Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Penis (smooth) Muscle Theory

Originally Posted by biggerjohnson
So…with all this great new insight, do you guys see any new ways of jelqing, stretching, etc…. that would now be more beneficial?

IMO, maybe.

Here is my bottom line, current, thinking:

We don’t get enough rest, and we use more intensity than needed. Perhaps xeno, and many others, are dead on with a 2 off and 1 on schedule. If we were to compare penile exercising with weightlifting, for the sake of an argument, then I would presume we exercise way too much. Now I know that the two types of exercising are completely different from one another, but evidence in the weightlifting science community now suggests that a good 48-72 hours (at a minimum) is needed for optimal growth.

However, in this community, most people don’t think of it this way. Rather, we are trained to believe that bombarding our penises with daily exercise is essential for growth. And truthfully, I think it’s not.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson


Interesting observation!


I’ve believed, for quite some time now, that ejaculation does affect gains. I can’t see why it wouldn’t. Common sense tells me that my penis typically contracts after I ejaculate. And contraction, when it comes to penis enlargement, isn’t the goal.

Anyone know where Shiver is at? I’d love to have his opinion in this thread — particularly now that we are getting down to the microbiology of the penis (PGE-1, NO, etc.).

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Sucks to think that ejaculation can hurt your gains especially when the main reason most of us PE is to have a bigger member for our wife’s, gf’s, lady friends, etc….

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics

Originally Posted by biggerjohnson
Sucks to think that ejaculation can hurt your gains especially when the main reason most of us PE is to have a bigger member for our wife’s, gf’s, lady friends, etc….

I guess patience really is a virtue.

I’m also a firm believer that ejaculation (not masturbation) affects gains. Ejaculating is a huge amount of work for your body - that amount of triggers and chemicals that go off are amazing. We are using up all this energy (or chi, or whatever you want to call it) on ejaculating, when we should be conserving it for the healing processes of PE.

When I start my IPR protocol, I think I’m going to drastically limit ejaculations during the “I” phase and slowly reintroduce them in during the “P” and “R” phases.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~


Although I completely understand your pain, try to still look at the positive aspects.

# 1 - I don’t think ejaculating has a major affect. Perhaps only at certain times (i.e. maybe around 2 hours before and after a workout)

# 2 - Ejaculating less has great benefits if done correctly. You might experience a higher libido, increased sexual pleasure, and if you edge/balloon, then multiple orgasms. The last one (multiple orgasms) isn’t the easiest to acquire, but it is, by far, the best. The bottom line - if you choose to ejaculate less, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have just as much sex/masturbation. In fact, I find that by holding off my ejaculations during masturbation — and thus saving it for sex — that I can last much longer in the bed room.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by remek

Although I completely understand your pain, try to still look at the positive aspects.

# 1 - I don’t think ejaculating has a major affect. Perhaps only at certain times (i.e. maybe around 2 hours before and after a workout)

# 2 - Ejaculating less has great benefits if done correctly. You might experience a higher libido, increased sexual pleasure, and if you edge/balloon, then multiple orgasms. The last one (multiple orgasms) isn’t the easiest to acquire, but it is, by far, the best. The bottom line - if you choose to ejaculate less, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have just as much sex/masturbation. In fact, I find that by holding off my ejaculations during masturbation — and thus saving it for sex — that I can last much longer in the bed room.

If its within a 2 hour window then Im good. I typically dont have sex before or after PE. Usually on my off days. Alot of people confuse multiple orgasms with ejaculation. Although one may only ejaculate once during intercourse, they can have multiple orgasms. From what Ive read this is aquired by just holding out as long as possible and its the sensation right up until the point to where you ejaculate. Please correct me if Im wrong and any extra info would be greatly appreciated.

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics

constructive comparables


Originally Posted by remek
IMO, maybe.

Here is my bottom line, current, thinking:

We don’t get enough rest, and we use more intensity than needed. Perhaps xeno, and many others, are dead on with a 2 off and 1 on schedule. If we were to compare penile exercising with weightlifting, for the sake of an argument, then I would presume we exercise way too much. Now I know that the two types of exercising are completely different from one another, but evidence in the weightlifting science community now suggests that a good 48-72 hours (at a minimum) is needed for optimal growth.

However, in this community, most people don’t think of it this way. Rather, we are trained to believe that bombarding our penises with daily exercise is essential for growth. And truthfully, I think it’s not.

I concur with remek’s observation, many physiological structures/components of the body are not so dissimilar that some constructive comparable can be extrapolated. For example, in my body building I use a split routine one day composed of a series of certain muscle groups and the next day the remainder series, on average 70 minutes 4 times weekly sometimes 5. and this is the entire body. Can you imagine working out frenetically, lets say for example, only your right arm bicep at least one hour daily five days a week; I should think your right arm would succumb to ED with the poor thing dangling from your shoulder helplessly and possibly in great agony.

I have used humor here to dramatize a point- the concept of PI’s . The PI concept is a productive and useful alternative hypothesis to early concepts that emphasized protracted time parameters to promote hugh gains. Therefore the task of efficient PE shoud integrate intuition and prudence into the program of promoting EF (erectile function) and the associated progressive gains. Multiple PE concept models are here to stay, lets continue to explore and nuance them for the benefit of all seriously interested in PE.


The Alchemy of PE.

just wondering whether bodybuilding supps like creatine could help us PEing in this case?


Shooting for 9"

I was wandering if a calorie surplus would be beneficial. You can’t build muscle without eating more calories than you use.

id say with the penis be a (relatively) small muscle you wouldnt need to increase calorie intake much.


Shooting for 9"

True, but from what I understand, the body will not devote energy into building any muscles unless you sre taking in more calories than you are burning.

I’m going to end my input here, as i’m sure an expert will soon debunk my theory.

Originally Posted by mistertee
True, but from what I understand, the body will not devote energy into building any muscles unless you sre taking in more calories than you are burning.
I’m going to end my input here, as i’m sure an expert will soon debunk my theory.

interesting, i never thought of it that way. id say as long as your not starving yourself youll probably still grow… a bodybuilder should chime in.


Shooting for 9"

IGF Increases Penile Size

http://www.ncbi … 2&dopt=Abstract

Serum gonadotrophins. Androgens, insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) were determined before and during long-term treatment with recombinant IGF-I of seven males with Laron syndrome, and the changes correlated with changes in testicular volume and penile size. The subjects were four boys below the age of 5, two boys aged 10 and 14 but prepubertal and one 28-year-old fully sexually developed adult. IGF-I was administered by a once daily subcutaneous injection of 150 microg/kg per day to the boys and 120 microg/kg per day to the adult patient. In the very young boys no change in serum gonadotrophins, androgens, gonads or genitals was registered. In the two older boys and the adult patient, there was a progressive rise in luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone. Concomitantly, there was an increase in size of the testes and penile length. The two boys started puberty. As very high serum IGF-I levels were registered in the adult patient, the daily dose was progressively decreased to 70 microg/kg per day. Stopping the IGF-I administration in this patient, according to the protocol, led to a return to pretreatment serum levels and testicular and penile size. This report shows for the first time a direct effect of IGF-I on sex hormones and sex organs in the male.

IMO, I don’t think calorie intake has a lot to do with PE… I think that might be taking it a little overboard. I’ve heard of diets for losing weight — but for PE too? :-s

Waiter: What would you like to drink?

Remek: Water, I’m on a strict diet.

Waiter: But… Sir… You’re not even fat!

Remek: Look, I’m trying to enlarge my penis. Don’t you know that the penis is made of SM — Smooth Muscle, and everything we do (including eat, sleep, and dispose) purtakes in how fast my penis can grow while exercising?

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson


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