Thunder's Place

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whats reasonable gains, in the first month?


whats reasonable gains, in the first month?

I jelq for about 15mins every other day. And stretch my dick while Jelqing.

what is normal gain with PE

and erect i’m about 6inches… is it possiable to get to 7 1/2, or 8 in like 3 or 4 months?

if you could let me know thanks

Hey Tito!

Gaining 1½” to 2” inches in 3 or 4 months is possible in fact, but extremely improbable. I’d rather think that half of an inch would be a good and reasonable goal in that timeframe. Patience!

Check out Size’s PE Data Page and you’ll get a clue how some people have gained.

Penis Enlargement Statistics Site

A Man behind his mask.

I don’t think 1.5” in 3-4 months is out of the question. Some people gain fast and some barely at all. All I can say from my own personal experience is that in just about a months time, I gained 3/4”. I am still shocked myself. I will add that in no way do I expect to gain anywhere near that next month but I will just continue doing what I have been doing and hope for the best. I would be more than happy with 1.5” gain in 3-4 months but I will also be happy with my current gains in 3-4 months. Whatever you do don’t give up on it. Any gain is better than no gain at all. Persistance is the key.

I have had quite dramatic results since I started almost 2 months ago. It will be 2 months on March 12 & I expect to post a gain of 3/4 to almost a full inch of growth edging close to my 8 inch BP goal. The gains aside the quality of my erections have been rock hard which has been an added benefit. Check out my routine as I welcome all comments. Closing in on on another senior member here my idol Advocet8. I have to say that my wife has really noticed the difference in hardness & length. Long & hard to 100 & beyond.

Last edited by Hypo8 : 03-03-2003 at .

I wouldnt expect ANY gains the first month! You MIGHT gain a hair but, not much if anything. Most guys dont see anything for at least a couple months. Be optimistic but, dont expect big gains….like an inch or more to come quickly.

Stillwantmore is correct. Do not expect gains in the first month. And most if not all gains are going to be determined by genetic disposition. Blanket statements such as the one made by long2Blong are unjust. No, not everyone will make gains, period end of discussion. Some will make gains then plateau, others will not gain no matter what they do. It is discouraging that statements such as these can make others feel inadequate because they aren’t gaining, or haven’t gained in a while.

Measuring correctly is major as well, and unfortunately there is no consensus as to how to do that. Each person has their own way of measuring. There should be one consistent method for everyone here to do. Be it on top or on the side. That way it is fair to everyone on this board, as everyone would be measuring the exact same way.

Hypo8 commented about Avocet8 and how he is his idol. There are other members on this board who are just as big if not bigger, but are no longer mentioned. That is a shame as these men are just as important as Avocet8. And Avocet8 knows what I mean by that.

I guess it is now time for me to climb off the soap box.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Sunny why I say that about Advocet is that he is at 61 a senior member a few years older than myself & a proud member of the over 8 club. Another great story is that of Bud announcing his retirement from PE at age 76. Lots of great guys here of all ages adding their experiences.


Originally posted by sunshinekid
Stillwantmore is correct. Do not expect gains in the first month. And most if not all gains are going to be determined by genetic disposition. Blanket statements such as the one made by long2Blong are unjust. No, not everyone will make gains, period end of discussion. Some will make gains then plateau, others will not gain no matter what they do. It is discouraging that statements such as these can make others feel inadequate because they aren't gaining, or haven't gained in a while.

Ok, so I have read this post over a couple of times and I am still not sure how to take it. Do you not think that I have made those gains? Do you think I am trying to make others feel bad who haven’t gained? Well, I have made those gains and the last thing I would want to do is make someone feel bad that isn’t gaining. I thought, if anything, that it would be an encouragement that gains, even fast gains, ARE possible. I feel like I need to go back and measure again and again because what I am saying can’t be true. I never expected negative comments to any gains. I’m sorry but I am VERY proud of what I have gained. I am also sorry if I have done anything other than encourage with my comments.


In a months time I have also quit smoking and lost 20 lbs. Maybe that could have something to do with it… if you believe me.

It has been 2 years off and on, but mostly on and I havn’t gained 1/8”. Nothing. I don’t really understand it. I hot wrap, I own the Power Jelq, do pumping, and all the routines. I hang on to some small hope, but when I hear gains in the first month, gains in the first year, gains at all…I get pretty discouraged.

Originally posted by larry33
It has been 2 years off and on, but mostly on and I havn't gained 1/8”. Nothing. I don't really understand it. I hot wrap, I own the Power Jelq, do pumping, and all the routines. I hang on to some small hope, but when I hear gains in the first month, gains in the first year, gains at all…I get pretty discouraged.

Larry in order for people to help you out you are going to have to give a little bit more info on your program. 2 years is a long time with out seeing gains. I started Pe years ago and didn’t get any gains so I quit. But I got back in the game last Sept. and have seen results so now I wish I never had quit. Who knows how big I could have got in that amount of time. Reevaluate your program shoot for length or girth only for a while. The DLD blasters have been working well for me lately. maybe you need to be more consistent with your program. Maybe you might be over-training. only you can answer those questions. Don’t give up you’ll regret it in the long run.

Hi Larry, glad to see you back around. It took me 2 years of consistent work to gain 1 inch, so I am far from a fast gainer. Like maxwell wrote, what EXACTLY is your routine. Also, how consistent have you been? The quick gaining guys might be able to do something a little different every week and still track their progress. I have had to stick to a routine, come hell or high water, progress or not, for months at a time to have any hope of telling if it is working.

You may need to clean up other things in your life style as well, things that the fast gainers can ignore. Crappy diet, tobacco, alcohol,recreational drugs, lack of rest, lack of exercise,etc. All of these things are, of course, your choice. Just fess up so we know what you are dealing with (I know you have talked about yourself before, but not all of the guys know you, and it HAS been a while, so up date the rest of us). Do you have health problems that might be hindering you? Diabetes, MS, etc?

It can be frustrating to read about some guy gaining an inch in one month, but I view them as valuable resources. They can try out all sorts of routines and combinations of exercises that would take me years to beta test. Then I benefit from their research.

Long2Blong: congrats on your gains. Most guys are not so fortunate, and if newbies expect to gain like you did they may well give up when they don’t. Nobody means anything negative by pointing out that you are abby-normal (lucky bastard). Some guys have gained even faster than you did. I sincerely hope that you will be another DLD.

The question posed was “whats reasonable gains, in the first month?” For the majority of guys, first month gains = 0.

Running a Massive Co-Front.


I really appreciate that iamru. Believe me I didn’t expect to make gains like that. I’ve read enough in here to know that gains don’t come easy but i’ll be damned if I can deny the changes I’ve seen already. Again I really appreciate it. I was beginning to feel bad for something that I know should be positive.— BTW, no offense t oDLD but I don’t think I would want to be him, eer well, I mean, I kow my wife wouldn’t want me to be that big so… Now, on the other hand, if I were still single and had a girl like Jen then… ;)

Hey Sunny

Good to see you again.

I stand behind you 100% on what you said. Comments like yours and Still’s help keep things in balance.

Long2Blong, sometimes words on the forum can be taken in the wrong context. I feel great when I hear guys gaining, as it is encouraging for everybody. However, you must remember that not everyone is your shoes. You have gained quickly, great, but the vast majority won’t. Encouraging is great, but I also feel that we should be realistic. Aim high, sure, but we must keep things in perspective - as you yourself mentioned your gains will slow in the future.



I have also not gained after several years of PE. Please post your routine and the parts of your lifestyle that might affect gains like iamaru says, then we can help you to optimise your routine.

Some ideas and modifications have worked for other no gainers, hopefully it will work for you too.

Start a new thread if you want.

Good Luck

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