Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



I had/have the same problem and here is how I handle it. When the hanger is tight enough that it starts to pinch, I lift the hanger with my middle, ring and pinky finger of my left hand while lightly pulling the glans downward(not a huge angle)with my thumb and forefinger. This will result in the back of the hanger being higher than the front, and your penis will be stretched into and upside-down ‘U’ shape.

Then with my right hand I use my middle, ring and pinky finger to pull out the extra skin from the shaft end while completing the last couple of turns with my thumb and forefinger. Hope this helps :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'


I did try that beleive it or not and it caused pinching on the bottom. However, I only tried it once and abandoned the idea with the first pinch. I will try it again and probably just about anything else. I’m not quite sure about the adjustment on the bottom either. Thanks.


I have had the pinching on the bottom, also. I found that by widening the bottom I was able to use the technique I just talked about and avoid the pinching on the bottom. When I do get that, which is pretty rare, it is after the hanger is tight enough that I can free up a hand to go behind the hanger and pull out the pinch. I don’t have a problem in the front because I have a pretty large toe out :)

I am at the point now where I just grab the hanger with my left hand from underneath the hanger, squeeze it tight (let go of the glans) then get rid of all the excess skin, then spin the wing nut down to a pretty good tightness, reposition my hands and tighten it with the above techniques :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

Hi there Bib just a quick question. After you did all your hanging and started working on girth did you experience any length gains with the extreme Ulis? Ten by Seven

My weapon and I are in for a long battle

Hi jelktoid!

Like you I have put most of my efforts in PE in jelquing. I made some gains in girth (about 1cm) but no length gains.
I finally received my bib hanger and go for length.

So my question is on what stats you started your hanging experiments, what was your routine and how long did it take to get those respectable gains.

My stats at the moment 6,3NBP x 5

Keep gaining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ten by Seven,

Sorry I missed this one.

> Hi there Bib just a quick question. After you did all your hanging and started working on girth did you experience any length gains with the extreme Ulis? <

No, I did not gain anymore length after beginning the extreme Ulis. I was still hanging for maintantence at that time also.


hey bib, i started hanging about 2 months ago and, having realized no gains, i’ve switched runtines and have been following your general suggested rutine for about 2 weeks now…that includes mainly btc and some straight out for 3 to 5 hanging hours per day, M-F.

well I started noticeing that btc just almost quit getting me fatiqued at my current weight (6lbs) i plan on moving up, but I thought it might be because I haven’t hung striaght out enough so maybe my ligs are ‘uneven’. Is this possible(becuase i just moved up to 6 last friday)?

Also, when I hang striaght out the hanger bunches over my head almost no matter what. I have to press my head down so it won’t turn purple. Is there anyway to make it not ride over my head so much-and should I feel the stretch more in the bottom base area of my penis? Thanks in advance.


Last edited by smirnoff_ace2021 : 10-29-2002 at .


>i’ve switched runtines and have been following your general suggested rutine for about 2 weeks now…that includes mainly btc and some straight out for 3 to 5 hanging hours per day, M-F.<

First, what were you doing before? I hope you worked up to that level.

>well I started noticeing that btc just almost quit getting me fatiqued at my current weight (6lbs) i plan on moving up, but I thought it might be because I haven’t hung striaght out enough so maybe my ligs are ‘uneven’. Is this possible(becuase i just moved up to 6 last friday)?<

No, you will feel fatigue faster, IMO, if your ligs are ‘uneven’ or if you only concentrate on an angle or lig bundle at a time. More than likely, if BTC is easier for you, the skin is taking some of the weight. IOW, it will feel more comfortable if the stress is split between the skin and ligs than just one at a time. See if you are stretching a lot of skin. If so continue. Also, move the hanger around each time you attach to vary stretching skin and ligs.

>Also, when I hang striaght out the hanger bunches over my head almost no matter what. I have to press my head down so it won’t turn purple. Is there anyway to make it not ride over my head so much-and should I feel the stretch more in the bottom base area of my penis? <

This is usually a matter of the hanger not being tight enough. Also, you can play with the toe-in toe-out settings to find one that works for you.

It sounds like you have the time to put in to make some good gains. You need some knowledge and experience to go with it and you will be in good shape.



actually, i started 2 months ago @ 3 sets per day, then a month later went to 3 sets twice daily (morning and night). Now I basically hang whenever possible. hope this isn’t dangerous.

Should I feel any soreness when hanging straight out? -because I generally dont.

BTW, Thanks for your help.


>actually, i started 2 months ago @ 3 sets per day, then a month later went to 3 sets twice daily (morning and night). Now I basically hang whenever possible. hope this isn’t dangerous.<

Probably not as long as you take your time moving up in either time or weight or both and pay attention to what you are doing.

>Should I feel any soreness when hanging straight out? -because I generally dont.<

Well, at your max weight, you will feel soreness hanging straight out. That was a cop out. Catch 22. Sorry. Probably at higher wieghts you will fatigue straight out.

Now, what you need to do is adjust your hanging technique. Learn to stop the sliding down of the hanger. At higher weights, there will be some sliding, but at six lbs., there should be little if any. Spend some time learning about the hanger and what it will do, then slowly begin to increase the weight at any particular angle until you do feel fatigue.

Some guys make gains without ever feeling the work. I and most guys are not like that, IMO.



“It is great to only stretch one thing at a time. But when it is only skin, it can get uncomfortable. You should become really adept at transferring a little stress to the inner penis, or learning to reduce weight somewhat to stress the skin less, when only stressing skin.”

You never did expound on your above statements. Several questions come to mind. 1) When going up in weight, I would think it would generally be better to ‘suffer’ through the skin stretch for however long it takes rather than going down in weight. If one goes down again in weight to relieve the skin stretch, is that not counterproductive to fatiguing the ligs?

I still find that no matter where I place the hanger at a new weight- whether to stress the inner penis or putting it close to the base, that skin stretch continues to be the limiting factor.

It seems that in your original post you may have had some thoughts as to the nuances of getting through the new weight/skin stretch period but that they went by the wayside as the thread progressed. If you have any thoughts on the ‘transitional’ period of time at a new weight they would be appreciated.

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'


Great to see you back. I hope the hernia has healed up. I am a little under the weather, some kind of virus. So my posts will probably be more incoherent than usual.

>You never did expound on your above statements. Several questions come to mind. 1) When going up in weight, I would think it would generally be better to ‘suffer’ through the skin stretch for however long it takes rather than going down in weight.<

Of course, this will depend on the individual. Some can handle skin stretch better than others. There is no reason to suffer though. Just get into that groove, where you know you are stretching skin, but not to the point of torture. Just a good feeling stretch.

>If one goes down again in weight to relieve the skin stretch, is that not counterproductive to fatiguing the ligs?<

Well, we were talking about stressing only one structure at a time. If all the weight is on the skin, none on the ligs, then the skin may not be able to handle as much by itself.

>I still find that no matter where I place the hanger at a new weight- whether to stress the inner penis or putting it close to the base, that skin stretch continues to be the limiting factor.<

As you get more experience, you may find that you need to spend more time on skin stretch. Get a good amount of skin to work with so that you can stress only the inner structures.

>It seems that in your original post you may have had some thoughts as to the nuances of getting through the new weight/skin stretch period but that they went by the wayside as the thread progressed. If you have any thoughts on the ‘transitional’ period of time at a new weight they would be appreciated. <

No, not really. You would have to give me a specific setting, then I might have something. The greatest thing in the relationship is the placement of the hanger. Even an eighth inch or quarter inch can make a big difference. I think most guys do not realize that.



I am one of the unfortunate ones that can not spend hours each day hanging. I have to get a session in whenever I can, but the sessions are never more than 20-30 minutes at a time.

Many times my sessions are worked into my schedule so that I have to spread them out over fairly long periods of time.

Question: Are short, somewhat sporadic sessions over the course of a day worth the trouble? Without going into great detail on my routine, history, etc, am I better off with one or two days a week where I can devote multi-hour sessions, or should I stick with short sessions one or two times a day/5-6 days a week?

comments encouraged/welcome from all.

be back soon

Dura Ace,

>Question: Are short, somewhat sporadic sessions over the course of a day worth the trouble?<

Many guys have had great luck with only one or two sets per day. Then, if you have a couple days where you can do more, that will only accentuate the gains.

The deal is, you might gains great with a limited schedule for a while, the reach a plateau. At some point, you may have the opportunity to put in more time and you can put in more effort.

Just do what you can, don’t worry about it, and enjoy the gains you get. It may just take you longer, or not, but if you stick with it, you can reach your goals.

Also, be sure you do the blasters, and some of the pulse stretches at upper angles when you do get to hang. That should help intensify the limited work.


Hey Bigger

Sorry to hear that you are under the weather.

I don’t know if you ever did anything similar to the Blasters, but this is one incredible exercise. Like you, I believe that more gains will come at higher weights (over 20 lbs.). I am hanging consistenly at that level now. However, I started doing the Blasters a week ago. I have never felt such lig fatigue. I can get to the fatigued state in the 2nd set of the day and intensify it as the day goes on. I find myself dropping weight considerably by the 4th or 5th set. What is even more incredible is the fact that I can SEE gains after just one week of this! I have a scar on the left side of my shaft from having a growth removed. When it was removed, it was at the base. The scar has been stretching and moving down the shaft since I started hanging. I haven’t measured yet, but I’ll bet that I got almost a 1/4 inch in a week from this. I do about 8 sets of Blasters a day and recommend them to everyone.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!


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