**If someone could show a surgical or even better a non-surgical method for penis enlargement they would be rich and be recognized within the research community.**
They would be rich if they had a "quick fix". As of now most are not successful with PE for the same reason the majority of Americans are overweight. Laziness and lack of dedication. If you cannot do it quick and easy, most will not even bother with it.
Billions of dollars are made a year prying on men’s insecurities about their penis. Far more money can be made following this route then it would be to research, prove, then sell the information to gain manually, like you can following tutorials on thundersplace.
I have been doing PE since August of 2009. I measured over the course of 4 days several times a day to make sure my starting measurement was accurate. Look at my signature below to see my starting and current stats. I can ensure you with a family and two jobs I have better things to do then pretend to slowly gain over the course of almost two years just for the hell of it.
I couldn’t tell you with complete certainty how my penis enlarged. I know what I did to make it gain in size, I "think" I know the logic behind it, but myself and YOU can not explain it scientifically.
When I think of you trying to scientifically prove how PE may not be possible I can’t help but laugh.
Before you rely strictly on science to convince you otherwise about how successful we have been on thundersplace, do me a favor and read this. Eight Botched Environmental Forecasts | Fox News
Starting Stats: BPEL = 5.875, EG = 4.375 <> Current Stats: BPEL = 7.25, EG = 4.6