Hi Guys! Long time no post. This is the first time I’ve seen this thread, and I’ve read the first 80 posts or so before running out of time, so if what I’m about to write has already been covered in subsequent posts then please accept my apologies.
What I’m reading is people asking how much extra force is needed to trigger growth without overdoing it. I’m also reading many people talking about multi-hour erections over a period of several years and no growth being observed, or the use of pge-1/trimix etc and not observing the effects detailed in the patent.
The examples all cite subjects that used enough of the substance to maintain an erection level (40-80% or whatever). None of the examples claim to maintain a full erection (like the 100% you want for a marathon event). So it would seem to me that the optimal amount of force is not any amount above normal, but below it. If people having healthy erections are not experiencing growth, that suggests that a full erection is not the way to go, which makes perfect sense to me if considering the durability of the human model. How good a design would a human be if their window of opportunity to reproduce was constrained by the viability of their unit due to being over sized? We know there’s a ‘use it or lose it’ angle to maintaining healthy erections, but reading the meta-message in between all these discussions, it sounds to me like it’s the journey towards a 100% erection is what holds the key to growth, and the full erection is what arrests growth (effectively maintaining stasis).
I have zero evidence for any of this, and it’s just an observation made from the thread, but it sounds like to get growth you’d need to lead your horse rather than whip it. Any achiness (as per the example of the 27y/o) would to me sound like one of Sparkys PI’s, and a signal to back off the dose, which it what they did.
Wrt to the guy who asked about why is ejaculation bad for growth, I don’t know the answer, but the first place I would look is at Prolactin, which appears at the point of ejaculation, and aids detumesence. Perhaps it hangs around a while and hinders night time erections?