Hey Nixxx, what’s your opinion on hanging? Can I gain from hanging like from any other method? OH wait, you don’t gain at all, sorry, forgot about that. Hanging for a year now huh? Would you mind laying out your routine for us newbies so that we know what not to do?
You can make a carreer out of this, keep it up, congratulations on no gains and hanging for 1 year. You should start a thread on “how not to hang” and just lay out what you’re doing everyday, maybe do it even worse. Couldn’t you even make it smaller? 15cm is in the higher average statistics after all, don’t wanna bruise the vagina now, right? Maybe you should try hanging more weight for less time and less sets, you should reach your 13 cm goal as that is borderline average reading on the internet. Good luck with that, blessings to you Nixxx…
What’s with the triple X though? Are you doing porn?