Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Wrapping drawings


Hi Phat9

Without the mod my hanger did not slip off,however it did move far enuf to put excessive tension on the skin.I was trying to reduce this so that more of the effort goes in to stretching the actual structure and ligs.It seems to me that the matl which as you say is under the f/skin does 3 things

It pads out the head so that it is more difficult for the hanger to slip

It provides grip between the skin and head so that again it is difficult for the hanger to slide

The extra padding does make hanging more comfy.

As for extra weight I am not sure.I have not been using this mod for long.Without it I was at 21lb and climbing to try to overcome the skin effect that way.But now as the pressure is off the skin I have dropped back to 14lb.Bear in mind that all this weight is acting on the penis and not just part of it as b4.I will increase weight as I feel able as we all do.but now I feel that I am hanging more efficiently and not using what I think could be almost dangerous weight and pressures on my precious dick

Glad you found it interesting,let my know how it goes when you try it.


Theraband Silver

Wanted to concur,that the silver thinner version of Theraband works much better per “meshing” with the BH and internal structures for optimum gripping, the gold version has been more difficult and would bunch up, etc.


Hey Bib,

I am still playing around with my wraps. I looked up this post and it answered some if not most of my questions. I am cleaning out my closet and have plenty of non-fitting sweatshirts to butcher. How do i go about this in relation to wrapping with the Therabrand?

I was just messing around seeing if I could hang for a minute without any wrap. WRONG! PAIN! Took it off in the first 10 seconds! I would like the extra wrap from the sweat shirt to be used.

What part of the sweat shirt do I cut? The arms or the main part?

Thanks! TT

Last edited by Tex3 : 06-19-2002 at .


You can cut any part of the shirt you want. Better not to have any seams, but that is probably the only concern.

The best way to do it is to cut a large piece out of the shirt, maybe 20 inches by 20 inches. Then, roll up the cut piece into a tight roll. Try to keep it straight while rolling. Then, you can take some heavy duty scissors and cut the roll into 1.5-2 inch wide pieces. Makes for straight edges and they are easier to roll up for wrapping.

>How do i go about this in relation to wrapping with the Therabrand?<

I don’t know what this means. Wrap with the cloth first, then overwrap with the T. With a little practice, it is easy.


You answered all my questions perfectly! Thanks!TT

Forced Vow of Silence is Over!


Wow! For about 4 to 5 months, probably longer, I haven’t been able to log on to this site or any others. I haven’t even been able to receive E-mails. Anywho, great job on everything Bib! The wrapping illustrations are GREAT! BTW, what the hell are those weird message icons for? Who cares?

Hope this goes thru and hope this logon capability keeps up! Also, unfortunately no growth to report. Probably due to wrapping totally wrong.

Feels good to be back!!!!!!!!


Hey Tomcat,

Glad to see that you finally made it also. I could not figure out what the problem was here, because the software was doing what it was supposed to and sending you the signup email.

Anyway, welcome aboard!!!

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Where/how to buy a BIB Hanger?

Does anyone have any ideas where I can buy a BIB Hanger? Thanks!

I hope so I'm tired of rigging! LOL

I’d rather just buy one too. Please keep me in the loop

Originally posted by ThunderSS
Bigger has dropped a couple of hints that they may be available again in the future, I would suggest “hanging” in there awhile longer.

I owe all of my gains to Bib, Thunder & DLD.

Thank you just dosent seem to cover it.

I'll be forever indebted to Them!!

Bigger if you are thinking of making them drop me a pm/email thanks

I owe all of my gains to Bib, Thunder & DLD.

Thank you just dosent seem to cover it.

I'll be forever indebted to Them!!

hey guys

I just reading about how you guys wrap and i was just wondering if you guys wrap the head at all? I have a problem when i hang 10 pounds, the head of my penis fills up like a big mushroom and i can’t handle the pain i get from the weight and pressure, but when i wrap the head of my penis i can hang with no problem and even hang with 12.5 pounds. Is it bad wrapping the head when wrapping? Thx for your help guys


> I just reading about how you guys wrap and i was just wondering if you guys wrap the head at all?<

It is not unusual for the wrap to slide down over the head. I think jelktoid wrap over his head. Whatever works for you is great.

>I have a problem when i hang 10 pounds, the head of my penis fills up like a big mushroom and i can’t handle the pain i get from the weight and pressure, but when i wrap the head of my penis i can hang with no problem and even hang with 12.5 pounds. Is it bad wrapping the head when wrapping? <

Is the head filling up before you attach the hanger or after the weight is applied? If before, you can easily force some of the blood out. If after, you probably have the shaft wrapped too tightly which is causing a constriction and allowing the accumulation. It is probably ok to wrap the head, just make sure the wrap is not too tight to constrict.



I have been wrapping all wrong………..I have been wrapping with almost 4ft. of wrap and I placed it ahead of the hanger and almost on my head.

Thanks Bib, the pics made me see what I was doing wrong. Do you suggest I use one section of wrap no longer than 20 or 24”?


There is a video tutorial in the tutorials section on wrapping. Check it out :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'


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