Let’s see if I can catch up a little.
>So when measuring 2” from the head, is it 2” from the base of the head or 2” from the top or tip of the head?<
That is two inches from the glans or back of the head. Not the tip.
>Do you think that my routine is too aggressive?<
Now you know there is no way I can tell if your routine is too much. Only you can do that. The most important thing is not to make any big jumps, in either time or weight. Go up slowly in the number of sets per day, and certaintly go up slowly in the weight used, as you are already doing.
Good luck
>Could you talk more about how many sets to do to fatique to the ligs and tissues. Maybe I need to increase the weight some as to get fatiqued more.<
Well, I hung all day, so it is hard for me to tell you what the minimum number of sets would be. Usually, by midday, I would have to start reducing the amount of weight I hung. Usually, I did not push my max amount of weight in order to reach fatigue faster.
You have to hang enough weight, for enough time to reach fatigue. You have to make those decisions based on your own situation.
>I’m currently using 7.5 lbs @ 20 min in the AM, mid-day, and PM p/d. Question is, should I do like most other guys and go 3- 20 min sets- AM, 3 sets Mid-day, and 3 sets at night? No ads at all.<
It would probably be more beneficial to do your sets consecutively as much as possible. Although, I think I did benefit from the late night hanging I did, most of my progress came from consecutive sets. If you have to split up your sets because of scheduling, that is fine.