Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What does everyone's username mean?

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
If I recall correctly, Chilly Willy was also a cartoon penguin that used to come on in the same timeslot with Woody Woodpecker. His gag was he wanted friends and every 5 seconds would cry tears of ice cubes and he functioned in complete silence.

The More You Know~

I remember Chilly Willy. I think he wore a hat and mittens.

:_pump: :donatecar

Mine is from coaching my kids pee-wee football team . Mascot =tigers.

Originally Posted by BigBootyFan
Being a white man working with mostly other white men, and a few black men, my taste in women got out. The white and black men would call me “black man”. I used to always share pics of voluptuous women with the other black men. It was fun; I miss it. Calling myself “black man” brings up thoughts of Stephen King’s villain, so I made it more appropriate.

Was-sup black man? Loll

Mine I hope is obvious. It’s all good. Plus my age.

- Saul

Bigger, Stronger, Thicker, Longer

2016-08-26: 6 1/8" x 5 ... 2017-02-28: 6 3/4" x 5... 2017-07-08: 6 7/8" x 5 1/8"

I’m a kill bill fanatic, and of course it reflects growth I’ve had over the years

My recent results

- Gained about an inch in a couple of weeks, see for yourself

Mine means cat lover, so that’s pussy lover to you bunch of perverts. :p

Mine was due to wishful thinking, I was focused on growing a Dongalong when I joined.

I’ve achieved my goal but still have a dingaling when it’s cold!

My pride and joy I have had since high school is a 66 plymouth fury 2 door, hence the name

9_in_richard.9” dick.. Not terribly creative, nor accurate, but I like it!

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine

Originally Posted by TheSkeptic
I was just wondering what everyone’s username meant/stood for and why you chose it. I personally am very skeptical about just about everything and that leads to my name. I was skeptical about PE before I started seeing some results. My name is kind of a joke because I’m a believer.

At the time of registering i was hoping for a bigger unit.

I have a bigger unit now.

There is hope :D

“James”, Just a random name I chose. “N” for Normis. Was going to be Willie Normis, (like Will- enormous) but settled on James N. I know I can change it, but everyone here already knows me as James.

Start 11/20/16 ====> 5.75" BPEL/ 4.5" EG. 1/19/17====> 6.625" BPEL/ 4.75" EG. 11/24/17====> 6.75" BPEL/ 4.75" EG.

Glad to be here.and making progress! :jelq: Check it out at: This is your life: My cock in pictures.

New Here? This is a great place to start.====>START HERE -----> NEWBIE ROUTINE <----- Important Newbie Info

Mayorcito means in Spanish a person who is old enough, so I am old enough to practice PE


Originally Posted by James N
“James”, Just a random name I chose. “N” for Normis. Was going to be Willie Normis, (like Will- enormous) but settled on James N. I know I can change it, but everyone here already knows me as James.

This is something I have been debating for a while and just thought of an idea. I’ll leave it up to you members here to decide if I should change it? Should I continue on as James N or change it to Willie Normis? Let me know?

Start 11/20/16 ====> 5.75" BPEL/ 4.5" EG. 1/19/17====> 6.625" BPEL/ 4.75" EG. 11/24/17====> 6.75" BPEL/ 4.75" EG.

Glad to be here.and making progress! :jelq: Check it out at: This is your life: My cock in pictures.

New Here? This is a great place to start.====>START HERE -----> NEWBIE ROUTINE <----- Important Newbie Info

Originally Posted by James N
This is something I have been debating for a while and just thought of an idea. I’ll leave it up to you members here to decide if I should change it? Should I continue on as James N or change it to Willie Normis? Let me know?

How would one go about changing their username?


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