Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Wrapping drawings

Hate for an uncut to ruin the party...

But this is not very relevant for us minority of uncut guys.

I understand the technique but it requires an “uncut” glans that is exposed with
ridges that can be grasped and pulled. That ain’t gonna happen with most uncut heads,
where the glans must be covered all the way by foreskin. No way Jose.

One could “pull out” in step one I suppose but the hard, rigid edge around the glans will
be smoothed over by definition with foreskin, no matter what. It will invariably slip and
slide. I can see this is a superior way and I see the hydraulics implied, but it sort of leaves
us uncut with a less effective wrap.

There are days when wrapping my way goes effortless, and it is similar to this. I pull skin under
the thera back toward the base as I go. I have tried pulling out like step one but there is no
defined ridge to hold onto. If one is more turgid, there may be some.

No matter what I do, by the time I get to the base, and I like to go all the way, the front usually ends
up on the glans or slightly over the head, but it doesn’t have the same mechanics of skin pull as
this method.

I wish I could do it this way.

Dance, hehehe, at least I “understand” it even if I cannot wrap this way.

I remember the poor uncut fools who tried to pull their skins back to the uncut position, and literally die
in mortal and unmerciful pain. Man, it’s unbearable and the skin quickly unfolds back over the head for
the most excruciating pain you have ever had.



You know, I guess I should have put a disclaimer on there to warn the uncut guys. I only speak cut but I am glad you are here.

Recently, many uncut guys have been asking about how to wrap and about the hanger wanting to slide over the head. Maybe you can give a detailed description of how to do it for uncut guys.




I’m working on the best way. It’s hard to generalize because the foreskin
overhang is different on different guys, some losey goosey, others like mine
are taunt.

My emotional state does not make for good experimentation, but I’ll experiment
based on the proper ‘cut’ way.

It’s weird talking this way after so much private email and phone chat.

Feels like ole times again…….obviously I cannot do much in the coming weeks with
knee surgery, but I’ll think about i.

The problem is pulling out, it just does not work. When I’m jelquing, and erect,
I retract my foreskin and I’m just like an uncut guy, except more sensiitive.

I don’t know how to solve that when flaccid and the skin must be in an
unretracted state.

I am uncut, I hang with the skin forward over the head. Its hard to find a balance between:

Pushing foreskin forward too far that the skin takes too much of the tension


Pulling back too far that the hanger slips too easily

I pull out with the foreskin about half covering the head (just roughly, I’m not too anal about it), grabbing with an OK behind the head, put the first layer of normal cloth on loose, using the last two fingers to help hold it on. Bib said I should try wrapping tighter once, and I wrap the theraband really tight. The first wrap is awkward but after that one it is easy to spiral down.

I found wrapping really tight to be effective because:

1. The hanger is easier to put on because as you said in an email bib, if you wrap loose it is easier to get skin pinched in the jaws. Wrapping really tight keeps everything ‘packed’ in.
2. I can massage for a while to get some blood in, which will stop below the wrap, then pull the wrap to the base to push the blood above the wrap. This is great because the area I put the wrap on is still ‘thin’ and un pumped but above there is a little engorement to stop it from slipping to the head, which was my original problem as you recall. This might be a bit more dangerous but I’m not sure. The shaft below the wrap will be completly flaccid. I remember forged crank’s injury happened because he was partially erect, but I am not, just a little pumped in front of the wrap.
3. The hanger would cut off circulation anyway because it is on so tight, so I dont think that would be a problem. In fact there is less temporary discolouration after this.

Bib, you said not to be satisfied and to keep looking for better ways and I like this way. Its really comfortable for me.

What do you think?



Wow, it is very interesting. Just goes to show, I surely do not have all the answers. Especially about uncut penises. I am glad you are there to help out.

>2. I can massage for a while to get some blood in, which will stop below the wrap, then pull the wrap to the base to push the blood above the wrap. This is great because the area I put the wrap on is still ‘thin’ and un pumped but above there is a little engorement to stop it from slipping to the head, which was my original problem as you recall. This might be a bit more dangerous but I’m not sure. The shaft below the wrap will be completly flaccid. I remember forged crank’s injury happened because he was partially erect, but I am not, just a little pumped in front of the wrap. <

Everyone who tries this, including experienced guys should be really careful. Do not use much weight the first few times you do it because it can cause tremendous pressure in the head. It can increase the head size over time, but many guys cannot take the pressure. For me, it is very intense. I had to limit the amount of blood in the head.

Also, SS4 is correct, the shaft between the hanger and base must be flaccid. Totally.

>3. The hanger would cut off circulation anyway because it is on so tight, so I dont think that would be a problem. In fact there is less temporary discolouration after this. <

This would be because your wrap is so tight? The hanger should not cut off all circulation by itself.

>Bib, you said not to be satisfied and to keep looking for better ways and I like this way. Its really comfortable for me. <

Exactly. The one thing I have learned well about PE is, nobody is exactly the same or reacts exactly the same to the variables of PE. There is just so much to differ. The only constant is: What works for one will surely not work for everyone.

Besides, if guys did not ever try new stuff, how could we make any progress.



Hi Bib,

I asked “Do recommend I START THE TWO-LAYERS of wrapping”
and you said:

“I don’t know what this means.”

From the pictures you have posted, and from what I described to Dance, it seems that you wrap the penis one time,
then you pull the wrap towards the head, and wrap over it AGAIN!

I sort of perceived this as two layers of wrapping. The first one is picture one, and the second is picture two where you pull wrap to the edge of the head.
I guess this can be done all in one motion, so let me rephrase my question. lol

Currenly, I wrap the way you have it drawn in picture 1.
Do you think that step two (Where you pull the edge of the wrap to the head and start wrapping diagonally) is important??

What does it really accomplish?



>From the pictures you have posted, and from what I described to Dance, it seems that you wrap the penis one time,
then you pull the wrap towards the head, and wrap over it AGAIN! <

Actually, the drawings represent one wrapping. Six steps for one wrap. You pull the first couple of wraps toward the head in order to stretch the skin to continue the wrap toward the base.

>Currenly, I wrap the way you have it drawn in picture 1.
Do you think that step two (Where you pull the edge of the wrap to the head and start wrapping diagonally) is important?? <

It depends on how much you need to wrap. With the Starter, probably not. With a regular hanger, probably it is important.

>What does it really accomplish? <

Keeps the skin from bunching under the wrap which is uncomfortable.

You can wrap with more than one layer. The second layer is easier.


Tightness of Wrap

Bib—- Apart from the same problem that Dance and others had about wrapping near the head, pushing back etc, — the explanation(s) of which I have not yet absorbed, one thing I immediately noticed is that they show a degree of tightness that I have not gone anywhere near achieving with my wrapping so far.

Even my old dick responds to the attention of wrapping — by cracking a bit of a boner— and I don’t think that I could ever get it as tight as you appear to show the wrap in the drawings.

Is this the intention?? When I first saw it, I thought— it’s just the way he has drawn it—- but now I feel the need to clarify this properly.

Thanks, mate, for the drawings. AND— By the way——-They do not “suck”.

They are good diagrammatic representations, and this will change the way a lot of us are hanging.

(And…if I may be wistful and silly for a minute…..let’s not —- inadvertently or otherwise—- “put down” the noble and ancient art of sucking!!!!! Where would we all be without the gorgeous person of our choice to do oral on us every now and then?)

I’ve had a couple of weeks off PE— and am getting right back into it NOW.

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!


No, the drawing probably represent too much tightness of wrap. I am glad you pointed that out. Now the one where the hanger is supposed to be attached does not have anything to do with the tightness. It is the hanger pushing in on the wrap.

As I said above, I only put about one half inch to one inch of tension on the lower wraps. So the indentation was not too much.

Good point.


Results of "Wrapping per Diagrams"

I tried to follow exactly as I understood everyone’s input, including pulling the wrap AND SKIN both forward and allowing it to spring—- or in this case pushing it back because it gave me an erection.

I wrapped substantially tighter than before — but not as much as the drawings show— partly because of the erection. From your answer above , Bib, (and thanks for that) the tightness seems to be correct.

When I first attached the hanger , I had problems with it twisting to one side and I had to re-attach a couple of times— but that’s because it was still a bit erect.

I gave it more time for the erection to go down, and then had a really good couple of sessions where for the first time-

— The hanger did not move substantially forward and the wrap did not cover my glans.

—I did not end up with so much skin over the glans that it looked like an acorn after the session.

— I had a layer of taught but not bruised skin between the hanger and the glans

— The glans went a bit darker but not purple

—I had no blood at the piss hole ( I did not always get blood)

— But I could not for the life of me squeeze the blood out of the glans (to “de-erect” it) before hanging and after wrapping. This seems like pushing against the tide to me. The more you squeeze the more your erection pushes against it.

I hung for 2 X 15 minute sessions as it was the first time for over 2 weeks, but had the spring balance showing 20 lbs most of the time—- BTC and forward for a few minutes at the end where it sttretched to 9 + 7/16”, equal to best previous hanging stretch forward.

SO I think you’ve helped me get it right —or “righter” after all this time.

Thanks again MEISTER BIB.

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!


>— But I could not for the life of me squeeze the blood out of the glans (to “de-erect” it) before hanging and after wrapping. This seems like pushing against the tide to me. The more you squeeze the more your erection pushes against it. <

No. You will have to let the erection completely subside before you attempt to get the blood out of the head.

I am glad the drawings help. I can’t emphasize enough to try different things. Tightness, thickness etc. It really does make a big difference. Even a little change.


Uncut guys try this

Hi guys
I am uncut and have all the same probs of the skin rolling over the head and causing the hanger to slide off.Try this it is working for me.
Before wrapping take a peice of T shirt material (not too thick) about 2” wide and long enough to wrap round your head.With your skin back wrap around the head so half is on the head and half on the shaft.Secure it using a thin rubber band(not tightly incase you cut the circulation)Fold the matl fwd over the head to cover the band.Pull any skin trapped under it out.You now have a collar wrapped around your glans secured behind it.Now carefully roll your skin back over the head and wrapping.When done the head looks bigger and has a built in cushion against the hanger when fitted.Now wrap as per Bibs drwgs and fit hanger an inch or so back from head.Start hanging with lighter weights untill you get used to the new set up.
I find the hanger does not slip onto the head, is much more comfortable and takes the tension of the skin so all the effort is put on the shaft and ligs.

Good luck with it and as always Be Carefull



You have my attention here.

But you explain things like Bib. I have no idea what you specifically mean here.

Please clarify and be specific. For example, you first say “skin back” and then later, in
a move to do the opposite, you say “pull the skin back” again. How can you pull it back
or “retract” it if it is already pulled back?

I have noticed uncuts using foreskin terms inadvertanly ambiguous.

Marksman, try explaining this way

Pull back = “retract” foreskin backward toward base to expose the glans/head

Pull down= push foreskin forward to cover the glans

That is the only way to communicate this stuff

Personally, I don’t think I could EVER do what I think you are saying you do.

It seems , if I can get through all the “pull backs” you mention, that you “pull down” the foreskin and
wrap this t shirt cloth (a lot of trouble and takes Chineses fingers maybe) securing it
somehow (?) with a rubber band, which must be a certain size to fit right. Most rubber bands
I have used were either too tight or too loose.

THEN, I take it that you “retract” the foreskin back over the cloth wrap??

Not only do I not see how this cannot work, for me anyway, it seems impossible. It would hurt me
like hell I would think. The foreskin would still slide over the glans, and how could you ever hang
your maximum weight?

If there is something here, I’d like to know more but I cannot follow anything in your
explanation , since such is not even physically possible for me. You would be the ONLY
uncut on this board hanging with foreskin “retracted” and head exposed. Thus, we need to
get this clarified if in fact you are doing this.

Thank you so much for maybe the most innovative uncut idea I have seen in a while

I can hang over 30 pounds, but my foreskin swells so bad that it interrupts a smooth
flow of daily routines.. It took me a year to discover I could jelq with foreskin pulled back
or retracted, and I began to get results when I did.

Last edited by phat9 : 03-20-2002 at .


Hi guys.

Sorry if the description is ambiguous.I read it again and it still makes sense to me.Perhaps there is just too much detail.As for comfort ,it feels strange to start with but is more comfy than hanging without it.I’ll try again with the explanation.

It is like a prewrap.

With skin retracted ie head exposed.Wrap the matl round the penis with half on head ,half on shaft.

Secure with rubber band behind head ( not too tight.)I use a long band put on double,seems about right to me.

Fold matl that is around shaft over band so all the matl now covers/goes around the head.

Carefully roll f/skin over the wrap and head.So now the foreskin covers the wrap and head.

Now do your wrap as Bib describes.The cushion effect feels strange to start with but it really does work for me.Also it is not as difficult as you think to put on.It is an extra task I know so it adds a bit of time to your routine.

If this is still clear as mud to you ,tell me and I’ll try again

Good luck


thanks so much Marksman

I gotcha now.

So, you ARE in fact hanging with foreskin pulled down over the glans/head, except for the modification of the t shirt material, which it seems lies UNDER the foreskin????

What cushion do you mean, i.e., does this just make it more comfy?

I don’t have a slippage problem but maybe that was what you were trying to solve

Thanks for sharing this modification. It is very useful, and when I recover from my surgery, I might give it a try myself.

Just one question. Is the main benefit being able to hang more weight without slippage?



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