Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Wrapping drawings

Originally Posted by kd19604
If wrapped 100% correct, should I NEVER experience a cold penis head? Or, is there always going to be “some” loss of circulation.

By the time when you get used to hanging loss of circulation is less and less and becomes no problem but there is always going to be “some” loss of it no matter how you wrap specially at high weights.

Thanks goin4length.

Another question.for anyone.. I think I’ve learned some things about wrapping. I’ve gotten to the point where I really don’t get a cold “head” any longer. I’ve been doing sets at about 20-25 minutes with 5 lbs BTC when I can or SD. At that time limit, I also have very little loss of circulation feeling. Does anyone recommend longer sets? 45 minutes? A step up in weight since I feel only a little tired at the end of the day. Again, I’m in no hurry, but I do want to make sure I’m stressing the ligs enough to make it worth the time.

So, should I consider a higher weight to feel the fatigue or should I just stay where I am because I have just started? ( A little more than a week )And I’m curious.why is more than 20 minutes at a lower weight a bad thing? Sorry if that may have been answered somewhere in a thread search. Just asking here because it’s a reply to my post.

If you’re only a week in, stay where you started. It’s better to be safe than sorry until you’re 100% comfortable with hanging.

The reason you want to avoid sets of more than 20 minutes is blood circulation. When you have a Bib on, even with perfect wrap, blood circulation towards the glans end of the penis inevitably slows down and in some cases nearly stops. This can potentially lead to tissue death which is something nobody wants. During my hanging days there were a few times I got distracted and went well over the 20 minute mark or fell asleep with the hanger on which resulted in an ice cold glans and short periods of weak, sluggish erections afterwards. Just trust Thunder when he says 20 minutes is the max.

Originally Posted by kd19604
So, should I consider a higher weight to feel the fatigue or should I just stay where I am because I have just started? ( A little more than a week )And I’m curious.why is more than 20 minutes at a lower weight a bad thing? Sorry if that may have been answered somewhere in a thread search. Just asking here because it’s a reply to my post.

I think if everything is OK and after 20 minutes there are no indicators of circulation loss like cold or blue glans you can go more but I do not recommend that. Of course I mean with light weights. With high weights you should never go more than 20 minutes even if there is no circulation loss. The problem with Bib is that it becomes uncomfortable. Instead of doing longer sets, I suggest taking hanger off after 20 minutes for 3-5 minutes,instead of 10 minutes or more, while doing helicopter shakes and massaging it to return full circulation. Just to prevent. Goal is fatigue. Longer sets doesn’t mean that it will bring you fatigue faster. You should try bouncing, reverse kegels, crunches and swinging to reach fatigue faster.

Why is it so important to wrap an inch from the glands?

Why can’t we attach the weights right behind the glands?

Reverse Kegals? How do you reverse a kegal?

miromoto -

you blow it out like you are taking a leak instead of squeezing in the case of a “normal” kegal.


Please correct me
Because I don’t understanding the wrapping drawing clearly .

Apply first wrap back from head 1” then pull the first wrap close to the head
Then apply the second wrap behind the first wrap
After complete first and second wrap then apply spiral wrap

Yes or no

After hanging I’m experiencing a white puffy spot on my gland and puffyness about an inch below the head on the right side. What is could be causing this? Any help would be appreciated.


I have some semblance of what the hell I am doing now, thank you.

Today I do what you will not so tomorrow I am able to do what you can not.

Nash, I believe that is the doughnut effect. Look it up for specifics but note that it is normal and will go away within a few hours.

Today I do what you will not so tomorrow I am able to do what you can not.

I made a wench and it seems to work alright except for the wrapping.. I don’t seem to be getting it. When I wrap it seems like this is excess skin between the head and the start of the wrap and when I hang it slides forward a little bit. How do I reduce this. Do I have to pull back more skin when I wrap?

I could not understand what these pictures are talking about ! Would you please put a picture here at least with a banana or something else :) For instance , Where did you attach the hanger from ? How many hangers did you use ? Because if you use only one, how can you make it balanced ?


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