Originally Posted by Kingkong666
Oh okay I started at hanging 2.5kg then 3.25 and I’m hanging 5kilos at the moment. I needed to go up in weight as I wasn’t getting any ligament stretch. I couldn’t feel fatigue. I do think it’s skin pain. The area maybe around my circumcision scar like a burning feeling and slipping. I will admit I did go up in weight quickly but only because I felt no actual tunica soreness like I wasn’t fatiguing.
Over what time duration were these increases of weight? That’s a massive increase schedule, you doubled your starting weight. This is most likely a wrapping issue. The hanger needs to be TIGHT, but there’s a sweet spot where it grips your penis (not just your skin) very tightly but allows some circulation (but you still need to take a break after twenty minutes). What do you use to hang?
I recommend attaching the hanger about 2-3cm below the glans, and tightening until the point that when you move the hanger up and down, your skin moves up and down your shaft exactly the same amount. Only then should you tighten the hanger more, but when you do, tighten it a lot more so it grips the internal caverns of the penis and stop when you can pull on the hanger and your penis is tugged with the full tension you’re applying to the hanger with your hand. So in other words, easing into good solid tug should feel only like a tug at the internal penis, NOT the skin. Then tighten it just a bit more for good measure, and do your hanging set duration.
You’ll need to practice wrapping until you figure out what works for you, with no pinching of the skin or excess room to move around. Also, you’ll want to be as close as you can to being completely flaccid. If you’re not flaccid, it helps to do something athletic (like running in place constantly for a minute) because it shifts both your focus and your blood toward your muscles and decreases your erection to flaccid.