Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Let’s see if I can catch up a little.


>So when measuring 2” from the head, is it 2” from the base of the head or 2” from the top or tip of the head?<

That is two inches from the glans or back of the head. Not the tip.

>Do you think that my routine is too aggressive?<

Now you know there is no way I can tell if your routine is too much. Only you can do that. The most important thing is not to make any big jumps, in either time or weight. Go up slowly in the number of sets per day, and certaintly go up slowly in the weight used, as you are already doing.

Good luck



>Could you talk more about how many sets to do to fatique to the ligs and tissues. Maybe I need to increase the weight some as to get fatiqued more.<

Well, I hung all day, so it is hard for me to tell you what the minimum number of sets would be. Usually, by midday, I would have to start reducing the amount of weight I hung. Usually, I did not push my max amount of weight in order to reach fatigue faster.

You have to hang enough weight, for enough time to reach fatigue. You have to make those decisions based on your own situation.

>I’m currently using 7.5 lbs @ 20 min in the AM, mid-day, and PM p/d. Question is, should I do like most other guys and go 3- 20 min sets- AM, 3 sets Mid-day, and 3 sets at night? No ads at all.<

It would probably be more beneficial to do your sets consecutively as much as possible. Although, I think I did benefit from the late night hanging I did, most of my progress came from consecutive sets. If you have to split up your sets because of scheduling, that is fine.


I’m ending my third week of hanging and showing no signs of being able to increase weight. Usually I sit on the edge of my couch with pillows under my ass(keeps weights from dragging) and my feet on my coffee table, elevating my knees to about 45 degrees. I guess this position calls for less weight than standing. The truth of the matter is I DON’T FEEL LIKE F**KING STANDING. Should I continue hanging with the 5.5lbs in the couch position or should I mix in standing sets with higher weight? I know I can go higher standing. Thanks.


This is clearly an increased stress load on your member at the BTC position. It clearly is expressed everywhere that it multiplies the stress put on the member to stretch.

Keep hanging BTC with 5 but increase the standing load a wee bit. You’ll get used to both. The BTC postion lets say hits the ligs at double to quadruple strength. So that 5 feels like 20 when you do that. Try all the other ways to. Don’t be shy to mix it up.

Hope this helps! TT


>I’m ending my third week of hanging and showing no signs of being able to increase weight.<

What is your goal for the amount of weight you want to hang?

>Usually I sit on the edge of my couch with pillows under my ass(keeps weights from dragging) and my feet on my coffee table, elevating my knees to about 45 degrees. I guess this position calls for less weight than standing.<

This is probabably close to BTC, or maybe it is.
>The truth of the matter is I DON’T FEEL LIKE F**KING STANDING.<

NO, that’s negative. I almost never stood, except to walk short distances like a duck.

>Should I continue hanging with the 5.5lbs in the couch position or should I mix in standing sets with higher weight? I know I can go higher standing. Thanks. <

Do whatever you can to make yourself the most comfortable and relax. Who cares how much weight you hang? What is important is gains. In relation to that, where are you feeling the stress when you are sitting with your legs up? Is it in the skin at the top base, or can you feel the stress in the ligs at this time?

You might have to stretch some skin for a bit, or maybe you already have. Sooner or later, the ligs will begin taking the stress.

Most guys cannot start out BTC at any weight, so don’t sweat it.


Instead try the Over the sholder routine. OTS next, just look it up in here in the faq or hanger’s forum. I don’t like standing anymore than I have to either. I used to have a job which was stand for 6 hours straight on a metal catwalk. Did wonders for both my back and knees.

Talk about fast response...

I don’t really have a goal weight. I just thought that increasing weight as you are able to, provides the gains. And yes, the stress is at the top of the base, not the ligs. (I think) So I guess once the skin is stetched, the ligs will assume the stress in this position. “I almost never stood, except to walk short distances like a duck”. I hear ya.

I’m off to research the OTS routine.



>I don’t really have a goal weight. I just thought that increasing weight as you are able to, provides the gains.<

I was being a smart-ass, but the point is, don’t worry about the amount of weight. Only what you are feeling.

> And yes, the stress is at the top of the base, not the ligs. (I think) So I guess once the skin is stetched, the ligs will assume the stress in this position. <

Yes. One of the reasons for the lower weights working is, the skin has a hell of a lot of nerve endings and you feel the burn much easier there. Also, it takes much less weight to stretch skin than connective tissue.

Once the skin is no longer taking the weight, and the ligs are taking the weight, you will know it and will probably have to go up in weight.


hey bib...

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Bib

NO, that’s negative. I almost never stood, except to walk short distances like a duck.

Hey bib I’m sorry can you dumb that down a bit for me? Are you saying hanging while standing is not good? I kinda like to do one set this way I like the pull I get.

thanks T…yes I suck at computers.

J Rock,

>Hey bib I’m sorry can you dumb that down a bit for me? Are you saying hanging while standing is not good? I kinda like to do one set this way I like the pull I get. <

There is nothing mechanically wrong with hanging while standing. It just was not good for me. I simply did not like hanging while standing because I did not have anything to do. While sitting, I could work, watch TV, talk on the phone, surf, whatever. Standing for me seemed too much like work.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.


HiYa Bigger,

I just read some of your old posts from PE Forums. You mentioned milking (I assume you mean jelqing) for 2 hours a day in addition to your hanging. Was this during your 2 year “growth” period or during your maintenance period? Also, if you jelqed, how intense was it? I wondered because it is not a good idea to hang after jelqing.

Take care


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!


>You mentioned milking (I assume you mean jelqing) for 2 hours a day in addition to your hanging. Was this during your 2 year “growth” period or during your maintenance period?<

I guess I probably did this during both. The two hours was a compilation estimate of the between set stuff and maybe thirty minutes at the end of the hanging session.

>Also, if you jelqed, how intense was it? <
No, I have tried to explain this a lot in the past. No intensity at all, except maybe at the end of the day I would get a little stronger erection. During the between set work, I would remain wrapped usually, and just wanted to see full circulation, erection response, swelling head, etc with an almost flaccid penis. 10-50% erections. During the between set work, a lot of the jelqing was behind the balls and just-in=front of the balls work.

>I wondered because it is not a good idea to hang after jelqing.<

Where have you heard that before. Yeah, a couple of times I became too involved with jelqing. Unwrapped, fairly intense erection, good intensity, and found it made it tough to go back to hanging. Skin was really barking. That’s when I came up with that saying.


Thanks Bigger

My Urologist friend told me that hanging after jelqing is not a good idea due to the potential for vascular strain - as he puts it. He said that after the blood vessels are stretched during the engorgement produced by jelqing, they will go into a semi-plastic state during the healing process. They are more prone to tearing or rupturing in this state. I asked him if applying moist heat would solve this. He said somewhat, but not totally. He may not know what he is talking about, but since he has had a 2 inch PE gain himself and he’s an MD, I listen.

Take care


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

OK Bib I just finish today my first two weeks on hanging. Let me tell you I’m pretty much hook it up on hanging I really like it. Here is what I have done so far. First week hang two sets of twenty minutes of five to seven and half pounds in the mornings. Second week did three sets of twenty minutes seven and half to ten pounds also in the mornings. Something I I’M doing is in every set I stop when I hit ten minutes lose the hanger to let some circulation take place and tightening and go for the next ten minutes with ten minutes rest between sets. Also I’M pumping at night tow days on one day of but thats is another story. So far I haven’t encounter any problems or injuries. My only question to you is did you hang every day for six days or did you hang every day seven days per week? I have notes some gains on flaccid length and also on flaccid girth and it looks like some EL but wont know in tell next Sunday that is when I’M going to measure my weapon. Please be free to comment if you see or think I’m doing something wrong on my hanging routine. Ten By Seven


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