Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Hanging

No, sorry not the bib, the Jes vac-extender

Originally Posted by kimc

Shunga I’ve been thinking about clamping along with hanging soon, how long do you hang and clamp for if you don’t mind me asking?

When I get to hang now days I do it for 1-2 hours at a time. I try to get 2 or 3 days in a row to build up fatigue. If I decide to mix in hanging it is usually because I have a raging hard on in the morning so I throw on the clamp for 2 sessions. 10 - 15 minutes each max.

July 2007-BPEL 7.0 MidEG 6.0

Current BPEL 8.5 MidEG 6.3 Goal 8 NBPEL / 6.5 EG. Progress Pictures Progress Report My ADS

Cheers Shunga, Sounds like a good idea throwing it on when morning glory sets in.

Do you guys feel vac hanging is better tan bib’s hanger?

I’ve tried using the bib and just don’t like it, I got my wrap just right and hung for 3 sets of 20 for a few days but I didn’t like how it felt. In no way am I bashing the bib, I can see how it works for people. I love the vac, I can get it on in no time now and can hang for long periods of time although I stick to 45 minutes sets. After 45 minutes my ass or legs start to go a bit numb and most TV shows that I watch finish after 45-50 minutes :)

I’m looking forward to MB’s new hanger but I’m happy with my current. I’m not sure why he stopped making them?

My guess is he is experimenting with a non-taping manner of preventing blisters. I am in my 8th week of hanging, using a Wench, and am looking forward to MB’s new hanger. I know that a lot of guys have had great success with the Bib, but I am more interested in trying vacuum hanging as my next step.

start 1/20/08: 6.0 nbpel, 5.5 eg, 4 fl, 5 fg

now 6/30/12: 6.75 nbpel, 5.875 eg, 5.0 fl, 5.125 fg

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Do you guys feel vac hanging is better tan bib’s hanger?

I think they both have their positive and negative aspects. You can hang more weight with the Bib, but it is uncomfortable and you have to limit your sets to 20 minutes. Vac hanging is so comfortable and you can hang longer sets. I do like the Vac much better, but with the Vac there are risks too. I think its a toss up.

Injury update: Its now been three weeks since I got my blister. Its on its way back to normal, but I still cant do any kind of PE. Some interesting observations tho…for the first two weeks off, I gained a full eight of an inch. However, I am now starting to loose that, and Im almost back to my starting point. I hope it doesn’t take too long to get that back. Im hoping to get back to PE next week, but it will probably be another couple of weeks. We will see how it goes.

Now I’m having some pinching problem with my tape. I can hang about 10 minutes before it starts to hurt. Vacu-hanging is so hard sometimes!

Personally I think vacuum hanging is just as much if not more trouble than Bib hanging. I think I gave up on the Bib a long time ago because of the difficulties but ended up trading the difficulties for another set with vacuums. I went back to the Bib with determination and mastered it and now look at my vacuum hanger as only a novelty. Like Bib says “sometimes you just gotta break some eggs!”

Since I worked out my wrap I get no pinching, fluid, pain or any other negative things from hanging. Can you describe how you wrap mister?

It’s very hard to describe when I’m not that good in English. I guess I should post pictures. Yesterday I tried taping same way as static-stretcher video, still pinching, I can hang but it’s not comfortable at all. First I didn’t have this problem, maybe it’s just hanger sleeve become too old and stretchy. Have used it for 3 weeks only tho.

I doubt it’s the sleeve. If you post pictures then we can advise on what to do from there.

Last edited by kimc : 08-05-2009 at .

Well I changed the sleeve and wrapped more down the shaft, just hanged comfortably 45 minutes with 7,5lbs. Just have to try do wrapping good every time.


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