Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.




The DLD blaster in conjunction with hanging seems to really dial in the lig pull . It appears passing the PC muscle using the reverse kegel method allows direct stress on the ligs.

DLD suggested an approximate 5 second cycle alternating reps of kegels and reverse kegels. I’m finding that a longer reverse kegel say 10-12 seconds is required to really isolate and feel the pure ligs pull effect.

What say you ?



You’re right about the reverse kegels. I do double the amount of time on the reverse. It takes a lot of time, though. But, I think it will be worth it. It seems to stress the ligs every time.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Angles And Blasters


At what angles do you find the Blasters effective. I’ve recently incorperated them and certainly feel them BTC and even straight out. Haven’t tried OTS or OTL yet.



From my experience, it seems that BTC is most effective doing Blasters. I was hanging OTS and Straight Out for the last month and a half and couldnt get any extra feeling at all with the reverse kegel, but with BTC it feels like I got twice the weight on the Bib! Now I’ve switched back to BTC with the help of (my version) the Blasters. I only regular kegel for about a minute when I first strap on the weight. Then its all reverse kegel for the rest of the set. Its hard to concentrate on it the entire time, but it sure puts a great stretch on the ligs.

I described the positions I feel it most here.

It is interesting that we feel them best in different positions. Maybe this indicates the angles we need to focus on. If this is the case, the question is should we focus where we feel the Blasters the most or the least? It feels like we’re doing the most productive work when we feel a good stretch, but if the limiting factor is the angle where we seem to hit more of a solid stop (not feeling much from Blasters), perhaps this angle is where we should be concentrating our effort.


You read my mind. I would think that one should hang in the position that gives the most pull and if the erection angle changes or Blasters become ineffective, then change angles to find one that is (basically milk it for all its worth). This would make a good thread of its own.

Positions for Kegeling

Kielbasa et al,

I’ve now tried BTC, OTL,So, and OTS. What I feel most is reverse kegel, held for perhaps 10-15 sec BTC. It’s really interesting the effect time of hold has to do with it. If I hold the reverse kegel for only 2-3 sec as though you were doing JAI stretches I feel it only slightlt, hawever if I continue to hold the r. kegel 10 sec or more the pubic area really picks up a burn.

I think we all owe DLD a tip of the hat. Can’t wait to see what the results are after a month or so.

Good hangin’, guys.


I cannot wait to be a REAL contributing factor to this thread…I can’t wait to strap on the bib and have true access to the all mighty HANGERS FORUM :)

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple


a lot of good info in these posts

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

How do I do a dld blaster while hanging, I dont get these reverse kegels? What is it? How is it different than a regular kegel?

Also can I do BTC in the morning at OTS at night?

Last edited by Pfunk : 12-03-2003 at .

Why is DLD a ex member bib?


>How do I do a dld blaster while hanging, I dont get these reverse kegels?<

When you try to force pee out when taking a leak, that is a reverse kegal.

I believe blasters are alternating kegaling and reverse kegals.

>What is it? How is it different than a regular kegel?<

At the upward angles, kegals tend to pull, causing more stress on the tunica. At certain angles, reverse kegals cause more stress to be placed on the ligs as stress is relieved from the ligs.

>Also can I do BTC in the morning at OTS at night?<

I would recommend concentrating on one angle till totally fatigued. Then switch to another angle if you wish.

>Why is DLD a ex member bib?<

I do not really know. You might ask Thunder or another mod. I know there was a situation when he put up his pay site, but I know no details.


Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
I cannot wait to be a REAL contributing factor to this thread…I can't wait to strap on the bib and have true access to the all mighty HANGERS FORUM :)

I don’t know if I quoted this correctly but DLD seems to be a major contributor to PE. To see him an x member is not good.

My concern is, why ban a man that has contributed so much and then cut him off?

Fire shall reign from above as shards of heated shrapnel hurl savage kisses to mortal flesh and shattered bone below.

For days, the dead hung in the air as dust.

Never mind.

There seems to be some in fighting here.

I strongly recommend that you gentlemen. Get over your differences and get along.

Fire shall reign from above as shards of heated shrapnel hurl savage kisses to mortal flesh and shattered bone below.

For days, the dead hung in the air as dust.


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