Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Holy Grail of PE is found!!!

I think Thunder’s Place needs to recruit a Phd in Biochemistry with a specialty in Pharmaceuticals. Let’s place an add on Craigslist.

“Wanted Phd In Biochemistry for advice on erection drugs, will trade for advice on penis enlargement exercises. Videos included.”

Originally Posted by figaro
I think Thunder’s Place needs to recruit a Phd in Biochemistry with a specialty in Pharmaceuticals. Let’s place an add on Craigslist.

“Wanted Phd In Biochemistry for advice on erection drugs, will trade for advice on penis enlargement exercises. Videos included.”

It may be hard to believe but we are pretty cutting edge here at Thunder’s. There are some specialists and word experts that could add a lot but your average biochemist or pharmacologist would not be of particular assistance unless they spent a fair amount of time catching up. We all have access to the published literature. A urological surgeon or endocrinologist specialized in sex steroids would be awesome, though.

Wow! You’ve really been doing your homework Penismith!

Just a thought while reading all this; If an erection is triggered by natural means (of whatever axis), I wonder how different the chemical cocktail would be to that of an artificially induced erection by something like Caverject or Tri-mix? How is sickle cell priapism different to any other priapism? Under normal conditions, do other chemicals (PGE-1, Oxytocin etc) help maintain normal size, where as when one or more are missing perhaps there is a different response? or perhaps once triggered, the erection causes the chemicals, or the chemicals cause the erection, and either way the same result ensues.

Hi Shiver,

When I started paying close attention to my erections, I noticed that I seem to have many different kinds. I actually kind of knew this before PE but then forgot because it didn’t fit with the established models. What do I mean by this? In PE we think about erection %. The patent also categorises them that way. But, think about the erection you wake up with and the erection that you have during sex. They can both be 100% hard but they are different. One difference, is that the waking erection does not always seem to involve the complete filling of the CS and the glans, although the CC is quite rigid. There also seems to be varying degrees of penile warmth which I suspect has to do with the rate of blood flow through the penis, or penile flux. So, I think that I might have erections that are similar in hardness but differ in the rate of blood turnover.

I think that there erection differences probably result from a very complex interplay between smooth muscle and skeletal muscle tone and that these varying tone levels probably result from differing penile hormonal profiles or cocktails.

I am not terribly sure about any of this. You guys pretty much see the results of my research as it takes place.

Another type of erection I have noticed seems to be the same thing as ballooning:

"I really didn’t understand what it is until I recently took an erect length measurement. When taking this measurement, I usually get very hard and close to ejaculation. Sometimes I do come and I get my very best measurements a fraction of a second before ejaculation."

penismith - Sweet rewards - balloning works

"When taking this measurement, I usually get very hard and close to ejaculation. Sometimes I do come and I get my very best measurements a fraction of a second before ejaculation. I know you are right when you say that there is a rush of blood to the penis just prior to ejaculation."

This particularly interesting type of erection has been described as a "surge" in the scientific literature:

"Together, the anatomic relationships between skeletal muscle and smooth muscle within the human penis explain many physiologic phenomena, such as erection, ejaculation, the intracavernous pressure surge during ejaculation, and the pull-back force against the glans penis during anal constriction."

penismith - Sweet rewards - balloning works

CC = Corpus Cavernosum
CS = Corpus Spongiosum

There also seem to be a multitude of partial erections, most of which we categorize as "good hang" or "bad hang". There seems to be a variable blood flux with these as well. Some time I have a good hang and it is very warm. Sometimes I have a good hang and it isn’t so warm. Sometimes I have a good hang and I can feel some very pleasant pressure in the CCs as I have a sexual thought and I have noticed that there seems to be some sort of connection between neurotransmitter profiles and these pleasant erections. What I mean, is, when I get that dull pleasant pressure in the CCs when partially erect, I also seem to feel kind of drunk with sexual desire at the same time. And like erections, I think that there are a lot of different kinds of hormonal arousal. This makes more sense when you think about the different types of girls and sexual acts that appeal to you. Sometimes sweet and inocent thing may appeal to us and sometimes some other fantasy like rough sex has our attention and I have noticed that the way my body feels and even my type of erection is different for these different types of arousal. Is it a monthly cycle thing? I don’t know. But I suspect that my hormonal profile is different in some way for these different types of arousal and I think that the type of erection is different as well.

Now, back to your question. Yes, I think that there are different types of erections and I think that different ED drugs may or may not modulate the erectile response in this way.

So which type of erection is good for PE gains? All? One? I don’t know.

Last edited by penismith : 06-04-2006 at .

You may be interested to know that I recently ordered some OxyCalm, and although it’s too early to report on its effects wrt its intended purpose, one thing I did try was inhaling it before getting an erection. This seems to have the effect of improving the pleasure, and providing a much more sure erection (as in, it doesn’t diminish quite so quickly if ceasing stimulation). I’m not claiming it is a dramatic wonder effect, but it’s definitely noticeable. It also helps shoot much farther too, since the erections are so solid. I would liken it to the kind of erection I get with yohimbine, but without the headaches and blood pressure issues. I haven’t tried combining it with anything else (eg. cialis) yet. I wouldn’t say it increases desire before the event in a noticeable way, but it jumps to attention when initiated. I don’t know if it has a role to play in PE (I’m not practising at the moment), but the cost/benefit ratio seems worth it to me.

Last edited by Shiver : 06-05-2006 at .

In addition to the previous post, I should mention that until yesterday I was also taking 1/2 tab bromocriptine (effectively 1.25mg) in the mornings. I wondered whether that might have been the cause instead, so I temporarily stopped taking it just to see. I inhaled before hand, then just for kicks I inhaled just as I was about to orgasm. That created one of those knee buckling, consciousness wavering experiences. I’ve only tried it once so it might be a one off, but I’ll try again soon. Btw, it otherwise has no noticable effects in terms of creating a buzz or drowsiness. It won’t affect your ability to operate heavy machinery or anything like that.


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