Originally Posted by sparkyx
Hi gents!/forum/attachme … achmentid=40714
/forum/attachme … achmentid=40715
I recently broke out a vacuum hanger I made a few years ago, and started to use it again. I don’t know if this could hold 20 BG, but its easy to use and effective.
/forum/attachme … achmentid=40715
It has a valve so you can attach a tube and draw a vacuum by mouth, which pulls your dick into the device. You close the valve and it holds the vacuum. Open it when you are done and it lets air in. It hard to see but the neck has a short sleeve made from a bicycle inner tube, indestructible!
The bottle itself is made from a hard plastic vitamin bottle, big enough that it allows head expansion, so it may be enlarging your glans while you hang. I used brass fixtures so they won’t corrode and sealed everything with silicon gel.
I find it works better with a semi erection, because the inner tube isn’t very flexible and I need enough girth to seal it. If I am totally flaccid, then 5 lbs starts to stretch me out thin enough that I may get a slow leak. A softer sleeve would solve that, but then its not as strong.
Looks pretty nice. Wonder if you can reverse the vacuum and make is squeeze instead of pull.