Thunder's Place

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The Penis (smooth) Muscle Theory

I wonder what would be the physical effect on the penis of jerking while clamping, I mean doing a jelqing like motion, but without putting pressure with the hands.

Originally Posted by Nick666

I wonder what would be the physical effect on the penis of jerking while clamping

I don’t thinks this sounds good.

I wonder what would be the physical effect of jerking the penis while clamping.

Originally Posted by Nick666
I wonder what would be the physical effect of jerking the penis while clamping.

Well, this is yet another stupid thing that I have explored. For awhile, I clamped with a multi-clamp. It is a very tight and effective clamp. I got the bright idea of doing psuedo-erect stretches with a ruler jammed deep into my pubis. After a few weeks of doing this, I gained about a quarter inch in what ever you want to call this length measurement. Unfortunately, the length increases stopped there (maybe xenolith is right) and I never saw a corresponding EL gain. Who knows, maybe I wasn’t really stretching the tissue much. Maybe the ruler bowed a little. That could be a thread in it self: erroneous measurements due to slight ruler bowing.

Anyway, don’t ever try this. My dick went numb while doing some of these stupid exercises. I have a thread somewhere in the injury forum.

Oh yea, and I jerked off like in this clamped state as well. You can orgasm, but nothing comes out when the clamp is tight. I accidentally did that once or twice and that couldn’t have been good either.

I suspect most clampers wander into these areas. I mean, you sit there clamped for a long time and you get kind or bored. It is just a matter of time before you think to yourself, “hey, that looks big.” You measure it. Then, naturally, you pull on it a little while measuring it because you can’t help but to wonder how big it really is. Next thing you know, your bending it and twisting it (at the same time) and doing pan squeezes on your bent and twisted and tightly clamped dick. Then, your wondering if you will ever be able to feel you dick again, when it goes numb.

Over time I have come to realize that extreme PE doesn’t result in gains, just scabs and numbness and poor erection quality.

Last edited by penismith : 05-29-2006 at .

Because it hurts more in the glans. Pressure in the tunica is blunt pain, pressure in the glans is sharp pain. So I guess we don’t blast it as hard as the CCs?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by mgus
Because it hurts more in the glans. Pressure in the tunica is blunt pain, pressure in the glans is sharp pain. So I guess we don’t blast it as hard as the CCs?

Good observation but I don’t think that is the answer. Some of us (probably the less bright among us) have done some very extreme clamping. I did my share of weighted base clamping with a bib starter. The head was quite taunt. I may have gotten some size gain from it but I certainly don’t have the giant mushroom that one might expect of such a soft tissue.

Originally Posted by penismith
Why doesn’t the glans expand more during PE? Without the double layer of collagen making up the tunica, it should be the easiest tissue of the penis to enlarge.

Very good observation PS!!! I actually noted this in my notes when I was trying to credit the tunica for our “biggest hold back.”

To summarzie some of topic:
That was a very interesting idea you had there — in the grafting of the tunica post. I believe this definitely builds some points for judging the tunica as the “biggest hold back.”


I conveyed this information from “The penis as a vascular organ: The role of smooth muscle in the penis” article. The info is here, about half way down.

Basically, what I gathered is that without suffcient smooth muscle, the penis can’t get hard. It’s vital in a way that it:
- relaxes (thus, expanding the penis)
- when this happens the SM presses against the tunica

Some ramblind thoughts:
Now, from what I understood, the actual hardness is caused by the SM. I.e. the more the smooth muscle relaxes, the harder the penis becomes. I presume that exercising the penis allows the smooth muscle to relax (expand) more, thus causing a harder penis. Perhaps after the smooth muscle is relaxed to a certain point (in which that it is greatly applying pressure on the tunica), then the tunica givesway and gains are made.

Possibly its a cycle in which the smooth muscle is exercised to a healthy relaxation, then the tunica, then the SM, then the tunica? I think this is in accordance with Sparky’s PI’s, in which most people gained a lot when they experienced an increase in hardness. Just a thought.

Anyways, I don’t know if I sounded overkill regarding the SM in my previous posts. I truly think it plays an essential role. I might be in the minority on this thought, but I can’t see how the penis would enlarge without it. Either way, I agree with Modesto, there are probably multiple factors that contribute to the physiology behind PE.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by penismith

Good observation but I don’t think that is the answer. Some of us (probably the less bright among us) have done some very extreme clamping. I did my share of weighted base clamping with a bib starter. The head was quite taunt. I may have gotten some size gain from it but I certainly don’t have the giant mushroom that one might expect of such a soft tissue.

Not necessarily - how do you target the glans exclusively, for periods of time long enough to actually deform the tissue in a controlled / beneficial way? This goes more towards the discussion of foreskin reconstruction - gently nudging rather than hard stretching seems to work best (as far as I’ve read). Just maybe we deform the collagen (according to the graphs posted here: Innova - Penile stress/strain relationship) by rather short sessions of going over the design limit - but stretchy tissue just simply stretches. I’ve noted slight changes in my head size that I attribute to my vacuum-ADSing (since I’ve done that pretty exclusively for a long time) and since I started using a VacHanger I’ve noted a slight increase as well (to they eye). So maybe nudge rather than stretch is needed for the glans, and this isn’t achieved by clamping. Or you can’t get enough pressure to deform the stretchy tissue by clamping - it either rips (blood in the urethra) or the CCs are the limiting factor.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Hey guys,

I just wanted to throw this out…

I really have never looked or seen many erect dicks before I came here, but one thing that seems weird is how “un” uniform guys dicks are. I know they all look different, the different size etc… but setting aside pyronies disease, the the shape of many guys penis’ are not uniform even within the standard shapes (baseball bat, tree trunk etc.) It seems that there are weak points along the shaft etc.. (individual to each person) There could be something to it?

Originally Posted by all4show
the shape of many guys penis’ are not uniform even within the standard shapes (baseball bat, tree trunk etc.) It seems that there are weak points along the shaft etc.. (individual to each person) There could be something to it?

Absolutely. A study of cadavers that someone linked to or referenced here found that there are variations in thickness, as well as the number of layers of the tunica. If you believe that the tunica is a limiting factor in your size, which I think nobody disputes it is for girth, then genetic variation will certainly matter as much as any other factor in terms of the rate of gains, and potentially your ultimate limit.

I was thumbing through the smooth muscle book earlier today, and I noted a few things.

Originally Posted by Hypertrophic response in smooth muscle, by Seidel
Smooth muscle cells are clearly capable of growth by either cellular hypertrophy or hyperplasia.

There appears to be a big difference. In some instances there is hypertrophy is SM cells. In other instances there is hyperplasia. The book hypothesized that hypertrophy was probably due to increased workload/stress, while hyperplasia was caused by increased blood pressure.

I also noted that SM consists of proteins, actin, and myosin, just like it’s skeletal muscle counterpart (I think I already stated that in this thread, but I believe it’s worthy of being re-posted).

Lastly, smooth muscle growth can occur in all directions (notably, longitudinally and circumferentialy).

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

What book are you reading and who is the author?

Originally Posted by mgus

Not necessarily - how do you target the glans exclusively, for periods of time long enough to actually deform the tissue in a controlled / beneficial way? This goes more towards the discussion of foreskin reconstruction - gently nudging rather than hard stretching seems to work best (as far as I’ve read). Just maybe we deform the collagen (according to the graphs posted here: Innova - Penile stress/strain relationship) by rather short sessions of going over the design limit - but stretchy tissue just simply stretches. I’ve noted slight changes in my head size that I attribute to my vacuum-ADSing (since I’ve done that pretty exclusively for a long time) and since I started using a VacHanger I’ve noted a slight increase as well (to they eye). So maybe nudge rather than stretch is needed for the glans, and this isn’t achieved by clamping. Or you can’t get enough pressure to deform the stretchy tissue by clamping - it either rips (blood in the urethra) or the CCs are the limiting factor.

I think that you are probably correct. :up:

Originally Posted by all4show
Hey guys,

I just wanted to throw this out…

I really have never looked or seen many erect dicks before I came here, but one thing that seems weird is how “un” uniform guys dicks are. I know they all look different, the different size etc… but setting aside pyronies disease, the the shape of many guys penis’ are not uniform even within the standard shapes (baseball bat, tree trunk etc.) It seems that there are weak points along the shaft etc.. (individual to each person) There could be something to it?

Hmm, could you start a thread with pictures? This might be worth exploring but we need to know that we are all talking about the same thing. If you do start a thread, please place a link to it in this one.

Originally Posted by remek
In some instances there is hypertrophy is SM cells.

Happy Birthday:

Chronic papaverine treatment: the effect of repeated injections on the simian erectile response and penile tissue.

Abozeid M, Juenemann KP, Luo JA, Lue TF, Yen TS, Tanagho EA.

Department of Urology, University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco 94143.

To investigate the effect of chronic papaverine treatment, seven monkeys underwent repeated intracavernous injections for one year. One monkey died after 56 injections; the others received a total of 100 each. The strength and duration of erection were recorded after each injection, and the erectile tissue was examined histologically at the end of the study. Over the long term, papaverine maintains its erection-inducing capability, but it does cause pathologic changes in the erectile tissue: minimal to marked fibrosis at the injection site and hypertrophy of smooth muscle in the non-injected area of the corpus.

http://www.ncbi … 6&dopt=Abstract


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