Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

1/2 inch, 6 Weeks!

Wow, cool Mr. Schlong…. I may try that later. I already ordered the dog muzzle Horsedong99 recommended, and am just waiting for it to arrive. I’m going to give that a spin before I try anything else. I must say the redi-stretcher does look like super easy set up. And since those clamps only cost about $10 if you add the $35 for the pads, well, then you’re looking at a cool stretcher for $45 bucks or there about.

I’ve been pumping while I’m waiting and I must say, pumping is a very cool experience. Today I did 6 20 min. sets and I like what I see and feel.

Honestly, the Redi-Stretcher looks like THE easiest thing to use. I know Home Depot sells the Irwin clamps for $5.00 $35 for the pads and shipping - I’m going to try it since my Bib knockoff no longer seems to be that great for me, especially since I’ve been doing more research into hanging and the devices. Best of luck bro!

Hey, report back on how you like them or don’t like them…. to save me $35 if it doesn’t work out for you…I’ll do the same with the dog muzzle.

Well, what do ya know…. I got my dog muzzle today.

Horsedong99…. I really need to see how you set up your rig. I tried for about an hour and I just couldn’t get it to stay in place or be comfortable…

I tried the silicone sleeve for a wrap….no good, too much slipage, even when tightened down REAL TIGHT, so that it didn’t come off, but it messed up my head so much, I was afraid to continue in that condition.

I tried a towel (I cut a piece long enough to wrap around once) and that down right hurt, felt like it would rip my skin off.

Anyway, not having much luck and I got the exact muzzle you showed in your pictures.

I just need to see how you set up and wrap…

Originally Posted by skepticalOne

Hey, report back on how you like them or don’t like them…. to save me $35 if it doesn’t work out for you…I’ll do the same with the dog muzzle.

Should be able to report back in a week; will let you know!

Originally Posted by skepticalOne
Well, what do ya know…. I got my dog muzzle today.

Horsedong99…. I really need to see how you set up your rig. I tried for about an hour and I just couldn’t get it to stay in place or be comfortable…

I tried the silicone sleeve for a wrap….no good, too much slipage, even when tightened down REAL TIGHT, so that it didn’t come off, but it messed up my head so much, I was afraid to continue in that condition.

I tried a towel (I cut a piece long enough to wrap around once) and that down right hurt, felt like it would rip my skin off.

Anyway, not having much luck and I got the exact muzzle you showed in your pictures.

I just need to see how you set up and wrap…

Page 2 of this thread, 7th posting is a picture of his setup. Still doesn’t explain his wrap though.



Originally Posted by JBucs09


It is use as an ADS. Monty sells it and it is called PE weights.

Have a search; there are numerous threads about it.

Originally Posted by Mr. Schlong
Page 2 of this thread, 7th posting is a picture of his setup. Still doesn’t explain his wrap though.

Yeah, I saw those, but I got an extra small muzzle (my Erect Girth is 5.75”) and it said 4.5”-5.5” dog muzzle, So I figured I am 4.5” flaccid..

I figured wrong. I had to cut a piece of the Velcro wrap to get it to close all the way.

I used a pipe type clamp like he shows, but it still slips enough to look like it’s going to mutilate my head.

The whole reason I wanted to try it is because it looked like a no hassle set up. Like the readi-stretcher…

As soon as I hear back about how well that worked I think I’ll go ahead and order the pads. Man I have been away from hanging too long.

According to Monty, there has to be something more like grippers inside the muzzle or else you can’t get good grip inside. I bet if you threw some grippers inside, you would feel good pull. I’ll be getting the pads this week and making my own Redi-Stretcher and will follow through on how it works. If people still hold to Bib’s LOT theory, I’m going to have to start doing SO or SU pulls and have no idea how to do SU. I hang straight down and that is actually where my gains came from. Hopefully with the RS it will give enough internal pull so I can continue to gain from SD hanging.

get a vacu-hanger

I used to use a redi-stretcher, I later bought a vacu-hanger from autoextender a couple years back and I feel its a far superior hanger. They don’t sell them anymore (they do sell the sleeves for them but they are a bit pricey), but i bet if u post for a used one, someone may be able to sell one to you. If you are going to be standing or walking most of the day, best to use a weight based ADS. If you are going to be sitting for most of the day, use a leg strap based ADS, I feel like they give you better stretch and you can vary the stretch by moving your leg to different positions.

I have figured out the key to my gains! It’s sitting down with a couple things of rolled up sweatshirt material between my balls and unit. I thought standing up was the key but I went back to my original routine (which I quit because it hurt like hell) and noticed a nice flaccid stretch! Looks like I know how I’ll be hanging!

Originally Posted by TylerD
I used to use a redi-stretcher, I later bought a vacu-hanger from autoextender a couple years back and I feel its a far superior hanger. They don’t sell them anymore (they do sell the sleeves for them but they are a bit pricey), but i bet if u post for a used one, someone may be able to sell one to you. If you are going to be standing or walking most of the day, best to use a weight based ADS. If you are going to be sitting for most of the day, use a leg strap based ADS, I feel like they give you better stretch and you can vary the stretch by moving your leg to different positions.

I have the vacuum stretcher from and while it is comfortable at low weight, as soon as you get to higher weights 12lbs and up…you cannot help but get blisters no matter how you wrap.

An alternative to a dog muzzle is a Captains Wench.

I have a Captains Wench Kit on the website. Comes with clamps, Grippers and Theraband.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Monty, I admire your gains. I know you are the innovator of the PE weights, but how have you made your main gains? Are you a hanger?


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