Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What does everyone's username mean?

Originally Posted by _Phoenix_
Sounds like a good story, you should make a book, The Evil kid’s Adventures.

I remember I took this huge ass cracker, lit it up and slid into my neighbour’s kid’s pocket. And it went BOOM in a few seconds. Thats evil I think.

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Was the first thing that came to mind. Plus, I was involved in a misfortunate smelting accident.

I love GOLD

Currently in the OK-ish 6 inch club. Soon, will be in the 7inch club hopefully after a few more months !! :D :D

Okay, no need to pull up a chair, ‘cause this won’t take long.

But seriously, I thought I’d already done this song and dance.

Damfino origins: I am a Buster Keaton (silent film star) fan, and in one of his movies, he builds a small boat, which sinks as it is being launched, with him at the bow (similar to that scene in the movie “Titanic”.) The boat’s name is Damfino.

Wait, don’t wander off….There’s more.

There is a Buster Keaton fan club (on the net), and all the members are called Damfinos (after the name of the boat at the bottom of the ocean). I joined that club and am a card-carrying Damfino.

Keaton, when HE was asked what it meant said, it translated to “Damned if I know,” which is a very good answer for most anything.

Are you still here?


Deputy is what I am, 1 is me, 14 is mm which is where I started at.

Now at 17.5mm and counting.

Echostar, is that mm or cm? :confused:

My girlfriend and I were at a party. Getting drunk and weird. The subject came up about quickies and making a mess. She said to her friend that it (quickies) was out of the question with me cause I’m a shooter. The nickname stuck.

I’m not quite the shooter as most but she is impressed and I don’t want to tell her any different.

Favorite soccer player, I like the shooter nickname though, thats great.

"Well, people from Tennessee are generaly good at whatever it is they do even though they usually have no clue what they're doing."


My screen name stands for Sioux Falls, South Dakota hence Siouxfallssd, lol

EJ = an old nickname when I played football in high school.

2005 = the year I joined.

Tanstaafl: There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch

Originally coined by the brilliant science fiction writer Robert Heinlein in his book “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress”. Love his books and philosophy on life. Basically it means that nothing comes without a cost. May not be a cost to you, but it is to someone.

Repetition is the key to mastery

I was a graphic design student looking for a creative signature that had all 23 letters of my full name. What I came up with looks like Rufus. A friend started calling me Ruf, so in a moment of vanity I decided anything done by me (especially sex) was “Ruf’s stuff”. This was shortened to Rufstuf.

Originally Posted by tanstaafl
Tanstaafl: There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch

Originally coined by the brilliant science fiction writer Robert Heinlein in his book “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress”. Love his books and philosophy on life. Basically it means that nothing comes without a cost. May not be a cost to you, but it is to someone.

Hey that reminds of the Larry Niven book Ringworld. The main character is always saying TANJ (there ain’t no justice). He is one of my favorite authors. Along with Heinlen of course. Really like Starship Troopers (the book not the movie) and Friday.

Mine is suppose to be Iguana but thanks to a brain spasm when entering it I typed Iquana.

It’s an old college nickname that came from a fascination with Lizards.

Don’t suppose some kind moderator could correct it for me? ; )

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

Dick Rivers is a singer for old people in France!


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