Thunder's Place

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Thoughts on PE from johndough

What is this thread about ?

Scienceguy, do you have any bloodwork done in reference to your hormone levels ?

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"


I hope you don’t mind me asking this in this forum. I kind of feel it is appropriate. If it’s not I apologize.

You’ve read and seen an awful lot about people’s results in their PE endeavour.

What is, in your opinion, the best way to go about this? What differs in the results gotten by manual exercises, hanging, pumping, extenders, mixing up, etc.? In other words, if you were advising a beginner, what would YOU personally tell him to do?

Originally Posted by alin

What is this thread about ?

Its about a bunch of members here who disagree about how/whether PE works, and have repeated the same old chestnuts so much that the OP has lost interest. ;)


I think that we could potentially design our own study to prove that PE works. If some doctor wants to take up the gauntlet, then they can prove it.

Here is a request for you to prove the negative: I can get non-fluid expansion of my penis (Tunica expansion) of close to 3/4” at the base and at least 1/2” under the glans using clamping or pumping. I am guessing many people here can do the same and could be easily proven to be true. I would like to hear a theory of how this would not cause growth?

Originally Posted by SteadyGains

I think that we could potentially design our own study to prove that PE works. If some doctor wants to take up the gauntlet, then they can prove it.

Here is a request for you to prove the negative: I can get non-fluid expansion of my penis (Tunica expansion) of close to 3/4” at the base and at least 1/2” under the glans using clamping or pumping. I am guessing many people here can do the same and could be easily proven to be true. I would like to hear a theory of how this would not cause growth?

That has already been covered earlier in the thread.

Originally Posted by stuzilla
Its about a bunch of members here who disagree about how/whether PE works, and have repeated the same old chestnuts so much that the OP has lost interest. ;)

I’ve lost interest because only two or three members even addressed my points, the rest engaged in personal attacks and reverted to anti-science rants about how PE can elude logical inconsistencies.

If Bohm and Redbear can help me filter through what they consider solid extender studies then I would be grateful and would read through them. I don’t think any of them measured erect length, which is unfortunate. I think fsl will add some evidence, but the size study where the penis was stretched 3 times before measuring the fsl has had its methodology questioned as it is purported that the stretching increased extensibility in the flaccid state without giving an accurate measure of erection size. So, if all they used were fsl and the study is legit, I’m going to conclude that length gains may be possible, but a study with erection length needs to be conducted. If no legit study has been conducted with extenders or non-significant results obtained, then I am done and am going to spend more time on the things in my life that I feel I can change.

Originally Posted by johndough123
I’ve lost interest because only two or three members even addressed my points, the rest engaged in personal attacks and reverted to anti-science rants about how PE can elude logical inconsistencies.

If Bohm and Redbear can help me filter through what they consider solid extender studies then I would be grateful and would read through them. I don’t think any of them measured erect length, which is unfortunate. I think fsl will add some evidence, but the size study where the penis was stretched 3 times before measuring the fsl has had it’s methodology questioned as it is purported that the stretching increased extensibility in the flaccid state without giving an accurate measure of erection size. So, if all they used were fsl and the study is legit, I’m going to conclude that length gains may be possible, but a study with erection length needs to be conducted. If no legit study has been conducted with extenders or non-significant results obtained, then I am done and am going to spend more time on the things in my life that I feel I can change.

Could you give your input on my theory posted earlier, that the penis length, girth and internal pliability can be in a state of mild atrophy much like ligaments, skin and muscle, such that “apparent” immediate gains are possible once the limb is taxed, just like other muscles and ligaments?

p6inch - Thoughts on PE from johndough

That’s the post

P6inch, time to get that JD only believes in what people with an alb say. A man has to believe in something, right?

Originally Posted by UpTo7

Wrong. We should focus on making our dicks bigger.



My bone-pressed stretched flaccid length is quite consistent when I measure it. The only exception is if I measure immediately after hanging or use of an extender and then I sometimes temporarily gain from 1/16" to 1/8" in length. My BPFSL has increased over 1" since I started measuring it, and that was only after I had gained more than .5" of erect length.

I cannot conceive how an increase in BPLSL of over 1" over the course of the last 18 months or so could be attributed to improved EQ or temporary swelling. I rather anticipate that someone might suggest that the BPFSL went up because my girth went down, but in fact my girth has increased by about .5" erect and more than that flaccid.

This page from the Andromedical site shows some of the small studies that have been done using extenders for either penile lengthening in normal men, or for treatment of Peyronie’s disease: Penis lengthening Studies and Researches by Andromedical.

These will be criticised because they were sponsered by extender manufacturers, but extender manufacturers are the only entities that have a financial incentive to conduct and pay for such studies.

Check also: Effect of penile-extender device in increasing penile size in men with shortened penis: preliminary results - PubMed

Originally Posted by johndough123
I’ve lost interest because only two or three members even addressed my points, the rest engaged in personal attacks and reverted to anti-science rants about how PE can elude logical inconsistencies.

If Bohm and Redbear can help me filter through what they consider solid extender studies then I would be grateful and would read through them. I don’t think any of them measured erect length, which is unfortunate. I think fsl will add some evidence, but the size study where the penis was stretched 3 times before measuring the fsl has had it’s methodology questioned as it is purported that the stretching increased extensibility in the flaccid state without giving an accurate measure of erection size. So, if all they used were fsl and the study is legit, I’m going to conclude that length gains may be possible, but a study with erection length needs to be conducted. If no legit study has been conducted with extenders or non-significant results obtained, then I am done and am going to spend more time on the things in my life that I feel I can change.

We haven’t done any ‘studies’— we don’t have the funding— anything that is ‘published’ here is either self-reported or information linked elsewhere.

Here’s the deal— you can give natural PE a try for free— hell, most of the homegrown vendors have instructions up for their 1.0 productions, including Bib— and see for yourself whether or not it works for you.

There is no money in natural PE to be made— other than paysites scamming you for a program that many if not most cribbed form here— so there won’t be any studies of the type that you would find persuasive.

There are dozens if not hundreds of similar threads every newbie season— you may well want to sort through them while availing yourself of the newbie manual and getting your PE on.

Peace out.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Everyone seems to agree that PE works @ Does PE work?. Go figure!



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