Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Wrapping drawings

I don’t.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Thanks a-unit.

Quick question, thou it may have been asked or I’m asking in the wrong place.

I was reading bout the post hanger/stretcher wrap and would like to know if it’s going to effect girth?

Main reason is I don’t have much girth and would hate to lose what I have. As I am working on length before girth. And have been at it for sometime now an have seen some small gains in length. Just not as much as I would have thought.

Also I would guess the reason for this is to maintain the hours hanging/stretching, kinda like soft flexible cast?

I just discovered this thread yesterday. I learned that I had been wrapping possibly wrong. Anyway this morning I used the method bib describes at the beginning. Starting at the shaft just behind the glans and wrapping toward the body is so much easier.

I am cut but restored my foreskin several years ago. Because of this it is necessary for me to treat my unit as though uncut. I have noticed as some uncut have mentioned here that the foreskin has a definite tendency to ride up over the coronal ridge. At first I found this to be very uncomfortable, but with some adjustments that discomfort has been over come. Of course I have only been hanging now for just a few weeks. I am using 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 pounds at this time.

This morning I increased to 10.0 pounds for the last 5 minutes of my hanging session. There was some discomfort, but not much.

I left the wrap on for about an hour after completing the session. I also had a small amount of reddening of the glans. I used firegoats rolling technique. I find this very successful in dealing with the bit of flushing (reddening) which I experience.

When I take the wrap off I dry jelq for about 250 reps, then apply coco butter to lub if there might be occasion for dry skin.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

BIB should just put a video of how to wrap. Then none of us will have this conversation!

Notorious "Hardgainer". No Gain in 4 Years! Check out my "Blog" under Profile.

(starting: Jun 2007) 5.75" BPEL x 5" EG / (Sept 11, 2011) 6.375" BPEL x 5.125" EG / (July 1st, 2014) 6.25" BPEL x 5.125" EG (lost a bit of size)

Anyone else getting fluid build up under the glands on the shaft? Where the skin scrunches up around the glands I get really red and a turtle neck where fluid has built up. This makes it quite painful to carry on hanging. I have adjusted the bottom hex nuts and also loosened the wrap but still get it. I have moved upto to 10lb in weight but want to be able to mange 6 - 8 sets a day without getting a turtle neck. Anyone else had this problem and solved it?


I have returned in november 2013 to make PE.

In that time I was doing PE just with manual exercises.

Now I would to try first time this method of wrap (thera band) combined with cap wench hang.

I am uncut and have some problems with the foreskin who has a tendency to ride up over the glans. I just need a tip on how to deal with foreskin.

What is the best way to attach the hung into the knee to make one good ADS? The belt with gym exercise rubber tube works?

And to the experienced members, how much time a ADS can be used during the day?

nov.2010: BPEL 14,5cm; nov.2013: BPEL 17,5cm; aprill 2016: BPEL 18,5cm; First Goal: BPEL (20,5) MSEG (16,0) FL (15,0)

The foreskin SHOULD be over the glans when you’re hanging.

Proper hanging technique is difficult to master. I suspect that many of the uncut guys use their foreskin as an excuse. I’m uncut and have zero problems, BUT, I have spent a lot of time learning how to hang.

I just fail to see why the foreskin could make it any more difficult to hang compared to a cut guy.

Originally Posted by Renholder
The foreskin SHOULD be over the glans when you’re hanging.

Proper hanging technique is difficult to master. I suspect that many of the uncut guys use their foreskin as an excuse. I’m uncut and have zero problems, BUT, I have spent a lot of time learning how to hang.

I just fail to see why the foreskin could make it any more difficult to hang compared to a cut guy.

Thanks, I will try.

nov.2010: BPEL 14,5cm; nov.2013: BPEL 17,5cm; aprill 2016: BPEL 18,5cm; First Goal: BPEL (20,5) MSEG (16,0) FL (15,0)

Holy crap!

I’ve read this post quickly before and thought I knew how to wrap properly.

Read BiBs posts again today and really tried to follow the instructions. What a difference! A lot more comfortable!

Thanks BiB!

From Abbelito to Abbegrande

Start: BPEL 6.89, MEG 5.31

Now: BPEL 7.48, MEG 5.31

I was cut, but restore the foreskin to the point that my penis appears to be uncut. I even have 100% glans coverage when flaccid like many who are uncut experience.

I have wrapped as Bib describes. I have no difficulty with fluid build up or with long lasting redness developing. I am hanging using a handiclamp with 7.5 pounds BTC for a period of 15 minutes. I have just finished my 4th session for today. Everything feels fine.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

Being uncut myself, and always had slippage, I read on another site, use a layer of Saran Wrap around skin, then use your bandage’s, worked like a charm, and finally got a nice holding hang. Took a longtime to get it and frustration over the hanging. Hope this helps.

Originally Posted by restored91
I just discovered this thread yesterday. I learned that I had been wrapping possibly wrong. Anyway this morning I used the method bib describes at the beginning. Starting at the shaft just behind the glans and wrapping toward the body is so much easier.

I am cut but restored my foreskin several years ago. Because of this it is necessary for me to treat my unit as though uncut. I have noticed as some uncut have mentioned here that the foreskin has a definite tendency to ride up over the coronal ridge. At first I found this to be very uncomfortable, but with some adjustments that discomfort has been over come. Of course I have only been hanging now for just a few weeks. I am using 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 pounds at this time.

This morning I increased to 10.0 pounds for the last 5 minutes of my hanging session. There was some discomfort, but not much.

I left the wrap on for about an hour after completing the session. I also had a small amount of reddening of the glans. I used firegoats rolling technique. I find this very successful in dealing with the bit of flushing (reddening) which I experience.

When I take the wrap off I dry jelq for about 250 reps, then apply coco butter to lub if there might be occasion for dry skin.

Just to know, how do you restored the foreskin after being cut?

nov.2010: BPEL 14,5cm; nov.2013: BPEL 17,5cm; aprill 2016: BPEL 18,5cm; First Goal: BPEL (20,5) MSEG (16,0) FL (15,0)

Originally Posted by restored91
I was cut, but restore the foreskin to the point that my penis appears to be uncut. I even have 100% glans coverage when flaccid like many who are uncut experience.

I have wrapped as Bib describes. I have no difficulty with fluid build up or with long lasting redness developing. I am hanging using a handiclamp with 7.5 pounds BTC for a period of 15 minutes. I have just finished my 4th session for today. Everything feels fine.

Just to know, how do you restored the foreskin after being cut?
I referred to this quote. Sorry.

PS. One admin could delete the above message? Thanks.

nov.2010: BPEL 14,5cm; nov.2013: BPEL 17,5cm; aprill 2016: BPEL 18,5cm; First Goal: BPEL (20,5) MSEG (16,0) FL (15,0)

Is there a video on wrapping? No matter how I wrap I still get a bluish glad and

I know that can’t be good. Please help.



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