Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Shedding the Snake: Peeling to Remove Discoloration

Thank you. Those results sound excellent!

Take it with a grain of salt, but I found a pretty easy and super cheap way to achieve a chemical peel of the penis. I accidentally discovered this as a teen in summer camp, and didn’t figure it out until the second time it happened. Irish Spring or Zest soap. As it turns out, these soaps are highly basic, and will achieve a minor chemical burn of the penile tissues if lathered and left on to dry. The following next day or so the top layer of skin will be crispy in the area you applied the lather, and can be peeled off or will flake off on its own or you can use an emollient like vasoline / neosporin. The skin underneath will be a little irritated should heal in a couple of days.

Hi guys.

I have a dark coloration on the shaft caused by too much strenght Of the extender. Can i use acid on the shaft fit peeling?? I notice that where i had blister the new skin is better…is there a metod to create new blister ??

Thank you

Starting 15/02/14 NBP 16,5 EG 12 Today BP 20 NBP 17,5 EG 12,7 Goal NBP 19,5 EG 14,5 DREAM NBP22EG15

Has it really been almost 13 years since I first tried peeling? Wow. Time flies.

I’m amazed that this thread is still running. Actually, I’m amazed that the forum itself is still alive after so many years. Do you realize how old Thundersplace is in “Internet years”? That it continues to survive says a lot about the efforts of those who have been committed to providing free and honest information in a venue on the Internet (how rare is that these days?). I haven’t a clue who is running the show here now, but whoever has my best wishes. Thunder’s spirit has always been open source PE information and discussion. No ads or BS.

Peeling works to remove skin discoloration. I’m sure most who have done acid peeling properly/adequately agree. The key is to burn deep enough, but not overdo it. There weren’t any guidelines or recommendations when I first tried this. I’ve documented almost everything I have done here.

Just because I started this thread doesn’t mean I’m an expert on chemical peeling. Please don’t consider me to be an expert on the matter. I did some research and then experimented. I’ll take credit for being brave enough to put wart remover on my dick and hop around in pain not knowing if I was being foolish or discovering a solution. It was painful. It was scary, and scary for some time because the effects aren’t apparent at first and I didn’t know what would happen. I had never “peeled” anything before.

That said, here are some of my present thoughts on the matter, mostly based on my personal experience, but some based on feedback:

Some may only need mild acid, while others require stronger to accomplish the same thing. Commercial “wart remover” turned out to be just barely srtong enough for me. IMO, if you want to do a peel, start on the lighter side, such as using wart remover. Prep skin and do a good burn on a test spot. Dance around, feel how bad it hurts, watch the skin turn dark and peel off over the following days, etc. See how it goes. Proceed from there with stronger acids if necessary to burn deep enough. I never went beyond wart remover, in large part due to lack of funds. Wart remover mostly worked and was cheap/available.

I ended up with darker splotches remaining in burned areas soon after peeling. As I recall, this was an ongoing problem/concern. Had I been using a stronger acid, maybe things would have gone differently. I don’t know. I just continued the burning until it was close to “good enough.” Given some time (with no PE techniques being done contributing to further darkening) the skin evens out nicely over time. I’m saying don’t sweat the small stuff. Don’t get too picky. Given enough time (months), the skin tones blend in. You can always do another peel later if necessary.

If you aggravate the new, pink skin it will discolor again relatively quickly. When you are done peeling, leave the fresh skin alone for a long time (months at least).

I don’t think light peels or mild exfoliants will remove deep discoloration, assuming that’s what you actually have. Depends on what you have. Search here for my posts about hemosiderin deposits. If you have the black/dark crud, I think that’s the hemosiderin stuff and is what I rid myself of by peeling. If you only have mild redness after PEing, keep an eye on things. If you have petechiae (red spots) after extreme PEing, this will most likely eventually cause discoloration. Don’t do that to your skin or your penis. It’s not productive.

These days I don’t PE much apart from doing some manual stretches. If I do a little jelqing, I end with some Firegoat rolls, which may help prevent discoloration.

My skin is still looking decent these days, I’d say pre-exreme-PE status. Had I not done the peeling years ago, I’ll bet most of the PE-induced darkness would remain.

Try to avoid severely discoloring your skin with PE. If it happens, peeling can fix it. Peeling is not fun in the least, and requires significant down time.

I would like to say thank you for starting this thread 13 years ago, it definitely helped me lighten my discoloration.

I’m taking a month off before I start using salicylic acid again.


Are we talking about what happens during jelqing? If so I didn’t have to peel anything all I do is roll my penis with my pointer and thumb for a day and it goes away.

Seriously guys try tea tree oil, it does cause the outer layers of skin to defoliate over time. Be careful it can be harsh if you’re not smart about it.

Starting stats 02/13/2013: BPEL 6-3/4" and EG 4-1/4"

Now: BPEL 7-1/8" MSEG 5-1/2" (permanent gains)

Does chemical peeling work for whitening the perineal raphe? I can’t remember how mine was before starting PE, but I noticed it’s looking bad with all the stretching and time spent with an extender.

I tried to search for others with a raphe looking as dark/big as mine, but I just couldn’t find anything remotely close.

Good read.

Scrubbing the skin raw before applying the acid might be an important step for those who are getting splotchy results, or no peel at all.

Still undecided, but might try it out on next decon break.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Masking with vaseline

I’ve been reading more about chemical peels. For face peels apparently they use vaseline to mask around the eyes, nose, and mouth to keep acid from affecting sensitive areas. It doesn’t penetrate the hydrophobic layer. Could be good for masking already peeled areas when doing multiple discoloration peels.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

I just did the burn on my entire discolored area with 17% salicylic acid wart remover (equate brand) similar to how braindrain did his peel.

I felt a little stupid and crazy before starting, but just thought about how much I love PE, and how much my recent discoloration was souring my gains and the prospect of pursuing more gains. So I went for it.

My discoloration goes from the circumcision scar down to the clamp line, and two much darker patches on the ventral penoscrotal webbing area just at the clamp line.

I did it in 4 burns, each lasting about 20 minutes. I almost made it in 3 burns. I would get erect to maximize surface area, then start applying the acid. There’s about a 2 minute window before it starts to burn so much that it kills the erection, so I covered as much area as I could in those 2 minutes. Then there’s about 10-15 minutes of burning. I held my unit stretched throughout the burn. When it stops, and I released the unit, there are some areas that burn again for a few more minutes as the skin folds on itself when the stretch is released. This second phase of the burn is especially noticeable at the penoscrotal webbing fold.

All in all about 20 minutes pass until there is no more burning sensation at all. This stuff is definitely self neutralizing. I’m writing now with the whole area still covered, and there is zero pain, even with the first area now being covered for over 1.5 hours. After the 20 minutes, I could finally get erect again, and repeat the process.

The pain level is real, but not that bad. It’s like any other skin injury, and it only lasts about 10 minutes. It can get momentarily intense, but compared to normal trauma injuries, like breaking bones and open wounds, this was a piece of cake.

The first area I did, I tried applying a second coat in some areas. I found out all this does is makes the crust of dried acid thicker. It only really matters that the area gets covered, not how much it gets covered with. So by the end I was just making sure each area got painted once. Twice is overkill, and I found it the time during those 2 minutes before the burning sensation starts is better used to cover more area.

The whole thing took about an hour and a half, and now I’m just writing this post for an extra 15 minute to let the last burn go to absolute completion.

I ended up not doing any masking with vaseline. I wouldn’t do it above the circ scar line because I needed that area clean to grip for holding the unit stretched. I would have done it below the clamp line on the scrotal skin though. I got a could drops of the stuff on the scrotum.

That’s all for now. Time to go wash it off. I will update on the recovery and results later. Fingers crossed for no complications.

Thanks to all who have gone before.


Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

One more note - this stuff doesn’t wash off easily. I didn’t quite know what others were talking about when they said that.

I just ran it under and lukewarm shower for about 10 minutes, and some of it came off, but mostly the white crust is still there, it has bonded to the skin. It’s thicker in the areas where I double coated. I’m concerned peeling it away could take chunks of skin with it. The wart remover product says it’s fine to leave the dried crust there, so that’s what I’m doing. I imagine it acts as a shield for the damaged skin. If I were doing it again I might even wait longer to shower. Looks like about half of it washed off while the frosted underlying layer remains. Just going to run it under shower for 10 minutes twice a day until the rest of that falls away on its own rather than picking at it.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Ok the white crust left over after the burn starts to flake away and peels off easily after a few hours. If I were to do it again, I wouldn’t even shower afterward, I’d just wait until it fully dries out on its own, then peel it off later in the day.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

From my experience doing this, you have to be very careful to not irritate newly formed pink skin in anyway. It can very easily turn discolored in this phase of healing. Best of luck

Start: 1/22/2018 BPEL: 6.1in MSEG: 5.1in

Now: 8/02/2018 BPEL: 7.0in MSEG: 5.7in

Thanks for the advice, I’d gathered the same from my research and it makes a lot of sense. Perhaps I’ll take even more down time after this than I’d planned, to make sure it gets done right.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"


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