Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


long time hangers

In addition to the above questions, I was also wondering what various lotions/potions/substances you have used to help with skin stretch. This would include what you may use to help the skin stretch out more easily during hanging and also what you have used to heal the stretch tears more quickly.

I currently use cocoa butter and lanolin, but would appreciate input on what else works. Thanks :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

Well this ? is for BiB and also might answer 2in2002.

I’ve seen him mention Arnica for bruising and was wondering if it might also be good for the skin stretch?

For a basic description on Arnica
Wisdom Applied to Life and Living

Wow, seven post in an hour. This is a good topic. Needs a thread of it’s own.


As I go up in weight (1 lb. increments) I try to hang at the new weight for 3 sets of 20 min. which the first day primarily stretches skin- at least on the first set. Always when I go up in weight I am now getting used to the fact that the first set or two is going to burn because of skin stretch. This burning lasts at least 2 days, sometimes 3.<

When needed, I usually worked on skin for longer than that. Maybe a couple weeks in most cases. Now, sometimes it would only be a few days, and I was hitting the ligs and tunica again. But then, I grew fairly quickly. It was a little bit of a downer knowing I was only stretching skin, but as long as you have a plan, and know that you will be getting back to business soon, it is not bad.

The extra skin issue did not concern me. Only one time did I notice an abnormal amount of skin being a little troublesome during sex. For others, you might want to limit the amount of skin stretch during any one period. This entails smaller distance variations on the hanger placement. IOW, move a little toward the base to stretch skin, and move a little toward the head to stretch tunica and ligs. Just realize that doing this will not always solely target the internal structures or skin. IOW, not 100% stress on skin and not 100% stress on internals.

>Most of my time at the new max is spent straight out because I can’t handle the skin stretch BTC for a day or two. After my first 3 sets I have gotten to the point where my routine is to take 1 lb off and hang at my old max for as many sets as possible to hit the ligs. I also place the hanger at different points on the shaft for each set. When I am getting fatigued I will go OTL with my new max for a set or two, then drop down 2 x 1 lb increments until I am hanging BTC with 1 lb. below my old max.- 2 lb. less than the new max until fatigue. <

It sounds like you know what you are doing.

>In addition to the above questions, I was also wondering what various lotions/potions/substances you have used to help with skin stretch. This would include what you may use to help the skin stretch out more easily during hanging and also what you have used to heal the stretch tears more quickly. <

I used a Vit E based lotion on the base, stretch marks. I do not know about Arnica for skin stretch.



Ok for me there were times that I felt I could handle more weight however the skin stretch was to uncomfortable usually due to the wrap either moving or the hanger sliding forward.

Sometimes the wrap just wouldn’t cooperate with me and I would have to unwrap and try again. I wasn’t as fast a study as you and consequently made alot of mistakes in my wrapping technique before I got it right.

If I had to say one thing about the wrap if you don’t think it is at a maximum efficiency. Just redo the damn thing and try again. IMO this will save you a lot of headaches down the road both short term and long term.

As far as the hanger placement goes just a little adjustment to the forward or back seems top make a big difference. Generally speaking I’d say I can handle approximately 15% more weight closer to the base than more forward.

Keep trying different things with the wrap tightness, amount of thera, a little powder under the wrap etc.

Hope this is helpful



I am not that quick a study, as I still get some hanger slippage towards the head. I can tighten onto the structures, but as the day wears on it seems they are harder to grab onto. My guess is that they are just more elongated and therefore not as thick as the first few sessions.

Sometimes I will wrap and just intuitively know it is ideal- and it usually is. So I will leave that wrap on as long as possible come hell or high water. My problem thus far is I cannot replicate this ideal wrap over and over, my hope is with practice I will be able to :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'


When I first started hanging I was using three different wraps at once. Theraband (black), Ace bandage and cloth. Sometime I would use them all, sometimes only a couple. And I would change the sequence of the “layers”.

This is not good!

OK now it’s Theraband ( gray) only and in accordance with the wrap thread at the top of this forum.

Much better!

I believe that the less wrap a person uses the better the results. IMO Boxcar’s success is due to his wrap free hanging approach. I’ve performed some sets without the wrap and the flaccid stretch is better than when wrapped. It takes some getting use to though.

A couple of other things to consider are reducing the thickness (width) of the T strips and minimizing the overlay. Always be thinking less is better if you can.

Finally remember that it takes some time for your skin to get conditioned especially if your in the hanger as long as you are each day.




I have found just thera to work really well for me, as does hanging with no wrap. As you said, though- the penis takes time to get used to that. The skin was beginning to get sensitive from no protection, so I went back to a cloth under-wrap. Your post has inspired me to go back to thera alone again- and maybe even free-hanging. I will let you know what happens :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

Re: zep

Originally posted by 2in2002
I am not that quick a study, as I still get some hanger slippage towards the head. I can tighten onto the structures, but as the day wears on it seems they are harder to grab onto. My guess is that they are just more elongated and therefore not as thick as the first few sessions.

I’ve been meaning to ask about this - the first hang in a set is good, almost any wrap and position is comfortable, but an hour later there’s no grip no matter how I wrap and how much I tighten.



"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams



Perhaps unwrap and jelq then rewrap, or make your adjustments on the screws at the base a little tighter intially and ease up on the wing nuts for the first few sets.

You know sometimes my wrap is tight sometimes it’s loose, shit! Doesn’t really matter, so perhaps we go back to the toe in toe out deal prior to starting.

I have two hangers and the pads on the first one are more compressed than the second and both work perfect for my dick.

Hanging close to the head requires a little more precision than closer to the base.

Again were talking about fine adjustments and slight hanger placement differences that result in the ” perfect hang”.



Re: long time hangers

Originally posted by 2in2002
In addition to the above questions, I was also wondering what various lotions/potions/substances you have used to help with skin stretch. This would include what you may use to help the skin stretch out more easily during hanging and also what you have used to heal the stretch tears more quickly.

I currently use cocoa butter and lanolin, but would appreciate input on what else works. Thanks :)

I found this stuff as a handcream a few years ago and let me tell ya it works fantastic as a “skin healer” They ship pretty fast too.

No I dont have any affiliation with them. But I do have my whole family using the stuff.

Just my opinion, but I like.

I owe all of my gains to Bib, Thunder & DLD.

Thank you just dosent seem to cover it.

I'll be forever indebted to Them!!


Gonna try it, has lots of good stuff in it. Thanks :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

I love the stuff

Heck even my Mother in law is using it LOL!!!!!

I owe all of my gains to Bib, Thunder & DLD.

Thank you just dosent seem to cover it.

I'll be forever indebted to Them!!

bag balm

I live in a rural area and the local farm and feed store had bag balm instead of udder balm, so I bought some. I have been using it a couple of days with good results- my ‘udder’ stays moisturized for a long time with minimal reapplication.

I am gonna take some and mix it with pure cocoa butter and a couple of drops of tea tree oil and see how that works, too.

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

Bag balm is the bomb


Been using it for years it’s the best lube/conditioner I’ve tried by far. Really helps keep the wear and tear in check.

Great stuff!


Pinching problem

I’m having difficulty with the age-old pinching problem. It’s gotten to the point where I think I give my hanger a dirty look when it’s time to hang.

When attaching the hanger I stretch out with the left hand and tighten with the right. The top of the hanger(point closest to shaft) is a bastard on my skin. I watch it pinch as I tighten. I decide to do the old push the dick skin down with the left thumb trick but I have to forfeit the outstretch while tightening. Frustration is not the word here, pissed the f*ck off is.

I’m thinking about measuring the distance between my chin and the top of the hanger, cutting a piece of dowel this length and then placing one end of the dowel under my chin and the other on the suffering spot . I think this may be able to serve as the third hand.



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