really don’t care.
BUT, remember “on average” means that for SOME women penis size is important (look at the graphical representation).
Example.. 15% thinks penis size is more important than your wallet size (60% thinks your wallet size is more important).
and also BUT… being too small (or too big) can be a blocker .. ie. table on the left.. but there is a 3x higher chance of hitting a block from being too small than being too big!
This is accurate from an evolutionary perspective. The size of human penis compared to other primates indicates it is a sexually selected feature. IOW, it is important enough to result in modestly larger penises over very long time frames, but not important enough to result in materially larger penises over short time frames. Indeed there are traits that are so undesirable that they essentially eliminate themselves within a couple generations. So if having a very large penis was that important, the average would still be growing.
But the fact that it is obviously sexually selected for modestly larger size indicates that it does have some importance. Simple evolution would suggest that any study throughout the evolution of humans would have women on average preferring penises that are just slightly larger than the actual population average but not using penis size as a primary characteristic in choosing a mate. Which is exactly what your linked studies show. Which, BTW, is the same for breast size in women. Men overall prefer breasts that are just slightly larger than average, and consider other characteristics (shape, firmness, position) to be more important and still enjoy all sizes. Similarly, human breasts are the only primate breasts to be engorged when not nursing. So we don’t need to wring our hands over this one. The answer is obvious.