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Best home made hanger


Best home made hanger

There are a few different home made hangers here, But witch one is the best?

I am uncut.


I agree with Slack. I’m uncut using Captain’s Wench and I love it. No experience with any other hanger though.

I have not used any hanger other than the Wench,but I have to say for what it cost and the time it took to make,I’m one happy hanger.

Captain’s Wench, the best and easiest and cheapest hanger you can make on your own with one trip to Home Depot

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I’m also uncut and I think the best homemade hanger is the one I have right here next to me :) Second best is the AFB hanger in my signature, unlike my modified version it can be build in a matter of minutes.

I think the idea of the SuckXtender is realy great. I have bought an urninal catheter condom and made a simple hanger of it.
It’s not problem using it with 2,3 or 4 kgs… even 5kg if you hang over the leg (to the sides).

Here’s a picture of it (post #3): click me!

01.01.04: 6.75" BP x 5.50" . . . . . Next Goal: 7.50" BP x 5.50" . . . . Pics

01.03.04: 7.15" BP x 5.50" . . . . . Ultimate : 8.00" NBP x 6.00" . . . . Progress Report

Thanks a lot for your help guys.

The wench seems to be most popular, But I have no clue to where I could get the materials in Norway,
And I think that I need to use more weigth than the suckXtender/phallosan can handle.

I will try to make Piets AFB hanger, I have everything I need to make that one.

Hope that hanging will boost the gains, If it does I will tell you about it.

Originally Posted by Piet
I’m also uncut and I think the best homemade hanger is the one I have right here next to me :) Second best is the AFB hanger in my signature, unlike my modified version it can be build in a matter of minutes.

I second what piet said. The AFB hanger is extremely cheap (like under 5 bucks) and I made some good gains off it.

"I live my life one stretch at a time" Current Stats: 10/15/05- 7-1/4 bpel x 4-15/16 girth GOAL: 8 bpel x 5.5

Ok, I made the AFB hanger yesterday and tried it today.

I have been hanging with the modified head piece for my extender, And was hoping that the AFB would work better, But I had some problems with it:

It slips towards the glans

My glans gets rock hard

It hurts a little inside the penis where the hanger was attached, Kind of sore.

Did mostly stretch the skin

Did not feel any fatique in the shaft/ligs

So now I have put on the extender again. But there are also some good news:

My FSL has been stuck for a while, And after hanging for a few days now it is up 0,3 cm :)

If any hanger slips you will have to tighten it more the next time. The slipping leads to a red and hard glans which is obviously not good.


It feels like it is very tight now, I think that is why it is sore after hanging.


Is it important that the screws are screwed in the same lenght on the top and bottom?

My bottom screw are a bit short

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