marinera….this is Bibs opinion on post #22
have no idea what the writer meant. PE is all about controlled damage. Controlled damage means tissue deformation. Tissue deformation is going to entail inflammation and swelling.
False. Inflammation of connective tissue happens only when a gros-tissue rupture is caused; when this happens, you have also scar formation, and the healing require weeks or months, not hours. I hope you don’t aim to completely break your penis in the hope that it will heal longer.
"Intrinsic fibroblast-mediated remodeling of damaged collagenous matrices in vivo
Paolo P. Provenzanoa, b, , , Adriana L. Alejandro-Osoriob, c, Wilmot B. Valhmub, Kristina T. Jensena, b and Ray Vanderby, Jr.a, b
aDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States bDepartment of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States cDepartment of Biomolecular Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States
Numerous studies have examined wound healing and tissue repair after a complete tissue rupture and reported provisional matrix and scar tissue formation in the injury gap……………In this study, we examine subfailure (Grade II sprain) damage to collagenous matrices in which no gross tissue gap is present and a localized concentration of provisional matrix or scar tissue does not form. ……….. following subfailure tissue damage, collagen I and III expression was suppressed after 1 day, but by day 7 expression of both genes was significantly increased over controls, with collagen I expression significantly larger than type III expression. …………this remodeling process appears intrinsic with little or no inflammation response as damaged tissues show no changes in macrophage or neutrophils levels following injury and expression of the inflammatory markers,……….. Therefore, following a Grade II subfailure injury to the collagen matrix, we conclude that tissue remodeling is fibroblast-mediated and occurs without scar tissue formation, but instead with type I collagen fibrillogenesis to repair the tissue.
Matrix Biology, Volume 23, issue 8, January 2005, pag. 543-555"
Subfailure damage repairing in ligaments
But what do I know. I have only been doing this for over ten years.
Ten years? Interesting. He said he gained 4.5" EL in 2 years, just wondering how much he has gained in over ten years.