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recieved Bib - few questions


recieved Bib - few questions

Just recieved the Bib starter over here today and gave it a try - here are my experiences so far. Wow, the shipping was ultra-fast to my home town, Thanks Bigger!

-My dick seems to be smashed and squeezed skinny after a 15 minute hanging of 5 pounds… is this normal? I feel like I’m killing it. Also, it feels cold, but I can always restore temperature in about 1 minute.

-Is it ok to hang without wrapping?

-For some reason I wasn’t feeling any soreness in the ligs at all… what could be the reasons for this?

I’ll try to post any successes I have in methods of hanging so others can learn from this.

Very few people can hang without wrapping. I suggest you give a try at learning to better wrap through tutorials and threads here and on Bib’s site, http://www.bibh … . It does take a while to learn on the wrapping. There is an excellent tutorial on wrapping here at Thunder’s too, Wrapping !

The hanging and getting cold part is nothing to be afarid of. It takes getting used to. Be sure to Jelq between sets to restore circulation. Do some half sets if you feel getting used to it may warrant this. Just for the first week. This is a new experience, one your penis never dreamed of for sure.

Your not hitting the ligs cause your skin is taking up all the resistance first. You have to grow the skin before the ligs start taking the heat of the weight pulling and pulling. If you have this weird Indian Burn feeling that is skin being stretched for sure.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Yea - that’s exactly what I feel, a burning/ pull sensation on my skin.

Should I hang straight down or in other directions? I notice it seems to pull the ligs better if it’s pulled straight out from the body.

Have you found your lot yet? Depending on what # (or time) you give as your LOT, you can find the best solution to as which angle to hang with for gains. For instance low lot #s means it is harder to gain and that one must fight the tunica and hang by upper angles to see the best results. A high lot means that your ligs will still have some reserves left in them to be pulled out further.

Wait till Bigger (BIB) replies to this tonight. He’ll give you advice way better than I could. But till then try out all the angles just to learn how to do them. You still are learning the hanger afterall. The first week should be really skin stretching and getting used to it, but familarize yourself with the way the hanger operates and all its functions and terminology on the Bib site.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Got a question too please…

I got my Bib starter exactly 2 weeks ago and been doing sets everyday. Usually 2- 3 sets Am/Pm. Started off using 5 lbs, now using 5.5- 6 lbs. Slippage is still somewhat of an issue but dealing with it.

Skin stretch is getting better and can see nice stretch marks along the shaft when he goes into turtle mode. Also noticing a nice stretchy flaccid hang after 3 sets of hanging ,so, I know it’s working. Hate to have to stop now that I’ve got it on the run, but…

Question is, I’ve recently noticed two to three small white spots on the head of my member. I’m getting some head pressure as well and figure this is where the spots are coming from.

I was wondering if this is maybe just fluid build-up in the glands (as others have spoke of) from too much pressure or a sign of something worse? Never had these before now.

Hope it’s nothing, but wanted to check with the vets on the board about it before attempting any higher weight later on down the line.



Hmmmmm….. I think Bib or another will have to grab your question. I did run a search and got 15 results on spots on head in the hangers section. Here they are:

/forum/search.p hp?s=&action=sh … rder=descending

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

twatteaser -

Not sure what my LOT is.

I do notice that while doing kegels, tugback is the most when pulling straight up, and the least when straight out from the body. Would this mean my lot is around 9?


Here is some LOT threads to help you out. I suck at explaining this. So here are the best ones I could find for you.

Bib’s LOT Theory

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Thanks for those links Twatteaser. I’ll try and absorb that info.

Wait till Bib sees this or somone else like SS4Jelq. They’ll clear up your cloudiness better than I could. Still give it a read though of those links. Sorry. TT

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.


Twat did a great job.

>My dick seems to be smashed and squeezed skinny after a 15 minute hanging of 5 pounds… is this normal? I feel like I’m killing it. Also, it feels cold, but I can always restore temperature in about 1 minute. <

The smashed look is not uncommon when hanging heavy weights, but you should not have to tighten that much for only hanging 5-6 lbs.

>Is it ok to hang without wrapping?<

Some guys prefer it, but I never could.

>For some reason I wasn’t feeling any soreness in the ligs at all… what could be the reasons for this? …..Yea - that’s exactly what I feel, a burning/ pull sensation on my skin.<

Skin stretch might take two weeks or longer before you start feeling the work on the internal structures.

>Should I hang straight down or in other directions? I notice it seems to pull the ligs better if it’s pulled straight out from the body.<

First, as Twat said, determine your LOT. Then begin hanging in the general direction that you need to. IOW, if you have a high LOT, you will want to move toward hanging BTC. Just stay at SO for a while, and then slowly over time, scoot down in your chair a little each day. This process will stretch a lot of skin, but eventually, you will really be hitting the ligs.

>I do notice that while doing kegels, tugback is the most when pulling straight up, and the least when straight out from the body. Would this mean my lot is around 9?<

It sounds like it, but practice stretching and kegaling some more to try and be more exact. You are looking for the angle at which the ligs interrupt the pull on the shaft.


>Question is, I’ve recently noticed two to three small white spots on the head of my member. I’m getting some head pressure as well and figure this is where the spots are coming from.<

Probably so. Are you jelqing BTB after a hanging set? Be sure to do this to return full circulation. Then after your session, you can do a light jelqing session to make sure of good circulation.

>I was wondering if this is maybe just fluid build-up in the glands (as others have spoke of) from too much pressure or a sign of something worse? Never had these before now.<

Many have reported white spots with no negative consequences. Just be sure that there is no loss of sensitivity, and that you try to limit head pressure.


Thanks Bib! I did try, but was afraid of going beyond my limited scope.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Hi Bib!

Usually I only jelq after the 2nd or 3nd sets are done (hanging session completed), not between sets. Is that what you mean by BTB? I use to jelq between sets but quit in prefrence of hot wraps at the sink to restore circulation for around 10 mins. Then go and hang again.

I will go ahead and jelq between sets, I know it’s probably a good idea. How long would you suggest between sets, 5- 10 mins? Then do a last one at the end of the session for around 10 mins? Sound ok.

I’ve got something else for you if you have the time. I’m using a lot of toe-in on the hanger now and works pretty well for me I’ve noticed. But here’s what I’m wondering. When I attach the hanger, I pull the head straight out and squeeze (reducing blood) keeping and the hanger about mid shaft on the wrapping.

Then tighten (pretty tight) then release the head and slowly pull outward on the hanger. Now, I can actually feel it grasping the shaft as it moves forward and it then more or less locks-up (very solidly) somewhat behind the head. (Which is good.. right?).

Thing is, it seems to still be sliding forward (although it feels solid when I let the weight down) creating some head pressure. I keep the wrap rather loose as you said and tightening the hell out of the hanger before letting it down but the pressure starts to build up anyway.

I can say that I can go for at least 5- 10 mins before having to release the weight and reduce the blood from the head again then resume once more.
I use an egg timer to time my sets.

I know we have done gone over this before and truly appreciate all your help! But I must learn for myself as well. I do think I’m getting there. Only been 2 wks with the hanger so I’ll keep taking it slow with it. I am making progress with it I think!! Just If I can fix the head pressure thing. That’s the only problem I have left.

I haven’t noticed any loss of sensitivity in the head and will keep a close eye on it, as always. The white spots are pretty small.

Well, that’s all I have for now. Thanks in advance for putting up with my questions.

Thank you,


Hey Twatteaser, that’s for the head spot’s link too. I will check it out.


Hello Bib! I received my hanger yesterday and gave it a test drive today for 20 minutes with a whopping 3 pounds. I used cloth and theraband for the wrap.

What a device! I can see you put many, many hours into designing it. I had no problems at all, no loss of circulation, discomfort etc even though I used it as it came with no adjustments. I’ll make those adjustments as I learn how to use it more efficiently.

When I put on the weight the bib slide forward and stopped on what you have been calling the shoulder. The head was still visible. Perfect.

When I was standing up I could feel a bit of skin stretch but the ligs were really tight. In fact it seems at though I have a lig that extends almost half way up to my belly button. Am I right here or is it something else. I never noticed it when I did manual stretches.

Last, I have read about different angles of hanging but don’t quite understand how to do them. Are there diagrams of these on this forum? If so, please give me a link.

I have been assimilated!!!!!


Fire shall reign from above as shards of heated shrapnel hurl savage kisses to mortal flesh and shattered bone below.

For days, the dead hung in the air as dust.

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