Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

When erect my head isn't that full need a little help.

Soft head is a common side effect of PE overtraining. If you are PE’ing regularly, a complete break should result in improvement.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by sta-kool
OS_q: I am going to use a couple of American English idioms, I hope they will make sense to you.

1. Don’t get ahead of yourself (You do not know you have Valve Damage. So there is no point in worrying about all these things yet).

2. Don’t Borrow Trouble (You are agitating yourself and creating worst-case-scenarios that will probably never come to pass. Again You do not know you have Valve Damage. So there is no point in worrying about all these things yet).

(By the way, I am sure there is no “cutting of chambers” involved in the operation. Modern surgery is quite precise, not like in the Old West of John Wayne movies)

Thanks a lot mate, you’ve helped me a lot.

And I’m on a break from PE for now.

Conquering my goals.

I’ve had quite a soft head for as far as I can remember, even before PE.

I should probably take a 1-month break from PE just to make sure though.

Has been: 6.4 x 4.7 (16.3 x 12cm)

Is : 6,9 x 4.7 (17.7 x 12cm)

WILL BE : 7 x 4,8 (17,8 x 12.2cm)

I think I had a soft head before PE too, I’m on a break and I still have it.

I’m Going to the Urologist to check it out - for now I’m looking info’ about the vein leakage surgery, I would appreciate a little bit of help on this subject.

Conquering my goals.

Update :

I’ve went through all Yataghan50 messages, and found that he had the problem on the dorsal vein, so I thought to my self, why not checking it too, I got an erection, and squeezed my dorsal, in 2 sec’ my head had grown to it’s normal size, something that is close to having a clamp on, there is a difference in 100%, when I left the dorsal my head decreased to it’s normal size.
Yataghan50 - Before and After *Surgery (watch and see)

Conclusion - I have a Valve Damage.

But like Yataghan50 wrote, 6 different urologist saw him, and the 7 one made the surgery, so if I’m going to have the same problem, I will eat my self for at least 3-4 good months.

Maybe it’s worth to go to a private urologist, log-in to ThundersPlace from his computer and let him read Yataghan50 thread and then let him see that I have the same problem.

I’m going to the urologist tomorrow, it’s not a private one, do you think that if he’ll give me Cialis \ Viagra and I’ll use it, it can temporary solve the problem and then the urologist will tell that I have ED and it’s nothing to do with a valve damage?

I’ve searched Google for "interventional radiology" in Israel and I see that there is a big private hospital with a big section of professors that are urologists that deals with interventional radiology, maybe I’ll go to and see one of them, I’ll try to schedule an appointment.

Those are the hospitals -

Conquering my goals.

Well, the urologist had sent me to another urologist that he is an expert, I’ll let you all know.

Conquering my goals.

Originally Posted by OS_q
Well, the urologist had sent me to another urologist that he is an expert, I’ll let you all know.

Best of luck to you, OS_q. Have some faith.

Damt, I’ve sent an Email to a very known urologist in Israel, In reply he had told me that it’s in my head, and that I don’t have any problem, he also told me that they don’t do this kind of operations any more, he was talking about tying veins, he told me that it’s dangerous and that it can heart my penis for good.

I don’t eat his stuff, but my BIG problem is - he knows what going in Israel, and this is bad for me, maybe I can find that Interventional radiologist to help me, I need to have faith, but I think that It’s going to be hard.

Can some one give me an advice? I’m going to another urologist (expert of ED) but I think that he is going to kick me out of his room and that is going to be bad - cause when an expert says that I don’t have nothing my mother will tell me that it’s all in my head, and I’ll be alone against them, my mother doesn’t loves the idea of the surgery but what can I do, she will relay on him, I know what I have, but what can I do?

My erections are bad now, I think that it’s hearting me mentally and it’s causing me to bad erections, me GF also told me that my erections are weaker, I’m going crazy, I feel like a little girl that wants to cry :(
No one will help me here in Israel, I’ll try to go to this interventional doctor to help me.

Conquering my goals.

You need to have a face to face with a real doctor, not an email exchange with one who is far away.

It sounds like you have indeed made an appointment to see a doctor. Who is an ED specialist. That is a very good idea. Explain your problem. Explain that it is not in your head. He will ask questions. Again you do not know yet that you have Valve Damage. Take things one step at a time, and do not worry yet about “surgery” or “interventionist”.

How are your erections on viagra?

Originally Posted by sta-kool
You need to have a face to face with a real doctor, not an email exchange with one who is far away.

It sounds like you have indeed made an appointment to see a doctor. Who is an ED specialist. That is a very good idea. Explain your problem. Explain that it is not in your head. He will ask questions. Again you do not know yet that you have Valve Damage. Take things one step at a time, and do not worry yet about “surgery” or “interventionist”.

Thanks a lot for helping me, but I’m afraid that finally no one will help me, this urologist (for the email) is one of the best urologists in Israel, so he should know what he is talking about, I know that I can be treated but he need to know that, so I’ve send him Yataghan50 picturs and some of his messages explaining the operation he went through, I’m waiting for his reply.

I’m not using any ED drugs.

Conquering my goals.

Try a Viagra and see if you can get a full headed skin ripping numbing erection. I don’t know if you do that means it disproves the valve theory or not. Often my head top half of dick doesn’t stay hard but on a Viagra it does it feels like the skin on my dicks gonna rip apart it so hard. What this means I don’t know. Maybe somebody here does?

Originally Posted by kingdong69
Try a Viagra and see if you can get a full headed skin ripping numbing erection. I don’t know if you do that means it disproves the valve theory or not. Often my head top half of dick doesn’t stay hard but on a Viagra it does it feels like the skin on my dicks gonna rip apart it so hard. What this means I don’t know. Maybe somebody here does?

Yataghan50 had told me that when he used ED drugs, that didn’t helped his problem, maybe I’ll try to use Cialis and see if this improve my problem, if it does it will be strange, I now that I have to put pressure of my shaft skin I kind of using it and stretching it to the base of my penis with two of my fingers - I’m basically using 2 fingers, and pressing on my fat pad really close to the base of my penis- in a V way from both sides, that stretches the skin in the shaft and I think that it blocks the veins(partially) and then my erection really improves so as my penis head.

Do you think that you should try Ed drugs?

Conquering my goals.

Today I got a semi erection and my head was fuller that usual I was standing while getting a BJ, I’m used to get an erection when lying on my back, and I think that there is something to different between lying on the back and have an erection and when getting it while standing, maybe the leak is slower that way? + I’ve noticed that when my penis is semi erected - 60%, my head is fuller then when it’s an 85% erection, and when I’m lying on my back and I’m getting a 85-90% erection the head is not full, like it is when it’ flaccid.

I’m going to go to a Private Interventional raiologist and tell him my story.

Conquering my goals.

Hey that’s to do with blood flow to penis is ‘easier’ when standing that’s why you should never really start sex with the girl on top. Well for guys without steel boners anyway. I’m the same way with bj’s I prefer them when I’m standing up to get hard easier.

Anyway man be happy you got a bj, full head or not.

As for the V. yeah you may as well try it.


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