Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


I’ll never be called Blue.

Fire shall reign from above as shards of heated shrapnel hurl savage kisses to mortal flesh and shattered bone below.

For days, the dead hung in the air as dust.

I’ve been a dedicated hanger for a month now. Before I was just doing manual stretching and jelqing inconsistently with no gains thus far. I never even heard of PE a year ago.
Now I’m trying to have consistent PE sessions.
This is what I’ve deided to do after tinkering with many techniques:
I primarily hang. 7-8 LOT.
After warm up:
stretching 5 min
2 20min BTC hanging
2 20min SO hanging
2 20min OTS hanging
-heat applied for first 10min each set
-with 10min breaks between sets
I finish with 20 medium intensity jelqing/squeezes
*also between hanging sets I attach the Bib hanger loosely and put about
1lb. on it to keep my unit stretched.

Am I on the right track here with my LOT and the positions I chose to hang?

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.


That looks pretty good. But if I were me, I would concentrate on BTC until my gains stopped, and then switch to OTS as the primary angle. You can use SO as your secondary angle on both for when you are fatigued at the primary angle.


OTS is very uncomfortable, Anything to make it better, also much of the weight is reduced by the friction. Any thought?

I like to Believe in People's Best


Where exactly does the discomfort come from. Explain as much as possible, and we can probably help you.

Friction losses mean nothing. You want to hang with the amount of effective weight that will cause fatigue, and lead to gains. Go by feel, and not the sum of the numbers stamped on the weight plate. If the weight used is not enough, add a little more, slowly over time. If it is too much, reduce it. Go by the effective weight.


The pain is in my shoulder I use a towel and what but I just dont get it. Is any hanging above 9:00 tunica hanging?

I like to Believe in People's Best

Couldn’t he use a pulley behind him on a wall to ease the shoulder? Maybe use a bed post instead of the shoulder? Okay how about for a strap use something less digging in, like an old belt or a dog collar instead of rope or a string. Also make sure that any buckles or knots are poking uou when you hang. Make sire the screws on the hanger aren’t poking your leg, chest, belly, etc…

Higher than 9 means your beating the shit out of the tunica.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Bib, thanks for the reply and i’m glad you said that. Because BTC was just becoming comfortable for me. I was worried my time wasn’t well spent at BTC with a LOT of 7-8.

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.

Max P,

Cut a strip out of a plastic gallon milk jug, about 3-4 inches wide and 8-10 inches long. Then, duct tape the plastic to your OTS cord. This will spread out the pressure to bearable levels.


Bib, say for example, I hang BTC until the gains stopped and then switched to OTS. Would it be necessary to cement those lig gains by still hanging BTC? I’m wondering where cementing gains and postion changes are worked in together.

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.


>Bib, say for example, I hang BTC until the gains stopped and then switched to OTS. Would it be necessary to cement those lig gains by still hanging BTC? I’m wondering where cementing gains and postion changes are worked in together.<

Great question. Believe it or not, I do not think this has ever been raised, at least not for a long time.

The ligs and tunica are two completely different structures, joined at fascia along the shaft. For the most part, one can be stressed at different times without stressing the other, except in the case of the outer tunica, where the hanging device is attached. It will generally always have at least some stress.

There are at least two possiblilities concerning the stopping of gains at the BTC angle. One is that the ligs have given all that they can muster in relation to gains. IOW, any additional stretching of the ligs will not result in any more gains, at least at this time (see-saw effect). The other is that the ligs do have more potential for gains, but have become stronger, and require more stress than you are delivering. This is a good reason to always keep up with your LOT. You should be able to estimate whether you still have lig gain potential.

To answer your question in the most simple manner, it will be some time before you realize the gains from lig stretch have stopped completely. So there will be a time of cementing going on during this time.

But what happens to the ligs when you change to the upper angles? Over time, if you do not stress them, they will become weaker, so that if you do have further lig gain potential, or if the upper angles results in raising your LOT, the ligs should be much easier to stretch at a later time.

This is another good reason to concentrate on one angle at a time, and also follows the divide and conquer theory. First the skin, then the ligs, then the tunica. But dividing and conquering is not a single event. Just like you stretch skin in the beginning, that is not the end of stretching skin. Just because you reach a lig plateau, or realize all of your current lig potential, that is not the end of lig work.

So, the real answer is; while you may stop lig work for a time, it is not the end of lig work in your PE career. You can always hit them again, hopefully in a weaker state.


I understood your answer completely. Thanks.

I have learned a lot from this thread, many questions are answered here.
This thread should be stick-ified at the top of the forum

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.

This is an awesome thread. Since I have been here I had never even seen this thread. Thought I would bump this for anyone like me that has never seen it.


I been peing for 2.5 years with out any time off,I don’t get night or morning hard ons,I gained 2inches in length.1 inch in girth,should I take time off,and for how long

I bought TheGrip earlier this year and just got around to using it. I can hang 8lbs for an hour at a time comfortably — AND I JUST STARTED. I’m working my way to doubling that weight. Seriously just invest the money in a device. I’m already hanging lower flaccid and feel a constant “itching” throughout my penis. It doesn’t hurt, it just feels.busy? Like it’s growing.


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