Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What does everyone's username mean?

I used to be shy and reserved. Fortunately, chicks always made the first move on me so my shyness didn’t hinder getting laid. I used to play in several hard rock bands and part of being in a band is selling the band to chicks. In between sets, we’d flirt with every single chick in the bar and get them to come to our next gig(s). When you’re in a band, if you can bring the girls in, the guys will follow. If the bar is packed, then you’ll get more gigs and exposure.

That made it easy for me to break out of my “shyness shell” and since then, I’m “Nada Shy Guy”.

Starting: BPEL 6.125 (15.55 cm) / EG 4.75 (12.07 cm) / NBPFL 2.750 (6.99 cm)

Current: BPEL 7.000 (17.8 cm) / EG 4.75 (12.07 cm) / NBPFL 3.750 (9.52 cm) Goal: BPEL 7.0 / EG 5.0

Call me NSG!!! My Equipment: Phalosan, KR Extender

IT means I the cock of the walk, I guess.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Sonic was my favorite video game back when I was younger. He had tremendous speed, exactly the way I do my jelqs hence why I added jelqs in the end.

My college roommate thought I looked like kevin bacon. People started calling me that, so now I’m Kevin Bacon.

My nickname when I was a kid. I like the sound of it, I wish it was my first name.

Username86, I’m a user (and I don’t mean that I do heroin) who has a name and was born in 86.

Well let’s explain how I got that nickname… Well let’s have a drink first.

7 11/16" ELBP, 7 3/16" NBPEL 5 5/8" EG (mid), 8 1/8 " SL

Goal : 8" NBP 6" EG (mid)

Way Inside Her

If girth is king, why the hell does everyone keep talking about length?

I play bass guitar, I’m a dude, the numbers 6 and 7 were already taken.

Just a friendly hello =]

Now 8 x 5

Goal: 9 x 5.75

Againvery educational

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Dic-8”-or else I’m going die trying to get too 8”.added the “T” for the love I have in dominating in the bedroom hence dictator!

As a child I was very devilish in certain ways. I mean real evil. With age I have sobered down and i dont have much trace of the devil inside me. My nick is just a reflection of what I thought I was.

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Originally Posted by godofdeviltry

As a child I was very devilish in certain ways. I mean real evil. With age I have sobered down and i dont have much trace of the devil inside me. My nick is just a reflection of what I thought I was.

Sounds like a good story, you should make a book, The Evil kid’s Adventures.

The dark inside me.(From the other place)


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