Thunder's Place

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Wrapping drawings

Originally Posted by Heimdall87
I would appreciate this kind of video also. Especially if someone who is uncut and is experienced in hanging.

I guess I found a doable solution from blue-tac but still having major problems with the head pressure. Just can’t get all the blood out from the head.

It’s well known fact that you should and even HAVE to do a good warm-up before hanging but I feel like my unit gets more engorged when heat is applied. So basicly when I do my warm-up -> blood flow to penis increases and then after that when I apply my wrap with blue-tac (using this because uncut) and theraband there’s always gonna be some blood in the head which feels kinda uncomfortable when starting and doing hanging.

What to do? How do I get my head empty from blood!?

Post 123 above from Memento has 2 links to wrapping videos, I didn’t click them to see if they’re still available, but give it a try

If any of you has bought a bib hanger he should contact bib himself and join his forum. Plenty of technical advice, you can also send him pics/videos of the way you wrap and he will help. He doesn’t recommend the bulky wrap of mos video.

Thanks bib

I call upon Pendurion, the almighty Hanging God, may he extend our ligs, skin and tunica. My daily sacrifice is to hang and extend. My altar is my RSDT and my offering is my own hanger. Gains are coming.. I can feel it.

Bib could you please help me I’ve been hanging for a while now using a hanger and its really good I enjoy it and I’m getting fatigued really well but one thing which I am unsure about is the wrapping method and how I should do it as

Every time I do it there is a bit of my circumcision skin hanging out which is causing it to get isolated and lose its blood which make it seem bruised and inflamed and I’m really worried that I might start injuring my penis so I’m wondering if you could inform me on what you would recommend is the best wrapping method. I feel like I am doing it well first wrapping the cloth around my penis just at the start at the circumcision then once that is done I wrap it with the theraband and once thats done and I feel like its a bit loose sometimes I either wrap it with some cohesive sports wrap to make sure its patted down and fits well. If you could either pm me that would be great about what I’m doing that id be really appreciative


Is wrapping to avoid injury? Do you have to use theraband? I am using one of the sleeves that came with my Stealth (stretchy material) and that’s it. Is wrapping just to avoid discomfort or is necessary for gains while hanging?

I use a heavy duty silicone sleeve, rolled up with about an inch or so left unrolled. I have a compression hanger, and I have had zero discomfort and no slippage whatsoever.

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Know your body's minimum and maximum limits. Every man is different. Only YOU can find what is effective for YOU.

Originally Posted by Brudderdoop
Is wrapping to avoid injury? Do you have to use theraband? I am using one of the sleeves that came with my Stealth (stretchy material) and that’s it. Is wrapping just to avoid discomfort or is necessary for gains while hanging?

Wrapping is used both to avoid injury and for comfort.

I use leather chamois cloth cut into strips for a wrap. It’s soft, provides decent cushion, low stretch, binds against itself pretty good and doesn’t slip very easy either against itself or my skin. It also comes off easy and doesn’t stick. I usually go three wraps around.

You can get them in auto parts stores usually in the aisle with the waxes and polishes. But don’t buy a synthetic, like a sham wow. Buy the real leather calf skin ones.

New, but informed

Hi guys,
I hope this is the right thread to post in. I started hanging today after having done extending for some time.
Now, being uncut, I have some foreskin which gets pinched easily and hurts, but I learned to ignore this when extending too, which was quite uncomfortable, at least after 1 hour and which high spring pressure.

I love to get the glans swollen, because then the extender noose used to stay put better. It seems the only good way to work with this hanger (big hardcore) is to wrap really close to the head. It does feel like slipping for a while, then it stabilizes when the head starts to swell a little. It’s not bursting or anything, but my weight is 1kg (2.2 pounds). The nasty 2nd wrap is not used right now since it dug deeply into the glans, so I had to remove it.

The question now is whether it’s okay to try wrapping the head instead of the shaft. I have a somewhat narrow shaft and the hanger is already in the maximal narrow position. My glans seems to be able to sustain some pressure and all the weight would be transferred to “the internal structures”. Then it would also be possible to use the cloth and the theraband wrap together.
Why does it say everywhere to put the wrap before the head.

Thank you and sorry if this is stupid.


Thanks for the wrapping drawings, they made the difference in comfort to be able to increase in weight (15lbs now, no pain, just proper fatigue).

I really should have learned better wrapping technique sooner, but I didn’t realize the importance as it didn’t affect much at low weights.

Also, while I’m starting to see a little wear and tear due to age and use, your hanger has held up remarkably well over the years, so thanks for selling a quality product.

01May2015: BPEL 5.5", EG 5.2", Bpfl 3.75", FG 4.25"

24Jul2021: BPEL 6.25", EG 5.25", Bpfl 4.5", FG 4.5"

I’m new to the form - and new to hanging - been pumping for years, and wanted to change things up. Got a new tube and compression hanger. Wanted to get more serious about PE.

With the compression hanger, I get a purple circle on the gland after 12 min sets. It’s cooler, wouldn’t call it cold. It’s goes away after 30 secs of rubbing it after I take the hanger off. Is this a sign of to much weight, poor wrapping, or normal?

Thank you for some feed back pros!

What is that third picture as it says “vary the amount of blood in head”? I thought through my hanging career that one should try to get as much blood away from head as possible. And hanger is never supported by blood pressure. Trying to do that led me to tighten insanely tight and huge amount of problems.

God I regret even after 5 years that I tried to long to make bib’s hangers work.

I’ve been using the LG Hanger for a little over two months now, and I notice that my penis hangs a bit more. It’s very comfortable and easy to use. I’ve used other extenders, but they were uncomfortable, and they require a lot hours of use per session. Since you can use weight plates with the LG Hanger, I can use it 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night. I love it!


Tourniquet Strips

I was at the Dr. Office, having my blood drawn. The nurse was using a neoprene tourniquet strip around my arm to raise vessel!s. Then they just through them in the garbage. I asked to keep mine. They are 1” wide by 18” long, pre cut. They make an excellent over the cotton wrap, and you can get 50 strips for around $13.00. Each strip lasts for quite a few hangs as they are stretchy and durable.

No more cutting strips. Try them I think you will enjoy the simplicity.


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