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Wrapping drawings


thx for the quick response, the video did help and the 1 inch of space between the head and the wrap does make a difference. I did notice that the skin is pushed almost all the way past the head of unit, with the 1 inch of space about 3/4 of the way. More than anything it seems like the skin is strecthing than tissue. It seemed to me that when i wrapped the head i had more of a tissue strecth than a skin strecth. It just maybe me though, thx for the help will try this way of wrapping for a couple a months and see the results.


Thanks for pointing me towards that, it really helped show me the right way to wrap.

And thanks to lil12big1 for creating that tutorial

No Problem

Happy to help out :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

What causes this?


I have been attempting to hang with both bib models. I have never been able to wrap and or adjust the bib correctly. I cannot hang over 12 pounds without the bib sliding too close to the head. This causes too much pain for me to get good sessions in.

I do still attempt hanging. One thing my lack of wrapping or knowledge of using the bib is causing is black spots on the head of my penis. These black spots are actually tiny scabs. I know this is not good. But perhaps if I knew what the cause of this was it could help me figure out what I need to do to use the bib-hanger correctly. What is causing this scabbing? Am I cutting off blood flow to the head?


Did you check out the wrapping tutorial.

If your wrap is good and the hanger is sliding, then you probably need to tighten it a little.

It sounds like you are hanging without pushing the blood out of the glans. Just push it out and the black spot problem should stop.

Your penis will get cold quite quickly if you are reducing circulation overly.

Hello Bib,

I am rather confused by the 3rd drawing and I wonder if you can help me.

See, one of the golden rules of bib hanging is that you must always attach the hanger at least an inch away from the glans yet the right picture of the 3rd drawing show the foreskin riding over the head (bcos of the weight attached) which results in the hanger being next to the glans.

Is that dangerous?


Im not BIB, but I can help….

After you attach the BIB, and attach the weight, it will slide down a bit towards the glans….this is OK, as long as it doesn’t ride over the glans.

It’s almost impossible that some sliding/movement won’t happen…and most even see the skin acts as a barrier between the BIB and the glans. Follow the above and you should be OK.

Hope this helps

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


>I am rather confused by the 3rd drawing and I wonder if you can help me.<

I am glad you asked.

>See, one of the golden rules of bib hanging is that you must always attach the hanger at least an inch away from the glans yet the right picture of the 3rd drawing show the foreskin riding over the head (bcos of the weight attached) which results in the hanger being next to the glans. <

What I attempted to show was this: When the hanger is attached properly and the weight added, the hanger will have ‘gathered the internal structures (both soft tissue and tunica) and compressed them forward. This gives a good amount of cushion between the hanger and head. The hanger is ‘riding’ on this compressed tissue and not the head.

Sometimes, with a good enough attachment, and with lower weights, the hanger will not even compress these tissues.

With the placement of the blood channels in the hanger, hopefully the return vessels will still be able to drain blood from the upper shaft and head even with this compression.

>Is that dangerous? <

If the hanger is riding directly on the head, it can be dangerous, putting some pressure on the nerve bundle behind the head. The V formed by the two halves of the hanger should keep most of the pressure away from the head, but is twisting occurs, no bets.

If the hanger is riding on compressed internal shaft tissues, little if any danger.


Re: Docter5lan

To bib, yr post cleared up my initial doubts about the hanger riding on the head. Thanks.

But I do not understand what you meant by the below statement though..

>>With the placement of the blood channels in the hanger, hopefully the return vessels will still be able to drain blood from the upper shaft and head even with this compression.<<<

To bbs, thanks for yr reply too. Btw, I read yr post about the bibs ball wrap and it seems that i have the same problem with you regarding the “sail” between yr balls and yr unit.

Is it possible to ask you the instructions and advantages on how to do the ball wrap in the near future? (This thread seems inappropriate for asking about the ball wrap)


>But I do not understand what you meant by the below statement though..

>>With the placement of the blood channels in the hanger, hopefully the return vessels will still be able to drain blood from the upper shaft and head even with this compression.<<<<

The hanger has grooves in it which creates areas of high and low pressure when the hanger is tightened. This is true if there is not too much wrap used.

The six longitudinal and many lateral grooves allow areas for the vessels to slide to, and the lower pressure allows for some circulation.

>Is it possible to ask you the instructions and advantages on how to do the ball wrap in the near future? (This thread seems inappropriate for asking about the ball wrap) <

I know there are a couple of threads on this. See if you can find them and post a question there. If not, just start a new thread.


Re: Re: Docter5lan

Originally posted by docter5lan
To bib, yr post cleared up my initial doubts about the hanger riding on the head. Thanks.

But I do not understand what you meant by the below statement though..

>>With the placement of the blood channels in the hanger, hopefully the return vessels will still be able to drain blood from the upper shaft and head even with this compression.<<<

To bbs, thanks for yr reply too. Btw, I read yr post about the bibs ball wrap and it seems that i have the same problem with you regarding the “sail” between yr balls and yr unit.

Is it possible to ask you the instructions and advantages on how to do the ball wrap in the near future? (This thread seems inappropriate for asking about the ball wrap)

I thought that I had the only “sail” and that something was wrong with me. I’ll be starting to hang w/i the next few weeks and all that I’ve read in these threads have been great. I too would be interested in the ball wrap.

Start 2/1/03 FBP: L: 3.25", G:3.00" EBP: L: 5.85", G:4.25" 7/7/03 FBP: L: 5.50", G:5.25" EBP: L: 7.00", G:5.25"


It really is fairly simple. Grasp your scrotum above your balls, balls within your palm and an ok grip around your scrotum, you can grasp your shaft and then stretch your ‘sail’ by pulling the shaft and balls gently in opposite directions. You will feel the skin stretch within the sail area, a slight burning sensation.

You can get the same effect by wrapping the same area as above where you grasped your scrotum, attaching the hanger, and hang a reasonable amount of weight. You do not have to stretch in opposite directions or anything. Just move the wrapped bundle ‘O balls to one side or the other and hang. You will get a great stretch of the ‘sail’ skin, it will eventually stretch out, and the balls will hang much straighter with a less noticeable sail.

It takes maybe 15-18 inches of bandage type material to wrap this area. As the balls hang further, and the skin is stretched, you have to use more wrap to continue the stretch. After hanging, you can leave the scrotum wrapped and get some more good stretch. Be sure not to wrap too tight and cut off blood flow. Also, keep an eye on everything to make sure of blood flow.


My biggest problem is wrapping. However reading these 4 pages is allowing me to work it out slowly. Thanks to all the guys talking and resolving communication difficulties, I am starting to expand my knowledge.

Thanks to eveyone here.

I checked these out not long ago, but couldn’t get a grip on exactly how you were talking about wrapping. I finally figured out some of my mistakes since some other folks asked some questions. Thanks for trying to make it clearer for everyone.

Well here is my question. First let me tell you how I wrap then you can explain something to me. Alright, I wrap with a sweatshirt piece then with about a 13” piece of latex glove(the sweatshirt piece is about 14”). I wrap pretty snug on both wraps, but from reading this I need to back off a little(I’m on my 2 days off, so headn’t hung since came back to this thread; preparing for tonight). Anyway, on to the question. I noticed you said on the first one or 2 wrap arounds to then pull those forward, I assume this is to tighten the skin so there want be as much slippage and also kind of bundling some skin up top of the wrap? If this is what you are trying to accomplish, is there some median I need to be working towards? The reason I ask is because if I try to push to much skin forward then I will get mostly skin stretch and don’t feel like I would be hitting the ligs.

Do you understand what I’m asking and if so, would hope that ya have time to respond?



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