Originally Posted by youngone30
Hguys. I’m relatively new to hanging and I have a questin about the color of my glans during my sets. My head is usually a deep red or purple color and I was wondering if this is a sign of bad wrapping and bad circulation. If so, what color should it be? Normal?
Hi yg And welcome to the Forum.
You don’t mention whether you have done PE exercises before you started hanging, and you need to tell us what your penis looks like before you start hanging.
A purple colour means that the blood isn’t flowing and is getting stale. So you should stop hanging as soon as it gets to that colour. Deep red is more acceptable , but if it leads quickly to purple then stop hanging.
You need to give us some more detailed information about your routines, as at the moment we have no idea how long you have been doing PE. But if you have just started PE and imediately do hanging then I think you need to stop hanging and do some penis strengthening .
So if you can come back with more information we shall be able to give you more definite help.
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