Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Venous leaks

Originally Posted by inspirit99
It was supposed to be an inside joke, that was put into a public post, where I don’t see how else it could be interpreted other than you mean what you said. The fact is that it mocks people simply for posting, without actually getting into the facts of what they’re posting about. In other words it’s a distraction from what could end up being an interesting an informative discussion. Maybe I should’ve just ignored it.

It wasnt “supposed to be”, it simply was. It would be interpreted as an inside joke because the creator of the thread was in on it, and perhaps others in this thread too, at least one other. I understand you may not have gotten it and can appreciate what you’re trying to say, but regardless your approach is poor; dont think you can talk down to me. You should’ve just ignored it because now you look a bit silly continuing to complain about what I already informed you was a joke, ironically adding more to that “distraction” you were referring to and furthering it away from an informative discussion.

If you had simply said “Oh right, cool, no worries” that would have ended the subject a lot better. Let’s leave it at that.

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

There wasn’t much not to get, whether you call it a joke or something else doesn’t change the fact that it simply was a put down, which you could have owned up to.

Originally Posted by inspirit99
There wasn’t much not to get, whether you call it a joke or something else doesn’t change the fact that it simply was a put down, which you could have owned up to.

One thing I have never done here, or anywhere online is “put down” anybody. If you have taken anything i have said as a “put down” to yourself or anybody else, then that’s your problem; I couldn’t care less for over-sensitive “politically-correct” people who want to find something to complain about.

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

You were mocking people that aren’t doctors for theorizing about the human body. What if some of what those people discovered ended up having real value to certain people? Have you had an issue where you couldn’t get help from mainstream medicine?

You didn’t say that you were just joking, you called it an inside joke. In other words, there was a deeper message, but everyone who wasn’t in on the joke didn’t really understand it. The inside joke was pretty straight forward sarcastic mockery directed at certain people. You played more of a role in dragging this out than I did by not just owning up to it.

I’m warning both of you to move forward this isn’t going to turn into a flame fest

Originally Posted by inspirit99
You were mocking people that aren’t doctors for theorizing about the human body. What if some of what those people discovered ended up having real value to certain people? Have you had an issue where you couldn’t get help from mainstream medicine?

You didn’t say that you were just joking, you called it an inside joke. In other words, there was a deeper message, but everyone who wasn’t in on the joke didn’t really understand it. The inside joke was pretty straight forward sarcastic mockery directed at certain people. You played more of a role in dragging this out than I did by not just owning up to it.

Okay you know what, i actually respect you for saying what you think is right; usually I would actually be in your position, so i get it. You just don’t understand the situation so I’ll explain.

I wasnt mocking people who aren’t doctors or at certain people, thats a pretty broad statement. To make it specific, I was making a joke about one person - somebody who makes no sense. This is a person who i have had long discussions with, and only received blatant ignorance in return, as have others. Why do you think all people of a medical background have long left his thread? To describe it in easy terms quickly, he states something with a mis-guided basis. When people who know otherwise try to discuss with him, he wont listen. He will maintain this position, adamantly. His only “sources” are mis-referenced articles, cherry-picked data disregarding the final summary or findings and completely biased websites. One time, his own reference said the literally direct opposite to what he was saying. When you politely point this out, he ignores it, or argues that you should do some research and maintains that he is right. He will never, ever accept when he is wrong, even when you show him that you found conflicting arguments with indisputable proof (i.e. you can physically see that what he claims is not happening), he doesnt argue against it, he just simply will not reply, and continue to ignore even if you kindly request his opinion. To kindly further the discussion. He will not reply, and that alone, is ignorant and rude.

I got nothing against you, you seem like a good guy. I dont want to argue with you.

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Originally Posted by kingscounty
I’m warning both of you to move forward this isn’t going to turn into a flame fest

No, it isnt. Friendly discussion.

Also, are you okay KC? You know I like you but you seem really stressed today. Kick back and join the thread if you want, you always add something informational and usually enjoy reading what you have to offer; we can have a proper discussion about the OP’s original topic too :)

Do you know much about venous leakage?

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Last edited by LightningZee : 08-18-2018 at .


Thank you for explaining. I don’t know the details of the history with another poster so I can’t really take a side on that, but it sounds like there was more to your post than met the eye. I’ll take this as a reminder that if I take an issue with a post, that I approach it more cordially starting out.

Originally Posted by LightningZee
No, it isnt. Friendly discussion.

Also, are you okay KC? You know I like you but you seem really stressed today. Kick back and join the thread if you want, you always add something informational and usually enjoy reading what you have to offer; we can have a proper discussion about the OP’s original topic too :)

Do you know much about venous leakage?

It looks like the argument has been resolved but when a mod gives you a warning I suggest you heed it rather than telling them they got it wrong.

Originally Posted by inspirit99

Thank you for explaining. I don’t know the details of the history with another poster so I can’t really take a side on that, but it sounds like there was more to your post than met the eye. I’ll take this as a reminder that if I take an issue with a post, that I approach it more cordially starting out.

No worries, I looked back at the thread from the beginning and although your original post frustrated me a little, I realised you were doing the right thing from a perspective of a decent person who wasn’t aware of previous interactions between people in the thread, and that without that knowledge I may have seemed a bit of a dick.

In regards to the joke, the poster in question basically once stated that if NIH (the world’s foremost medical research center) came to Thunders’ and read his posts, they would be able to solve a bunch of the worlds problems relating to health conditions. Problem is, his writings are either nonsensical or flawed from the ground up and he refuses to accept it despite ample amounts of proof ranging from the simple things a child can understand to those more complex that it takes someone with a biological background (which he claims) to understand. This is what some people took humor too, and I was referencing the topic with a reminder of a previous joke; a bit of nostalgia humor. But anyway, this is over with and I’m glad both to have met you and that we could come to an understanding :)

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Originally Posted by capernicus1
It looks like the argument has been resolved but when a mod gives you a warning I suggest you heed it rather than telling them they got it wrong.

I didn’t tell him he got anything wrong, he said the thread isn’t going to start into a flame fest and I agreed that it isn’t and invited him to join the conversation on venous leakage…

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Another Warning

Originally Posted by LightningZee
One thing I have never done here, or anywhere online is “put down” anybody.

The funny thing about how you feel about your actions is that it doesn’t matter. When people feel “put down” that is subjective and not subject to your judgement. The condescending tone that most of your post scary is obscene and there are a long list of members who are afraid to post whenever you post a thread because you are turning very toxic.

That is just an FYI.

As for your response to kingscounty, recommending he relax when he is doing his job is disrespectful. Once again leave moderation to moderators.

That is another warning on top of the one gave you that you disregarded and on top of a growing stack. It is becoming quite thin ice with your conduct.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
The funny thing about how you feel about your actions is that it doesn’t matter. When people feel “put down” that is subjective and not subject to your judgement. The condescending tone that most of your post scary is obscene and there are a long list of members who are afraid to post whenever you post a thread because you are turning very toxic.

That is just an FYI.

As for your response to kingscounty, recommending he relax when he is doing his job is disrespectful. Once again leave moderation to moderators.

That is another warning on top of the one gave you that you disregarded and on top of a growing stack. It is becoming quite thin ice with your conduct.

Nobody felt put down, poster believed i was putting somebody down but understands the message after my explanation. I never made him feel “put down”.
Please name me one of those members, just one or ask them to post here as it might be unfair to name them as is.. I really would like to know. Not calling you out, just want to know if what you say is true or just your personal opinion, because to all of those people i will apologise. But i suspect they are in very short supply.

I have only ever had a dispute on here with ringbolt, phallobuilder and inspire99 (not including Janus and 2Short who were more like trolls) and at the end, we have all been in a good place, so im really struggling to see what you’re trying to paint here.

For KC, i have seen some of his posts today and he seemed a bit firmer than usual, and we have talked in the past, hence why i was hoping he was okay. It was genuine
As for Capernicus, i was just letting him know it wasn’t my intention to appear to say “no” to the moderators request, and that i was indeed agreeing with him about not letting this turn into a flame thread, trying to clear up that I wasn’t being an ass.

You are twisting my responses into something they aren’t. Personal attacks are not allowed, perhaps you need reminding.

Nothing I have said or done here is in breach of a single regulation.

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Gee how did all this get started? Well inspirit99 you’ve done it again. The prince of sowing discord and self righteousness has again started a fuss where there should have been none. Thanks fella. Now go find some guy who has happily injured himself so you can commiserate and tell him he’s injured whether he is or not.

Clarity on Another Warning

Originally Posted by LightningZee
Nobody felt put down, poster believed i was putting somebody down but understands the message after my explanation. I never made him feel “put down”.
Please name me one of those members, just one or ask them to post here as it might be unfair to name them as is.. I really would like to know. Not calling you out, just want to know if what you say is true or just your personal opinion, because to all of those people i will apologise. But i suspect they are in very short supply.

I have only ever had a dispute on here with ringbolt, phallobuilder and inspire99 (not including Janus and 2Short who were more like trolls) and at the end, we have all been in a good place, so im really struggling to see what you’re trying to paint here.

For KC, i have seen some of his posts today and he seemed a bit firmer than usual, and we have talked in the past, hence why i was hoping he was okay. It was genuine
As for Capernicus, i was just letting him know it wasn’t my intention to appear to say “no” to the moderators request, and that i was indeed agreeing with him about not letting this turn into a flame thread, trying to clear up that I wasn’t being an ass.

You are twisting my responses into something they aren’t. Personal attacks are not allowed, perhaps you need reminding.

Nothing I have said or done here is in breach of a single regulation.

You can tell me that I’m wrong but I am not naming people who are scared to post because you post. And you can doubt anything I say, instead of take any heed. This is your choice.

Inspirit directly said you are putting down those without medical backgrounds, which I have seen you do multiple times.

Your question to KC implies his behavior is subject to your oversight. He meant what he said, asking if he is in a mood and telling him to relax is once again disrespectful. I’m sure you’re aware of this but I will state it plainly again. Moderation is not a democratic process. He made a simple warning, which you disregarded. That, is not needed.

Your disputes are not one-sided even with the members you mentioned because there is no moral high ground in arguing. You seem to believe there is and reminding me that I’m not supposed to “use personal attacks” when I am clearly stating your behavior is taking threads off topic and making them toxic insults not only me as a moderator but my intelligence, as the tactic is inane and your regard for the Forum Guidelines is tenuous when convenient at best. Not in the spirit of the forum in the least.

Save your reminder, I said exactly what I did for reasons clearly stated. Your medical background gives you no right to trash talk other members or things they post, regardless your choice of articulation. Thinly veiled attacks on members or posts are against the Forum Guidelines and this is obviously becoming your strong suit.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.


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