Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Penis (smooth) Muscle Theory

Waiter: Let me get you a Pink Pussy.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by remek

This thread is a continuation of a discussion begun in the thread entitled, Need help from all good gainers!.

I have always been curious how the penis works — and if I could enlarge it. Along time ago, I was rather upset when I found out that the penis wasn’t a muscle, and therefore it couldn’t be enlarged. Thankfully, since then (due to this site and others), I have found out the truth — penis enlargement is very real. It works, yet, no one seems to know exactly how.

I was rather dumbfounded when I learned that the penis truly is a muscle — not completely muscle, and not a normal muscle — but approximatelly 50 percent smooth muscle. Below are two posts of my notes and research about the smooth muscle of the penis.

Xeno, there is plenty of basis in this forum. I hope I haven’t offended anyone by for-bringing what I recommend to the table. After all, sparkyx did ask for my opinion. Perhaps you meant no harm in your reply, just busting my balls, eh? Either way, in actuality I’m truly not a scientist, yet.

Science is mysterious itself. Even scientific facts aren’t always fact. So I presume that my recommendations could be wrong, but I believe in them. But I will always follow the evidence, at least to the best of my ability. My recommendations are also based on hours (and hours, and hours) of reading over PE forums, and scribbling down my own notes.

But more important (at least right now), do you disagree with me? I know you think decon breaks help, and I also know that you believe moving up in intensity is the best way to go. Or, at least that is what I am under the impression (from your posts and your journal). I’m all for discussion if you think I’m wrong. I think that is why Sparky created this thread. He, the thought provoker he is, wants to create more guidelines for men to follow.

Anyways, here is a reference for what you requested:

If you want the full article, email me (

Personally (this is my opinion), I think the smooth muscle plays a monumental roll in penis enlargement. Healthy smooth muscle in the penis is required for an erection.

This is well documented in:

I only have this one in print, so I can’t email it to you. However, if you would like to look at this 20-something page article (an exercise in itself to read ;) ), then I would be willing to mail it to you.

But here is a tidbit:

In an essence, this article went over (in detail, down to the chemistry) the smooth muscle’s role in the penis. The bottom line: smooth muscle is very, very important. Or, at least that is what I perceived it to be. The smooth muscle causes an erection (which is set off through chemical reactions) by completely relaxing. "Compression of the relaxed trabecular smooth muscle against the fibroelastic tunica albuginea causes the closure of the emissary veins," and thus results in an erection. If this smooth muscle is unable to completely relax, then an erection can’t take place… . .

Thank you for your thoughts and research! I can’t tell you how much I’ve learned from this thread!

I just read this whole thread and think you guys are onto something, yet little has been contributed from the main players in quite some time. Have you given up on discussing these theories?

I have a couple of things to add regarding some of the aforementioned subjects.

“Orgasm releases prostaglandins, which cause smooth muscle to contract (correct?). This ends the erection and induces the refractory period.”

1) I have been reading my issues of “The Journal of Sexual Medicine” lately, and recall Prolactin being the primary chemical released after orgasm, resulting in the beginning of the refractory period. King_G’s thread on “How I cured my Premature Ejaculation” contains some information regarding how SSRIs or another drug inhibited Prolactin, thus enabling Mr. Johnson to continue unabated into round number 2 almost immediately. I believe Prolactin to be the post orgasm diminishing penile chemical culprit.

2) If prostaglandins were to blame, then wouldn’t fish oil supplementation be detrimental to PE, As they provide PGE1 to our body? (As well as those studies where PGE1 was directly injected into the penis causing erections or growth)

3) I recall also reading about how certain antioxidants, when combined with drug treatments for ED or PE, increased the overall efficacy of the outcomes. Isn’t pycnogenol touted for being one of the most powerful antioxidants? I remember from years ago, I started taking grape seed extract (also an antioxidant) for it’s ability to relax smooth muscle tissue.

On a side note, I’ve been researching NO producing agents and came across this interesting product:

I’m going to order some and check it out, as it looks promising.


Shouldn't you be Jelqing?

Originally Posted by gottaB8
I just read this whole thread and think you guys are onto something, yet little has been contributed from the main players in quite some time. Have you given up on discussing these theories?

No, it cycles. Each time, we get a little further along. I am very excited about the current membership. It seems like the quality of our members keeps improving. This is an exciting time.

Sorry to sound lazy but I’ve been working all night and just got in. I’m about to go to bed and wondering if anyone could summarise what Ramek is suggesting to be done about the smooth muscle.

I’ve read the first 2 pages but, although I understand (I think) what Ramek means about smooth muscle, what is he suggesting is a good way to work with this information to help gains through understanding?

Good post. It has been written other places at TP that prolactin is one of the hormones that hinders PE. I’ve looked for herbs that reduce prolactin (I don’t have access to prescriptions for PE) and all the ones I’ve found, chasteberry, saw palmetto, pygeum, also decrease testosterone. I can’t afford to lose any testosterone at my age. Although some on this board have found benefit from pygeum in increasing their loads.

I don’t know enough about Prostaglandins to answer your question. I do know that there are other PGE’s than PGE1 and they have different effects.

I do think that smooth muscle is my limiting factor in PE. It has thickened in places in my penis and I don’t think the tunica will do that. Hopefully, if we keep this thread alive, some of the more technically inclined will contribute.

Originally Posted by figaro
I do think that smooth muscle is my limiting factor in PE. It has thickened in places in my penis and I don’t think the tunica will do that. Hopefully, if we keep this thread alive, some of the more technically inclined will contribute.

It might also be fibrosis, but I really couldn’t say. I would consider reading up on it. Either way, I hope that your gains resume.

I am not sure about fibrosis, but I just looked up a few descriptions and it seemed that fibrosis was more localized like scar tissue. My thickening is actually quite evenly distributed and encircles my penis about 1/2 way up to below the glans, like I had a bike inner tube inside my penis. It does expand evenly when I clamp and jelq, but I can feel the resistence when I jelq. It just seems like thickening smooth muscle, but really I don’t know. I can’t feel it when erect, but when semi erect or flaccid but full.

Originally Posted by figaro
I am not sure about fibrosis, but I just looked up a few descriptions and it seemed that fibrosis was more localized like scar tissue. My thickening is actually quite evenly distributed and encircles my penis about 1/2 way up to below the glans, like I had a bike inner tube inside my penis. It does expand evenly when I clamp and jelq, but I can feel the resistence when I jelq. It just seems like thickening smooth muscle, but really I don’t know. I can’t feel it when erect, but when semi erect or flaccid but full.

I am quite glad that it does not appear to be fibrosis. Hmm, I guess it could be smooth muscle but it might be something else. Skeletal muscle perhaps, or ligament.

Speaking of skeletal muscle, I just found an arictle that I thought would be a good contribution to this thread. It talks about both the skeltal muscle in the penis (BC, IC, and tunica) and the smooth muscle. The article also breifly talks about how they are important for erection.

Anatomy of the Human Penis: The Relationship of the Architecture Between Skeletal and Smooth Muscles

To investigate the anatomy of the ischiocavernosus muscle, bulbospongiosus muscle, and tunica albuginea and to determine their relationships to smooth muscle, which is a key element of penile sinusoids, we performed cadaveric dissection and histologic examinations of 35 adult human male cadavers.

The tunica of the corpora cavernosa is a bilayered structure that can be divided into an inner circular layer and an outer longitudinal layer. The outer longitudinal layer is an incomplete coat that is absent between the 5-o’clock and 7-o’clock positions where 2 triangular ligamentous structures form. These structures, termed the ventral thickening, are a continuation of the anterior fibers of the left and right bulbospongiosus muscles.

On the dorsal aspect, between the 1-o’clock and 11-o’clock positions, is a region called the dorsal thickening, a radiating aspect of the bilateral ischiocavernosus muscles. In the corpora cavernosa, skeletal muscle contains and supports smooth muscle, which is an essential element in the sinusoids. This relationship plays an important part in the blood vessels’ ability to supply the blood to meet the requirements for erection, whereas in the corpus spongiosum, skeletal muscle partially entraps the smooth muscle to allow ejaculation when erect.

In the glans penis, however, the distal ligament, a continuation of the outer longitudinal layer of the tunica, is arranged centrally and acts as a trunk of the glans penis. Without this strong ligament, the glans would be too weak to bear the buckling pressure generated during coitus. A significant difference exists in the thickness of the dorsal thickening, the ventral thickening, and the distal ligament between the potent and impotent groups (P <= .01).

Together, the anatomic relationships between skeletal muscle and smooth muscle within the human penis explain many physiologic phenomena, such as erection, ejaculation, the intracavernous pressure surge during ejaculation, and the pull-back force against the glans penis during anal constriction. This improvement in the modeling of the anatomic-physiologic relationship between these structures has clinical implications for penile surgeries.

Link:http://www.andr ologyjournal.or … pe2=tf_ipsecsha

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by remek
whereas in the corpus spongiosum, skeletal muscle partially entraps the smooth muscle to allow ejaculation when erect.

I am curious of they are referring of the BC muscle, which covers the CS at the base of the penis (inside the body) … or some other unknown, unspoken about skeletal muscle that has all the answers to all of my questions? :confused:

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

very good thread

Ive been away from this site for probably a year. I was very pleased to find this thread and the level of research that has been put into it.

For those of us who love to work this as a logic problem with rewards beyond the intellectual, I congratulate those who have contributed to this thread.

In view of all the research that has been done can we now speculate on how to put all this into action?

As for myself, I had gained approximately 1” in one year going from bpel of 5.75 to around 6.75, but had ran into a stone wall of defeat after that time. I do believe deconditioning breaks are vital, but also when gaining to push them as they WILL slow/stop eventually. Im back now as the idea of breaking the 7” mark has never left my mind.

My initial gains .5” -.7” came from jelqing and manual stretches, the remainder from hanging and honestly a bit from from better understanding of getting the most from a ruler :)

I am now looking to attack again using a methodology of increasing intensity. Starting with basic stretches and jelqing and then moving into clamping and hanging. i know many advocate seperating width and length excercises but Ive never gained using one side of the coin. always hand in hand has seemed to work best for me.

Any suggestion from the contributors here would be welcomed.

As a side note I might relate an interesting experience ive had that is an entirely different take on this than what is being presented here. I recently had the opportunity to see a book on anatomy unlike any other. It was comprised of of actual cadavors that had been essentially sliced down the middle of any given organ or body section and then preserved. What you were seeing was body pats cut in half giving you the opprtunity to see the inner workings of the body. Of course I went right to the groin region in order to fullfill my curiosity. what I found was intriguing. The inner penis enters the body and coils down to its lowest attatchment point between your testicles and rectum, the scientific name now eludes me. Anyway the salient point here is that it does SLIGHTLY coil down. The significance is enormous if you think about it and perhaps the key to some big gainers like BIB. If you were able to take the slack out of the inner penis gains should be abundant. Obviously in order to do this you would have clear the way as it were, by stretching the skin and connective tissue to release the inner penis.

Combining the knowledge in this thread and exploring the release of the inner penis I believe may be a powerful combination.

Sorry about the sidetrack…. again, how best to put the essence of this excellent thread into practice?


Rest Periods & Great Thread!!!

Great thread!!! For the past year, I’ve been doing the stretch & jelq, with occasional clamping routine pretty regularly (5 on, 2 off). Lately, life’s been busy, and I have been taking “rest” breaks of 5 - 7 days, before resuming my routine. Surprisingly, it seems like I gain length during the rest periods, especially flaccid length. I measured my BPEL this week and it was 7.5” easy, which was a pleasant surprise. I also find myself doing frequent, short duration jelqs during the day (say 4 - 6 times a day), with a semi-flaccid penis. It seems that I can really push the blood (fluids) through my penis to the glans and even stretch that too.

Anyway, I am encouraged and am aiming for 7.75” BPEL. If I reach that, then 8 is dooable. Comments?? MC

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."

Forgot to mention cock rings

Oops, forgot to mention that I’m experimenting with cock rings (cock & ball rings). Anyway, I wear five to seven, 2" inside diam. x 5/16" thick stainless steel cock rings (1.6 oz. each) most days (12 - 18 hours) and hope that they act as an ADS to keep a constant tug on my unit. This has been an interesting experiment, and I honestly don’t know how much, if any, it’s contributed to my length gains. For more info, check my posts on J. Meister’s "Wonderful World of Cock Rings" ( The Wonderful World of Cock Rings ). A key factor in successfully wearing cock rings, is keeping your balls warm, so that they stay loose and don’t retract up the rings. I may have finally hit on a solution. Lately, I’ve been wearing a leather pouch (like the ones we used to use for marbles, if you can remember that far back :-) ) over my balls, cock, and rings. It keeps everything toasty, relaxed, stretched out, and in place. No more ball migration up inside the rings and back to the base of my cock. Hey, even if it doesn’t contribute to PE, it’s a nice turn-on. MC

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."


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