Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What does everyone's username mean?

Well, a drake is kinda like a baby dragon, and this one is blue I guess. :) It’s sort of a derivative of a name from another (completely unrelated) site. Couldn’t think of anything else. :D

Holden Special vehicle,Which have a 5.7l v8

Well, my girlfriend decided to tell me that I had a small penis. So, I chopped her into little pieces and buried them in random places all over the country!

I live in Thailand and they way they do things, and the way you end up having to do it to, gives it it’s’ own crazy style. Was thinking about TIT (This is Thailand) but didn’t figure anyone would understand.

Started 4/21/07 NBPEL: 5.5" BPEL: 6.38" EG: 4.5" Goal: NBPEL: 7" BPEL: 7.5" EG: 6"

Mine is because i practice medieval martial arts- thus the knight part. The devil…666 part is because I’ve always thought it interesting that the christians lumped everything sexual (indeed everything even nominally fun) under Satan’s territory. That makes hell/demons full of taboo sexuality. In the demonic is unfettered sexuality. woohoo. I love demon/devil chicks like the art of Coop. They turn me on big time . Plus I’m hell on wheels . Thus Devil knight 666 . See?

My nickname is in Portuguese, the translation means “rogue”,”rascal”,”vagrant”,”thief” etc.

My name means grow please :D I believe my tool appreciates politeness.

4-07: 6.0 x 5.3 8-07: ?

Goal: 8.0 x 6.5 Deficit: 2.0 x 1.2 Currently 75% x 81%

Mario Lemieux … The best hockey players of all the time …!

En littérature, le vrai prodige n'est pas celui qui commence mais celui qui persévère.

Originally Posted by psychotic
Well, my girlfriend decided to tell me that I had a small penis. Thanks to the helpful guys at Thunders I knew just what to do! So, I chopped her into little pieces and buried them in random places all over the country!

Darn it, I miss TT! Back in the day at these forums not a week went by that he wasn’t driving around in his van with a dead body or two and hitting the other mods up for help with the digging.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

By the end of my P.E. Journey when girls see my penis I want them to think of a “Big Dog” instead of a “little dog”

Starting Stats: NBPEL: 5.5 BPEL: 6.0 NBPFL: 3.1 BPFL: 4.0

August 10 2008: Nbpel: 8.2 BPEL: 8.3 NBPFL: 6.3 BPFL: 6.5

FINALLY EIGHT INCHES!! Short Term Goal: 8.5 inches,Long Term Goal: 9.5 inches,Final Goal: 10 inches

The ‘nick’ is my name, and the ‘33’ used to be my favourite number.

This was not an exciting post.

Starting size: (April 1 2007) 5.95" BPEL x 4.65" EG. | Progress Thread (plus pics)

Now: (August 20 2007) 6.6" BPEL x 4.81" EG. Half way towards my goal! | Current Stats

Short term goal: (3-4 months) 6.8" BPEL, 5.0" EG.. Long term goal (1+ yr): 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG.

Psychotic are you sure you want to get a bigger penis? You won’t have a LEGITAMITE excuse to tear woman apart anymore.

ERambone is a combination of things. E stands for my first name, R stands for my last. All my homies call me Rambo, and I figured since I was going to be doing some PE I might as well turn it into some penis name, hence the bone. I’ll ERam Bone you with my huge dick :P.

Starting-March 15, 2007: BPEL:5.2''| NBPEL: 4.5'' | EG:5''

Today-May 17, 2007 BPEL:7.19' | NBPEL: 6.7" | EG: 5.55"

My dick is on steroids!Progress Report w/pic Overtraining is worse than undertraining...

Mine is what I am trying to do.

23-11-06: 5.25 x 4.75 NBPEL 23-11-07: 5.70 x 5.00 NBPEL

23-5-07: 5.50 x 5.00 NBPEL

Goal: 7.25 x 6.00 NBPEL Stretch Goal: 8.00 X 6.00 NBPEL

My original SN was Dr.Manhattan, which was named after a super hero in the graphic novel The Watch Men. My icon is actually a picture of Dr.Manhattan. I chose him because he has the power to do anything and also, he loves being naked. This was the first site I have used the word Manhattan, but ever since I have used it for all of my sns. Even my Myspace display name is “Dusty Manhattan”.

Liquid c :gulp:

Mine is a character from Lord of the Rings…duh. I am short, stalky, rock a beard, and am a miner…hence Gimli the dwarf!


Start: May 12, 2007 BPEL: 5.551" EG: 4.646" FL: 3.051" FG: 3.858" Please Fill Out My Survey: Click Me!

Now: July 13, 2007 BPEL: 6.250" EG: 5.500" FL: 3.346" FG: 4.488"

Goal: BPEL: 7.000" EG: 6.000" FL: 5.000" FG: 4.750"


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