Originally Posted by marinera
Which doesn’t mean that it is the best kind of hanger, agree?
No way for me to quantify it off of my experience. The only other hanger I used was a Captain’s hanger. The failure of the hanger was mine in lack of ability to put it together correctly. I truly have no other experience with other hangers.
So I do agree that there could be better hangers out there. There also might not be.
Originally Posted by marinera
This is one inconsistency I see : if 10 pounds is the effective weight, why suggest to start with a low weight and progress? I know you need some time to learn how to use a hanger, but this has little to do with adding weight week after week searching for ‘fatigue’. (How come that people who use other technique don’t keep searching for this mythical ‘fatigue’? They shouldn’t care less and seem to gain at least as well as hangers.) One should spend a week or two learning how to use the device, then just make use of the effective weight for the least amount of time possible, instead than transfroming himself in a convicted doing countless ineffective sets.
I can’t speak for other style of hangers or even other hanger users. But I absolutely could not have started at 10 pounds. This is not just due to the weight on my penis. It is a vice and as you move up in weight it requires greater tightening of the vice. The compression forces on my penis where intense. Just adding more sets haphazardly can lead to bruising and skin issues. The only problems that I have ever had was when I came back to hanging from any extended period of absence and I try to pick up where I left off. Not only couldn’t my skin handle it I would also have issues with edema and I actually felt I was risking injury.
I am under the belief that other people that have used a compression style hanger know what I am talking about. The guidelines that Bib has are more in regards to safety. I haven’t been on his forum in a long time. But I do remember there was always the desperate people that tried pushing to hard and to fast. They would injure themselves.
This also doesn’t even speak about technique issues. Such as the mistakes of hanging with to much blood in the glans.
Originally Posted by marinera
What do you do to become stronger? You go in a gym, you pick up a weight you can lift without too much effort and do 3 or more sets with it, with rest bewteen sets, and you keep adding weight and sets week after week. This is anologous to Bib’ guidelines for hanging. A pathway to make your penis stronger nore than longer. At this point throw in countless sets to try to make it weaker instead than stronger - well, doesn’t make much sense, does it? And add angles, and any kind of strange positions, so that you should do an infinite number of sets to be sure that you are covering everything. Why? Becasue so, if you don’t have gains, it is because you haven’t done enough sets, and his suggestions can’t be proven wrong.
You definitely read things differently than I have. Now I also must admit that I received most of his instructions from his forum. Perhaps the instructions have evolved over time.
The rest between sets is because you are causing oxygen loss and you run the risk of tissue death. It is not for some mythical recovery or for extra gains. It is to make sure that you don’t cause gangrene in the tissues.
The idea of adding sets is to make whatever structures weaker. The methodology is to slowly reduce weight as you can tolerate instead of just stopping when you feel you can’t take anymore. There have been points where I know I can’t hang anymore at a given weight. So instead of calling it a day or a session, I drop a pound or two and hang for another set. Then when I feel I can’t tolerate the now lower weight I drop another pound or two. I keep doing this until I decide to call it a day or session. This is where that term “riding fatigue” comes from. Perhaps the word has no meaning but most compression hangers understand that feeling.
Perhaps the idea is hokey but it is what I have been using. In regards to angles people are taking it as a divide and conquer strategy.
Again my experience is primarily at two angles only. I really don’t have any experience with any other angles beyond the random experiment to just see what it feels like. What I have been doing works for me so I haven’t felt the need to mess with it.
The rest between sets is a limitation of his hanger. Now I don’t believe any hanger is perfect and I don’t mind taking the rest between sets. I personally don’t like sitting at the angle I hang at for more than 20 minutes. So it works for me.
From what I have read most people that haven’t gained from compression hanging are usually to conservative and the weight they are using is still very low.
Does the penis eventually become stronger? My guess is yes. But I believe this is with almost any form of PE. It is why people stop having gains after the newbie period. Not counting gains from improved erection quality. In my opinion the stresses at work are no longer enough to overcome the now stronger penis.
However, I could be wrong but I have yet to see someone use an extender or ADS and maintain the same level of linear growth month after month. They will get to the point that the tension on those devices just won’t be enough.
Originally Posted by marinera
The best course would be making use of a hanger that pulls from the tip, that allows long sets (45+ minutes) without restricting circulation, and if that doesn’t work after some hundreds of hours switch to another technique.
Perhaps. I do have a question in regards to that style of hanger. If you pull from the tip and now the tension is distributed over the entire penis, shouldn’t it now take an even greater amount of tension to overcome everything that is resisting? This is the opposite of divide and conquer.
As far as I am aware most vacuum hangers are unable to go beyond 26 pounds of weight. I am still hanging at 17 pounds of weight but all the tension is pulling on maybe 66% of the structure that a vacuum hanger is pulling on. A compression hanger is more concentrated in one area.
Yes the vacuum hanger can be used for greater periods of time but more tissue is resisting in concert. Then you throw in the limitations of what a vacuum hanger can handle in regards to weight and I could see scenarios where hard gainers would never gain with one. At the very least their gains might be limited.
Originally Posted by marinera
Something that people are often missing : all the other PE techniques focus on strain (lengthwise or girthwise, so expansion). They don’t focus on applying more and more force believing that that is the primary goal of their progression. If you apply a weight to your penis, and your penis tries to lengthen to relief the stress, the weight is still there; so your body is like ‘Hell, what the fuck I have to do to deal with this stress?’; it will partly lengthen, partly toughen up. That’s why hanging is not the best way to lengthen the penis, to begin with; doing it with a clamp style hanger and adding weight and sets week after week adds makes it even less ideal.
A compression hanger has strain also. Trust me.
Again this goes back to my belief that all forms of PE are causing the penis to get tougher/stronger. So a compression hanger allows you to increase the weight as needed well beyond a vacuum hangers limitation.
Now I know you don’t believe about fatigue at all. But part of the thinking and why many compression hanger users never get beyond a certain weight has to due with the idea of riding fatigue and this theory of limiting factors.
The theory is there are limiting factors to be overcome and a weight that overcomes one limiting factor might be more than is needed to overcome the next limiting factor. So you don’t get everyone hanging at 70 pounds in two years. But part of this theory is to keep trying to prevent it from healing and toughening up. So you keep it weak and you keep going after the next limiting factor.
Now of course here is my disclaimer. I don’t care about the theory at all. If I am gaining and it is working for me, I truly don’t need bro science trying to explain why it works. As long as I gain within a time frame that I am happy with, I will keep on following the same technique. It could be because of magical unicorn dust. Obviously there is some science that explains why things are happening, but I truly don’t need to understand it, to gain.
My personal biggest limitations with hanging have been me. I am inconsistent with hanging just like I am with most things in my life. I have never ever hit 40 hours in a month. Bib recommends 10 hours a week and I always allow life to get in the way of me hitting that. I also take unintended breaks because of my kids vacation schedules. So in a year I am probably doing 1/3rd the amount of hanging that Bearded Dragon or other hangers do.
I find it hard to believe that if I was to hang more often, I would have worse results. I am a believer in more is more. With the exception of someone injuring themselves.