Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Tunica Tugs

Tunica Tugs

Well I learned a lot of PE skills from Jon Pop over at Betterman over the years and his “Tunica Tugs” are great exercise. I think you dudes seeking girth may find this one help full. I’m over 6” girth now. Been doing these exercises for a few weeks now I mistakenly called them “Tunica Stretches”. So if your reading my progress thread and see “Tuninca Stretches” keep in mind they are the same as Tunica Tugs.

JP’s Tunica Tugs:

Take the index and middle fingers and make a ^ pointing down.
Press these against the pubic bone at the base of the shaft and squeeze.
With your other hand, grasp the shaft just behind the glans and as you stretch out, press hard with the ^ back into the pubic bone. Stretch out as hard as you can while pressing back as hard as you can. Squeeze the ^ tight and hold the stretch. Don’t release the ^ even if you have to release at the glans. Just re-grip at the glans and stretch again. Hold this stretch as long as you can. You are not stretching the ligs with this exercise, just the tunica. This is a great exercise for Girth.

These isolate the Tunica because you are keeping the ligaments from stretching.
Once you push back into the pelvic bone with the “^” you squeeze to hold the stretch you have pulled out, then subsequent stretching works the Tunica. You do these straight out.
Sure KP, you can post these at Thunders. They are called “Tunica Tugs” JP

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Well I must say that I am probablly the biggest tunica freak on this site and that being said I will most definetly try this and tell you my thoughts on it.

How does this target girth?

Can you explain in further detail how to make a ^ pointing down with your index and middle finger, I dont think i understand. Is it an inverted peace sign?

I thought stretching the tunica would lead to more length gains?

Started: 6.75" BPEL, 8" (20 cm) BPFSL (1/2015) x 5" (12.5 cm) EG; Current (7/2017): 8" (20 cm) BPEL, 8.2" (20.5 cm) BPFSL x 5.8" (14.5 cm) EG; Gains (7/2017): 1.25" (3.125 cm) EL, 0.2" (0.5 cm) BPFSL x 0.8" (2 cm) EG

Short-term goal: 8.25 (20.625 cm) BPEL, 8.3" (20.75 cm) BPFSL x 6" (15 cm) EG; Long-term goal: 9" (22.5 cm) BPEL x 6" EG

Xtended's Progress Report

Yeah I do not see how these can increase girth just by doing these without any other stretches, squeezes, pumping etc.

If I may suggest… I do a similar stretch but instead of using an upside down peace sign clamp haha. I just simply grasp the extreme base with my index and thumb and push in towards my pubic bone with an over hand grip. Now in order for this to work you have to squeeze kind of hard. I feel this stretch is good for stretching the skin as well as your Tunica. Thus eliminating Turkey Neck at the same time your making your dick longer. I can see why these kind of stretches would help further along girth gains in a very good way. I actually noticed not to long ago during a very intense high angle tunica stretching session that the top of my penis felt very tough and tight in the beginning of the session (I’m referring to the corpora cavernova) and as I was stretching I noticed that after afew minutes that it was now more spongey feeling and loose. So I was sitting there and thinking, ok well I’m obviously targeting and hitting the tunica very well as well as the septum as well as the whole top side of my penis for that matter. So I remembered reading a post from someone on here( I can’t remember the name. Stumpy or something idk) that he felt that most of his gains came from twisted jelqs and clamping. So I do afew kegles to get some blood into the shaft and flipped my penis over and did some very concentrated jelqs, focusing ONLY on engorging the topside of my penis. Just to avoid confusion I did indeed flip my penis over so the top of my penis is now down. Then I used the other hand to hold at the head to keep it upside down and after about 20 or so jelqs, I feel the top of my penis and it was still spongey but tougher then it was, so I’m working my way up.. and I feel my head. I noticed that the blood capacity line that usually ended right at the middle of my head now ended 3/4 the way up my head. If you do not know what I’m referring to then get an erection and feel your head you can feel where you penis stops filling up with blood. So I get the ruler, put on some porn got the hardest erection I could and bam.. I measured 1/4” longer and 1/8” in girth gain. Keep in mind though I have been stretching the hell out of my tunica lately.

This was about a week ago give or take 1 or 2 days, and I still have the same measurements.

Hope this inspires :)

Happy PEing!

Sorry for the Double Post but I forgot to mention that I went back and forth between stretching and doing the jelqes before I measured. I didnt just stretch do 20 jelqs and I had a bigger dick haha.

I do the tunica tugs for about 3-5 minutes any of you guys do it longer?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I do something known as a Two-way stretch where I grab both ends of my penis and pull my hands apart. I do this approximately for 6 minutes, each holding for 40 seconds. My BPFSL increased a lot.

Instead of using an upside down ^ with my index and middle finger, I make an “ok sign” with my fingers pointing down, and my penis goes in the circle made by my thumb and index finger.

Originally Posted by Springer240
I do something known as a Two-way stretch where I grab both ends of my penis and pull my hands apart. I do this approximately for 6 minutes, each holding for 40 seconds. My BPFSL increased a lot.

I thought that was a skin stretch?

Originally Posted by 7.5inchgoinfor8
So I do afew kegles to get some blood into the shaft and flipped my penis over and did some very concentrated jelqs, focusing ONLY on engorging the topside of my penis. Just to avoid confusion I did indeed flip my penis over so the top of my penis is now down. Then I used the other hand to hold at the head to keep it upside down and after about 20 or so jelqs, I feel the top of my penis and it was still spongey but tougher then it was, so I’m working my way up.. and I feel my head. I noticed that the blood capacity line that usually ended right at the middle of my head now ended 3/4 the way up my head.

Why does flipping your penis over focus engorgement on the topside. Also, when fully erect your entire glans should be filled with blood. Lastly, “still spongy but tougher than it was,” meaning what? Thanks for the clarification.

Interesting. I will do these tonight. There good for length gains as well, right Kingpole?

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by Mr. T
Interesting. I will do these tonight. There good for length gains as well, right Kingpole?

JP says they are for girth but I also got an increase in length that I hope may end up a permanent gain. Keep in mind I also do erect kegel jelqs as well. I’m taking a PE decon break this next week. Only going to be doing edging.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by rushmore
Why does flipping your penis over focus engorgement on the topside. Also, when fully erect your entire glans should be filled with blood. Lastly, “still spongy but tougher than it was,” meaning what? Thanks for the clarification.

When you flip it over you use basically only your index finger to force blood the top of your penis. It’s kind of hard to explain, it’s just what I got out of doing these. Mabye because my penis has a slight downward curve I’m jelqing agaist the curve thus creating more pressure? Also I know your glands should be filled with blood but you can feel the end of your penis in your glands where your head is soft around the hard end. Also difficult to explain… umm any help explaining this further? Does anybody get what I’m saying haha?

The top side of my penis was soft from stretching and weakining the tunica and then doing the upside down jelqs then expanded the shaft farther then before creating tension again making it seem tougher. Get it?

If not please ask away :)

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