Twat did a great job.
>My dick seems to be smashed and squeezed skinny after a 15 minute hanging of 5 pounds… is this normal? I feel like I’m killing it. Also, it feels cold, but I can always restore temperature in about 1 minute. <
The smashed look is not uncommon when hanging heavy weights, but you should not have to tighten that much for only hanging 5-6 lbs.
>Is it ok to hang without wrapping?<
Some guys prefer it, but I never could.
>For some reason I wasn’t feeling any soreness in the ligs at all… what could be the reasons for this? …..Yea - that’s exactly what I feel, a burning/ pull sensation on my skin.<
Skin stretch might take two weeks or longer before you start feeling the work on the internal structures.
>Should I hang straight down or in other directions? I notice it seems to pull the ligs better if it’s pulled straight out from the body.<
First, as Twat said, determine your LOT. Then begin hanging in the general direction that you need to. IOW, if you have a high LOT, you will want to move toward hanging BTC. Just stay at SO for a while, and then slowly over time, scoot down in your chair a little each day. This process will stretch a lot of skin, but eventually, you will really be hitting the ligs.
>I do notice that while doing kegels, tugback is the most when pulling straight up, and the least when straight out from the body. Would this mean my lot is around 9?<
It sounds like it, but practice stretching and kegaling some more to try and be more exact. You are looking for the angle at which the ligs interrupt the pull on the shaft.
>Question is, I’ve recently noticed two to three small white spots on the head of my member. I’m getting some head pressure as well and figure this is where the spots are coming from.<
Probably so. Are you jelqing BTB after a hanging set? Be sure to do this to return full circulation. Then after your session, you can do a light jelqing session to make sure of good circulation.
>I was wondering if this is maybe just fluid build-up in the glands (as others have spoke of) from too much pressure or a sign of something worse? Never had these before now.<
Many have reported white spots with no negative consequences. Just be sure that there is no loss of sensitivity, and that you try to limit head pressure.