Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

1/2 inch, 6 Weeks!

Originally Posted by Mr. Schlong
THE biggest change was adding heat with a heating pad. I wrap it around my penis and put it on my pubic area for 10 minutes and stretch it in between to get it ready to hang. Before when I tried to hang I never bothered stretching or warming up. I read Bib’s wrapping thread which taught me the correct way to wrap so my hanger can get the right grip and give me the best pull. I added what I call cranks to my routine, mostly when I’m in the shower. Picture one of those pipe organs that little monkeys crank to make music - that’s what I do to my penis which helps it stretch in all directions. Make a fist and where your index finger and thumb close is where the head will go in. Grip it and crank it in a circular motion. I do 50 per hand, usually 200-300 cranks at a time (seems like a lot but 50 at a time is nothing.) And then after the whole hanging session, I wear 4 golf weights for the rest of the day to maintain the extended position since my penis loves to shrivel and hide. I suppose you would too if you were subjected to such torture!

I understand your penis. :D

Thanks for your feedback.

I started to hang and I will heat properly. I read the post about hanging hardcore and the Matters of Size full. In the future I will experience it. Twenty minutes a day sounds good. The key is to go slowly.

Inicio: 17bp x 13 EG - 10/08: 18,5 BP x 13,5 EG - 08/09: 18BP x 14 09/10: 18,5 BPx14,5 EG 11/10: 19 BP x 14,50 EG

"Si buscas resultados distintos, no hagas siempre lo mismo." Albert Eistein "Si buscas resultados distintos, no hagas siempre lo mismo. Idiota!!!!" Claudiorz

Originally Posted by Mr. Schlong
I read on MOS about “hardcore hanging.” This guy hangs like 25 pounds, only 20 minutes a day and has apparently gained quite a bit. How much are you hanging and what are you using to hang? Congrats on your gains as well!

Hey thanks bro!

This is my hang routine

Week 1- 2.2Ibs
Week 2- 3.3Ibs
Week3- 4.4Ibs
Week 4 5.5Ibs
Then the hard core started
Week 5 -10.8ibs
Week7 - 11.4ibs
Week8 -12.5 ibs
Week9 -13.2ibs
Week10 -14.3 ibs currently. Moving to week 11 on sunday

Originally Posted by Mr. Schlong
What are you using to hang?

I am using dog muzzle, it is comfortable and can support heavy weights. Click on the link to see the picture

I wear my ADS for 6-8 hours with 3 hours break in between with dry jelq; so far I am happy with my flaccid state and EQ

This is the type of ADS I am wearing: All Day Stretch Video

Originally Posted by Herballist
I think there has to be a limit with hanging. Hanging ridiculous weights won’t get you there twice as fast.

I would not say ridiculous weight, when members are saying that are hanging hardcore it means they buid up the way up and not starting 25Ibs in the first place.

Originally Posted by Herballist
At a certain point - hanging 25lbs will give him an injury and slow his gains down if anything.

I don’t get when you say hang 25Ibs for 20 min will give injury, if you are a newbie “yes” but if you work your way up “no”. Most members report better EQ when they rich that weight. The bad thing about hanging is that people miss-use it and when the things goes wrong they don’t blame themselves but the “hanger”

For myself have been life changing my EQ comes straightway after remove my ADS and my night and morning wood are sky high.

May be you need to try before draw up that kind of conclusions.

Originally Posted by horsedick99

I am using dog muzzle, it is comfortable and can support heavy weights. Click on the link to see the picture

Hola horsedick99

As you are using this hang?

Inicio: 17bp x 13 EG - 10/08: 18,5 BP x 13,5 EG - 08/09: 18BP x 14 09/10: 18,5 BPx14,5 EG 11/10: 19 BP x 14,50 EG

"Si buscas resultados distintos, no hagas siempre lo mismo." Albert Eistein "Si buscas resultados distintos, no hagas siempre lo mismo. Idiota!!!!" Claudiorz

Originally Posted by horsedick99
I am using dog muzzle, it is comfortable and can support heavy weights. Click on the link to see the picture

I must admit, with the new increase in weight, my head turns purple really fast. Now I know there are those on here which will say I need to stop immediately because of that, and right now I am taking a rest (which I hate.) I need to find a new hanger and am really leaning toward the Redi-Stretcher. How does the dog muzzle work? I could just see it slipping right off. Do you wrap? What do you wrap with?

As far as the hardcore hanging, yes - definitely build up to it. I hung 1 milk jug (about 8 lbs) for about 4 weeks then attached the other milk jug (half full) for a total of 15 lbs. But my hanger must not be getting that good of a grip since the head is turning purple. Tell me more about the muzzle and I may go with that since the Redi-Stretcher is $90.00 and WAY more than I have to spend right now.

Originally Posted by Mr. Schlong
I must admit, with the new increase in weight, my head turns purple really fast. Now I know there are those on here which will say I need to stop immediately because of that, and right now I am taking a rest (which I hate.) I need to find a new hanger and am really leaning toward the Redi-Stretcher. How does the dog muzzle work? I could just see it slipping right off. Do you wrap? What do you wrap with?

As far as the hardcore hanging, yes - definitely build up to it. I hung 1 milk jug (about 8 lbs) for about 4 weeks then attached the other milk jug (half full) for a total of 15 lbs. But my hanger must not be getting that good of a grip since the head is turning purple. Tell me more about the muzzle and I may go with that since the Redi-Stretcher is $90.00 and WAY more than I have to spend right now.

I feel sorry to hear that I guess your hanger is to blame. By the way you need to build up slowly and only add few pounds weekly when you rich a weight that you find hard to stay on for 20 min then remain in it for 3 months unless you are not seen any gain at all. When I reach between 18-20Ibs I will remain there for up to 3months before considering add more weights.

Here is the picture of my Hanger

It need moderator approval before you can see it.

(30.8 KB, 881 views)

Very clever! You use a band clamp to secure the muzzle. Perhaps I will give this a shot. I am really hooked on theide of trying the Redi-Stretcher though, but maybe I should just try the muzzle.

Originally Posted by horsedick99
I would not say ridiculous weight, when members are saying that are hanging hardcore it means they buid up the way up and not starting 25Ibs in the first place.

I don’t get when you say hang 25Ibs for 20 min will give injury, if you are a newbie “yes” but if you work your way up “no”. Most members report better EQ when they rich that weight. The bad thing about hanging is that people miss-use it and when the things goes wrong they don’t blame themselves but the “hanger”

For myself have been life changing my EQ comes straightway after remove my ADS and my night and morning wood are sky high.

May be you need to try before draw up that kind of conclusions.

I have spent years trying to get my hands and grip to clone a massive 10 minute power hang and have succeeded to some extent (sometimes longer). I also have felt a limit and got gains from a consistent smaller manual stretch. I have literally had tears running down my face from holding a monster stretch with my hands because hanging with a tool slips over my glans… I am definitely not inexperienced in that respect even if my means are slightly different.

I just think that people add weights prematurely, while gains are there to be grasped at continual weights, that’s all.

Time to measure girth soon... previously 4.5", been targeting girth for months!

Originally Posted by Herballist
I have spent years trying to get my hands and grip to clone a massive 10 minute power hang and have succeeded to some extent (sometimes longer). I also have felt a limit and got gains from a consistent smaller manual stretch. I have literally had tears running down my face from holding a monster stretch with my hands because hanging with a tool slips over my glans… I am definitely not inexperienced in that respect even if my means are slightly different.

I just think that people add weights prematurely, while gains are there to be grasped at continual weights, that’s all.

Are you uncut? I also used to experience the whole issue of devices slipping over my glans; from the swimcap hanger to even my Bib knockoff. It wasn’t until I wrapped properly with Theraband and then sweatshirt material over the TB that I was finally able to not have a hanger slip and even then it proved difficult. But somehow, some way I was finally able to get the combination right, and even still the hanger slides down some which is why my glans turns purple. I personally think the Red-Stretcher will be the best device to avoid slippage and can’t wait to try one.

Yeah, I am uncut. I am experimenting with the simplest of ADS devices right now and will post pictures if I get results from it.

Time to measure girth soon... previously 4.5", been targeting girth for months!

Originally Posted by Herballist

Yeah, I am uncut. I am experimenting with the simplest of ADS devices right now and will post pictures if I get results from it.

Have you tried the Redi-Stretcher? Even uncut guys seem to have success with it.

Will have a look, thank you :)

Time to measure girth soon... previously 4.5", been targeting girth for months!

Great story Mr. Schlong good to share in your success, keep going and let hear how you are coming along. Excellent.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

Thanks Phenyo!


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