Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Holy Grail of PE is found!!!

Follow up idea:

The IC muscles are aligned longitudinally, which sounds strange since their job is to compress the crus. I’d think they should be arranged circumferentially. Regardless, the consequence of this alignment seems to be to shorten the crus during erection, thereby decreasing their volume and increasing their pressure.

This might explain why hard erections are sometimes shorter than good semi’s.

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Originally Posted by ModestoMan
Food for thought: Maybe the IC muscles are at least partially responsible for the difference between BPEL and BPFSL (did you say this above?). The IC muscles contract during an erection, but are lax and (perhaps) easily stretched when flaccid. They would be especially easily stretched if there were few to no longitudinal tunica fibers encased within the muscles.

I said that there is probably muscle action involved in the shortening of the penis during erection but I didn’t specifically think of the IC muscle. Yes, I think you might be right. That makes a lot of sense to me.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
PS: Getting back to your article , I’m very interested in exploring what happens to the tunica as the joined CC’s split into individual crura and insert into the IC muscles.

It’s never been clear to me whether the tunica extends through the middle of the IC muscles or whether it ends at the insertions into the IC muscles. I think this is important to know. If the tunica ends at the insertions, that means that the "limiting factor" for shaft gains may be the muscles rather than the tunica. I think that stretching muscles may be far easier than stretching the tunica. It’s also possible that kegels may become the "holy grail" PE exercise, if it turns out the rhythmically tensing and releasing the IC muscles stimulates their growth.

I don’t know. I always imagined it to end at the insertions. I think you would be right, for upward forces at least because of the s. lig.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
Although the article is very clear in most respects, it does not, unfortunately, clearly answer this question, at least given my ability interpreting the English language. Here’s what it says:

What does "continue with" mean???? Does it mean that they transition into, or does it mean that they run alongside? The second bolded sentence appears to answer it, or maybe not. Does "insert into" mean to transition to, or to join with something somewhere along it’s length. I think the second interpretation is probably fairest, which unfortunately means that the tunica apparently does run the full length of the crus.

They transition into and are interwoven with in.

"Meanwhile, the anterior fibers of the bulbospongiosus muscle partially radiate to encircle the corpus cavernosum and mostly insert into the ventral thickening of the tunica."

http://www.andr ologyjournal.or … l/25/3/426/FIG3

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
But since at least some of the outer fibers of the tunica spring from the IC muscles (my link), it may also be true that the tunica is quite thin within the IC muscles. Perhaps (and maybe this is just wishful thinking), all of the longitudinal fibers of the tunica spring from the IC muscles, and the only tunica fibers within the IC muscles are circumferential. That is still a possible interpretation of this paper, which is good news, I think.

Yea, this would kind of blow Lot theory out of the water if you see where I am headed or haven’t’ arrived there first.

Hi Guys! Long time no post. This is the first time I’ve seen this thread, and I’ve read the first 80 posts or so before running out of time, so if what I’m about to write has already been covered in subsequent posts then please accept my apologies.

What I’m reading is people asking how much extra force is needed to trigger growth without overdoing it. I’m also reading many people talking about multi-hour erections over a period of several years and no growth being observed, or the use of pge-1/trimix etc and not observing the effects detailed in the patent.

The examples all cite subjects that used enough of the substance to maintain an erection level (40-80% or whatever). None of the examples claim to maintain a full erection (like the 100% you want for a marathon event). So it would seem to me that the optimal amount of force is not any amount above normal, but below it. If people having healthy erections are not experiencing growth, that suggests that a full erection is not the way to go, which makes perfect sense to me if considering the durability of the human model. How good a design would a human be if their window of opportunity to reproduce was constrained by the viability of their unit due to being over sized? We know there’s a ‘use it or lose it’ angle to maintaining healthy erections, but reading the meta-message in between all these discussions, it sounds to me like it’s the journey towards a 100% erection is what holds the key to growth, and the full erection is what arrests growth (effectively maintaining stasis).

I have zero evidence for any of this, and it’s just an observation made from the thread, but it sounds like to get growth you’d need to lead your horse rather than whip it. Any achiness (as per the example of the 27y/o) would to me sound like one of Sparkys PI’s, and a signal to back off the dose, which it what they did.

Wrt to the guy who asked about why is ejaculation bad for growth, I don’t know the answer, but the first place I would look is at Prolactin, which appears at the point of ejaculation, and aids detumesence. Perhaps it hangs around a while and hinders night time erections?

Welcome back, Shiver. I hope you’ll decide to stay for a while :) . Since you’ve been gone, many of us have been toasting to your brilliance!

You have been mentioned in a good many threads dealing with hanging, connective tissue (especially IPR training protocols), and biochemisty.

I am particularly enamoured of your 1-piece vacuum hanger. It appears to address many of my concerns about the dangers of hanging.

Well, enough of the copious praise. You have a lot of reading to do ;) .

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by penismith

I don’t know. I always imagined it to end at the insertions. I think you would be right, for upward forces at least because of the s. lig.

Yes. The focus would change from stretching the ligs for length to stretching them to get them out of the way so you could hit the real paydirt deeper in the body. Frankly, this has been my philosophy for the past 6 months or so—that stretching the ligs is only helpful if you can’t apply traction to the "inner penis."

Originally Posted by PS

They transition into and are interwoven with in.

I think that’s right. But that doesn’t help my case ;) .

Originally Posted by PS

"Meanwhile, the anterior fibers of the bulbospongiosus muscle partially radiate to encircle the corpus cavernosum and mostly insert into the ventral thickening of the tunica."

http://www.andr ologyjournal.or … l/25/3/426/FIG3

I much prefer "transition into" over "insert into." I really want a spot where those "thickenings" thin out.

Originally Posted by PS

Yea, this would kind of blow Lot theory out of the water if you see where I am headed or haven’t’ arrived there first.

Yet another nail in the coffin.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
Welcome back, Shiver. I hope you’ll decide to stay for a while :) . Since you’ve been gone, many of us have been toasting to your brilliance!


Does anyone have any ideas for causing a sustained semi without full erection? The PDE-5 route wouldn’t do it for me without also having stimulation, and I can’t imagine an irritant cream quite hacking it either (though I’m happy to be corrected). Even if it didn’t cause growth, it could still be fun to have.

Edit: http://bmj.bmjj … l/312/7045/1512

I have been looking for that answer for a few months now. I have often thought an irritant would do it, but most muscle rubs have a combination of vasodilators and constrictors.

There is a version of Algipan that looks like it might work. It has methyl nicotinate, histamine phosphate (as in the opposite of anti-histamine) and glycol salicylate. We can’t buy Algipan in the U.S. but maybe you have this version in the UK (I think the regular version of Algipan in the UK has capsicin instead of histamine).

It might burn like a bitch, so I thought I would cut it with a base lotion and slowly increase the percent of it. However, it would cost me about $100 including shipping just to try it, so I gave up.

That cream that you reference looks great, but I think it would be hard to find a pharmacy to compound it without a prescription.

Hi Shiver,

I would like to welcome you back to posting as well.

A cheap, assessable and safe vasodialator has been my elusive white tiger.

I thought about electro stimulation for a day but then I had a strange dream in which I was hanging by my penis from a blimp sized light bulb as it drifted through the night sky.

Potaba is interesting.

I’m kicking myself here, as due to selling up and changing country I’ve thown out or given away a lot of stuff here lately. That includes my DMSO and histamine tablets. I just looked up the molecular weight of histamine, and it’s 307, which means it would fly through the skin with the greatest of ease in a transdermal. I haven’t thought it through though yet, and that may be a very uncomfortable thing to do, but just thought I’d post it up incase someone was feeling experimental.

Scrap that last post, I’m talking rubbish. I meant to say I threw away niacin, not histamine (okay it was early in the morning when I wrote it). Still, niacin is even smaller (123.11). Not sure it would do anything though.

Good to see you posting again Shiver.

So are you looking for a way to produce an erection level of 40-80% without using intracavernosal injections?

I had thought of using Cialis but it would require stimulation for me also and it would be exhausting for the amount of time needed.

Talking of Niacin, I had some laser treatment last year and was told Niacin can induce a flush. I took 100mcg orally and after about 20 minutes had a scary experience. My whole body flushed, turned red, including the palms of my hands. Made me itchy too and very uncomfortable :)

I tried a couple of caps of niacin in some Avant Labs 4AD (the nearest thing to a carrier I could find this morning). It didn’t do a thing.

I have not read everything in this thread…so, whatever. But has anyone tried Vig-rx Oil? I have heard anecdotal evidence that Vig-Rx Oil combined with Cialis or Viagra will induce Priapism.

I’m going back to work now.

"Debate the idea..."


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